No one has ever been able to get out of the way so quickly, and this was despite having been injured before.

Seeing Gu Shaoyang standing in front of him in high spirits, the dean in front of him nodded at the same time. After the other party left, the female teacher next to him finally said with great seriousness:

"It seems that I really made a mistake this time. This man is indeed very powerful. He was able to walk out in less than ten minutes, and he walked out even though he was injured. This man Men are indeed not to be underestimated."

The tone sounded full of shock. Gu Shaoyang on the other side had already arrived in front of Lin Er and Lin San, but did not see Lin Da. It seems that the eldest brother was injured by a monster in the third level. Bar?

"You two are really good at it. You pushed me aside for no reason. Don’t you really think that this will damage your reputation?"

When he said these words, Gu Shaoyang's tone sounded particularly sarcastic. He really didn't expect that these people could do such a crazy thing:

"You keep saying that you belong to the family. Is this how your family educates you? It seems that your family is not a good family after all? You'd better pray secretly from now on."

There will be a competition next, so Gu Shaoyang doesn't plan to quarrel with the two men in front of him now.

After a slight warning, Gu Shaoyang has already arrived in the hall next to him, and at the same time, the deputy The dean has already come out with the next question:

"Congratulations to all of you for coming to this place. You have worked really hard. The next level is very simple. As long as you can defeat yourself in your heart, you will be promoted successfully. The top three who can complete this level will be Will be eventually admitted to our college."

There were cheering sounds from other people around him. Seeing that the people around him were very excited, Gu Shaoyang just frowned because he knew that this tip given by the old man was very difficult.

"Defeat yourself in your heart. What is there to defeat in your heart? Besides, all of us have overcome the previous three views, so how can we still not defeat ourselves?"

There seemed to be people chattering around, but they still haven't figured out what this topic means?

At the same time, the vice-dean also gathered everyone in front of a big stone. The material of this stone seems to be completely different from what I have seen before.

"Is there an obstacle in everyone's heart that cannot be overcome? Only by overcoming this obstacle can your future life be more positive, so this time I hope you can defeat yourself in your heart."

The vice-dean just pointed to the stone in front of him as he spoke. This stone can reflect people's most sincere desires and the truest self in their hearts:

"This stone can reflect the truest point in your heart. Only by defeating your own desires can you gain stronger power, so your next competition will take place during this time."

At this moment, Gu Shaoyang was very suspicious. The material of the stone in front of him looked really extraordinary. What was this stone made of?

Time continued to go on like this. As they walked, the people in front of them lined up one by one to go to the big stone, and they soon saw their true selves inside the big stone. When it was about to be

Gu Shaoyang's turn, he suddenly saw The deputy dean next to him shook his head, and then someone said:

"One of the people who entered in front has already been defeated by me. It's really a pity. It seems that we won't be able to pick out good seedlings this time, right?"

After hearing this voice, Gu Shaoyang couldn't help being shocked. It has only been a few minutes now. Has someone already been defeated by himself in his heart?

He couldn't help frowning and came to this stone. In front of him, a particularly dazzling light appeared in front of him. When Gu Shaoyang turned around, he was in a large desert again. The blazing sunshine kept shining in the mid-air, looking at the scene around him. Gu Shaoyang couldn't help being stunned in the vast desert. Even she didn't know what her truest thoughts were.

Just when Gu Shaoyang here was about to go to the front to see what was there, he suddenly heard There seemed to be a very strange sound coming from behind, and the sound sounded particularly awkward.

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