So this matter is equivalent to being settled like this.

"Everyone must be very tired now, right? In this case, you should go back and have a good rest first. If you recover quickly, we will proceed to the final level tomorrow."

Everyone else went back to rest. Only Gu Shaoyang felt strange in his heart. Logically speaking, the elders in the academy should be the most principled. How could the competition suddenly and inexplicably increase?

Although I feel that there must be something fishy in this matter, since people have already said this, they must have their own ideas, and there is no need to think more. That night,

Gu Shaoyang stayed in the inn where the contestants were arranged. settled down, and the college also provided them with pretty good food.

"It is indeed one of the best colleges here. Look at the food and drinks here. They are countless times better than what we had before!"

The voices of the people around him all sounded cheerful, but Gu Shaoyang just ate what was on his plate. The teachers in the college on the other side held a meeting. The deputy dean frowned. Wrinkled like a marijuana flower, he did not expect that the dean would suddenly propose to increase the competition:

"Dean, some people have already doubted the fairness of our selection this time. Why is there suddenly an additional competition? Adding another competition will definitely bring a lot of impact to our side!"

Originally, it had been decided before that the first three people who came out could enter the college to study, but this time the old dean suddenly changed his mind in advance.

"Isn't that right? We have always acted according to the rules in the past. If we don't act according to the rules, we will have to speak out again. Now there are probably many people trying to figure out the intentions of our courtyard behind our backs."

Everyone's voice sounded very anxious. After hearing this, the old dean nodded. He must have done this because he had his own ideas.

Time continued to slow down like this. As he walked down, looking at the anxious expressions of the people in front of him, the old dean could only explain in detail:

"In recent years, the qualifications of our disciples have become worse and worse. It was true that there were only three rounds of competition before, but if we continue to select according to the previous method, I estimate that the people we select will be similar to those in previous years.."

The quality of these disciples in the academy is getting worse and worse. If we don't recruit some high-quality resources quickly, then I'm afraid the academy will become much weaker than before:

"I know you are thinking about the reputation of our school, but we must not introduce those poor resources anymore. We must ensure the quality of the students in our college."

The words have already reached this point, and the few people around them can only shake their heads helplessly. They know that things cannot be changed now, so they leave it to the dean.

When everyone has left After that, the dean called the vice-dean to his side, and the two of them discussed the people who broke through the barrier during the day.

Naturally, the vice-dean watched from beginning to end, and he also had special feelings for a few of them. Very impressed, especially on Gu Shaoyang:

"The boy who won the first place in the first competition was indeed amazing. This time, his inner demons he encountered were both the most powerful and the least powerful."

Other people's inner demons are all abilities, or some shadows. Only Gu Shaoyang's inner demon is kind. The inner demon he faces is particularly cunning, and he keeps taking advantage of Gu Shaoyang's kindness.

"Sometimes being kind-hearted is nothing more than harm to yourself. This time Gu Shaoyang was able to cut off his inner demons through this opportunity, and his decisiveness will definitely become more and more powerful in the future."

After saying this, the deputy dean in front of him nodded. In fact, he had already seen Gu Shaoyang's results. The dean was also very interested in this boy. He was able to be in that maze at first. Coming out already shows that this boy has good observation and strength.

In addition, this time he focused on watching Gu Shaoyang's fourth level game, so the dean is really very satisfied with this boy:

"You are right. I think we should really consider it. Gu Shaoyang is a talent worth cultivating. I plan to accept him as my close disciple in the future."

Cherishing talents is a mentality that every teacher has. After hearing this, the deputy dean in front of him nodded directly:

"This boy is indeed a malleable talent. If he can work under you, the dean, he will definitely achieve great things in the future."

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