The sun above his head seemed to suddenly become two. Just when Gu Shaoyang here was about to take another step, he felt dizzy and dizzy in his head, and then he fainted without knowing anything. past.

Gu Shaoyang seemed to feel someone calling his name while he was sleeping. He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't open his eyes at all.

When he finally woke up, he realized that he was still in the desert, but this time he seemed to feel that the surrounding environment was a little fishy.

Gu Shaoyang remembered that when he first arrived in this desert, the sun was not far to the south of him, but it had been so long and the direction of the sun had not changed at all.

After all, so much time has passed, and it is impossible that the direction of the sun will not change, unless it means that this space is not a real space at all.

After thinking of this, Gu Shaoyang suddenly felt enlightened. No wonder he couldn't feel any life breath in this desert. Maybe this desert was not a completely existing desert at all.

There are more or less living things in ordinary deserts, but the desert in front of us is completely lifeless, not to mention animals, and even the grass cannot revive:

"No wonder I suddenly appeared in this place. Could it be that this place exists in my fantasy?"

Now there is no other way. At the moment, Gu Shaoyang can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He began to concentrate his energy to see if he could use his own mental power to break this existence that may be an illusion. In his ears There seemed to be some strange sounds coming from him. It was only now that Gu Shaoyang realized that he had not heard the wind at all this time, but where did the sounds in his head come from

? He was getting weaker and weaker. This time, Gu Shaoyang really tried his best to finally concentrate his mental power a little.

Time just kept going like this. , when Gu Shaoyang's mental power was almost exhausted, a bang suddenly appeared in his ears, and then the desert began to disappear at an extremely fast speed. After some staggering, he stood up holding on to the wall next to him, and then At this moment, Gu Shaoyang finally smiled. It seemed that his guess was correct. The desert just now was indeed an illusion.

The desert formation should have been buried in the maze from the beginning. As for this formation, The fact that he was accidentally stepped on was all thanks to the three good brothers of the Lin family.

Finally, he finally came to a place with a more suitable temperature. At this moment, Gu Shaoyang was panting there. Rough, he couldn't wait to go outside to find something to drink.

"It seems that your vigilance is particularly high. You should be the first person to come out of this place in such a short time."

Suddenly there was a voice behind him, and after hearing the voice, Gu Shaoyang immediately turned around warily, only to find that in front of him was an old man wearing a Taoist robe. The old man's hair and beard had turned gray. After seeing the vigilance in Gu Shaoyang's eyes, the old man in front of him handed him a glass of water:

"Ordinary people would stay in that formation for several days. I didn't expect you to come out in just a few hours. No wonder you are the person with the highest talent value. You are indeed worthy of your reputation."

The old man in front of him looked like a fairy. After taking the glass of water that the other party gave him, Gu Shaoyang hesitated in his heart. He didn't know where he came from at all. If he was If you accidentally fell into the other party's trick, then you still don't know if you have the life to go back?

"You must have just come to practice with us, right? I've never heard of you before. Don't you want to go to the academy to practice? I'm the dean there."

As if seeing through the doubts of Gu Shaoyang in front of you, the old man in front of you directly announced his family name. He is the dean of the college:

"This time the competition was monitored by us throughout the whole process. Originally, I thought of trapping you in it for two days to show off your spirit. I didn’t expect you to be able to escape so quickly. You are indeed a powerful person. Where are the characters?"

The old man in front of him really gave people a very unusual feeling. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang finally felt relieved. When he was in the desert just now, he was really about to die of thirst. Dead.

After drinking all the water, Gu Shaoyang finally bowed respectfully to the old man in front of him:

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