Lin Da was already beaten to the ground and unable to get up. At the same time, the elder next to him stopped them again:

"Vicious competition is prohibited in the academy. If you two don't stop immediately, then I will implement the rules in the academy. Please stop it quickly."

Anyway, the elders have already said this, and Gu Shaoyang is not willing to continue fighting with the man in front of him. In the end, he may still be punished by the dean. Before leaving, Mr. Lin still looked unyielding. But now Lin Dalian can't even stand up, and Gu Shaoyang also deliberately mocked and said with a sneer:

"If you really want to provoke, please find someone who is almost as strong as yourself and see what you look like now. Don't you think what you are doing is embarrassing?"

The ridicule in the tone can naturally be heard at once, and after saying this, Gu Shaoyang left the duel stage directly, and the elder soon knew what happened today.

In fact, the elder of the Lin family usually She didn't make much contribution in the college when she was young, but just because she was senior, the teachers in the college would deliberately let her go.

After hearing that Gu Shaoyang had defeated Lin Da without any effort, That night, the dean happily called him into his study.

I thought that the dean would definitely disapprove of his fighting in private. What I never expected was that the dean did not criticize him, but instead continued to criticize him. There he praised and said:

"This matter was handled very beautifully this time. After what happened this time, I believe that no one else will question your strength. Sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong person?"

Seeing the dean in front of him smiling proudly, Gu Shaoyang suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Shouldn't ordinary teachers stop fights? Why doesn't this dean seem to care at all? It seems that he has already seen through Gu Shaoyang. Thoughts in his heart, at the same time, the dean happily put the brush on the table:

"Don't worry, I know you must have been forced to do something this time. If it weren't for the aggressiveness of those people from the Lin family, you probably wouldn't be able to get along with them."

The old dean has not spoken about closed disciples for a long time. Now he has accepted a closed disciple inexplicably. I am afraid that the group of people in the college will feel weird in their hearts.

And after this battle , , everyone in the college has realized how powerful Gu Shaoyang is. In this way, no one will deliberately think that the dean is unfair.

Strong people should have more resources, and this Once the dean even specially called Zhi Zhi over:

"Your spiritual pet is completely different from others. I think your cultivation level is almost catching up with yours, right? You are really powerful. It is not easy to conquer such a powerful spiritual pet."

The old dean really admired his disciple very much. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang touched his head quietly in embarrassment. He would scratch his head when he was embarrassed:

"In fact, I am not a qualified master at all, and there is nothing I can do to help him practice normally. I can only help him find spiritual veins everywhere, and then let him practice on his own."

Think about it. I really didn't play a big role in Zhi Zhi's advancement. On the contrary, the other party saved my life today. If the other party hadn't arrived in time, I would have really been beaten by Lin today. The big poison killed him.

Time continued to go down like this, minute by minute. The next day, the old dean took Gu Shaoyang to a secret room. There were countless secrets of cultivation in this secret room? And there were also Some of them are things that others would never think of:

"You can use the information here at will in the future, but you must not tell others about this place. If you tell others about this place, be careful that I will destroy all your cultivation."

Since it is already a famous training place in the outer world, then the academy must have its own magic weapon. Looking at the big secret room in front of him, Gu Shaoyang seemed to understand something in his heart.

Because in the previous time He won the competition, so the people in the academy these days all discussed Gu Shaoyang's matters, and every time they discussed, their tone sounded particularly envious:

"No wonder he became the old dean's closed disciple. You don't even know how powerful that person is. He just used three moves to kill all the Lin family members. Do you think he can't be powerful?"

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