He didn't expect that the people in front of him would be so boring.

That night, a person was quietly walking in the study preparing his things, while the dean on the other side had already heard about their agreement, so he came over to inquire about the situation:

"I heard that you had a conflict with some people from the Lin family today. What happened? Did you know those three people before?"

The dean didn't have a good impression of these three people from the Lin family at all. If it weren't for the sake of the elders of the Lin family, he might have expelled these three people long ago.

Gu Shaoyang naturally knew that no big or small thing in this college could escape the eyes of the dean, so he said there with some boredom:

"They probably just want the opportunity to practice, so they have ganged up to target me from the beginning. It doesn't matter, as long as they are convinced by it."

Gu Shaoyang naturally won't take these messy things to heart. As long as he can perform as usual, there is absolutely no way he will lose face in front of those three people. Not to mention taking turns fighting with these people in front of him, even if he is If these three people really team up, Gu Shaoyang feels that there is absolutely no chance that he has no chance of winning. Moreover, those people have no real talent at all. They are just a group of paper tigers who can pretend to be powerful.

The world continues like this every minute. As he walked down, looking at Gu Shaoyang in front of him with such a vow, the dean in front of him finally felt relieved. He nodded lightly, and then the dean finally went back. The three of them The sky has arrived soon, and Gu Shaoyang has not prepared anything for this competition in the past few days.

The three people from the Lin family on the other side have been busy all day, and all three of them have arrived now He looked down on Gu Shaoyang a little, and even kept saying carelessly:

"It is impossible for Gu Shaoyang to be so powerful. I think he must have cheated. As long as the few of us keep an eye on him, there is absolutely no way he will lose."

These people seem to be very confident on the surface, but in fact they have already made other preparations. If they are really at a disadvantage, they will use the dirty tricks they have prepared..

Soon it was time for them to agree. This time, many people were ready to watch the match between them, and more and more people knew about their duel.

As in the matches of the past few days , The person who came out on top, Gu Shaoyang, actually already had a certain degree of prestige in the academy. Now that they heard that he was actually going to duel with three other people, the people in the academy were even more crazy about it.

They haven't yet Before the duel could begin, several circles of people had already gathered outside. After seeing this situation, Lin Da even sneered coldly:

"I advise you to think it over quickly now. If you don't think it over quickly, you will be embarrassed in front of the students at school."

Lin San went to the side sneaking around and didn't know what to prepare. This time, the competition was mainly between Lin Da and Gu Shaoyang. Lin Da was the strongest among the three people in front of him.

If it weren't for the slight difference in the competition, If there was a little mistake, Lin Da might have been one of the three disciples who entered the academy.

Gu Shaoyang had never taken what they said to heart, so at this moment He walked directly to the duel stage casually, and then looked at Lin Da quietly in front of him:

"Sometimes you say so many words just because you feel guilty. If you really felt that you were particularly powerful, you wouldn't say such nonsense at all now."

This sentence made the people around him burst into laughter. After hearing this, Lin Da's face had already turned red. He flew directly to the duel stage and looked at the people in front of him coldly. Gu Shaoyang:

"Please remember carefully what you said back then. If you really surrender to my hand today, then you must respectfully give up everything, and you must Give me this position."

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that the reason why Lin Da is anxious to challenge Gu Shaoyang for a duel is because he also wants to enter the academy to practice, but something went wrong in a competition before, so there will be some mistakes. He ended up in this situation by mistake.

While he was watching Gu Shaoyang in front of him still looking careless, Lin Da suddenly rushed over at the same time.

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