"Do you think you can practice after entering now? But don't let yourself accompany it."

These people simply look down on people, and they also feel that Gu Shaoyang is definitely not a rich man? In addition, Gu Shaoyang has traveled all the way here, and his current mental state is not good, so these people are even more unscrupulous in ridicule:

"People like you should go outside to practice obediently. All the people who practice here are experts. If you die inside, your parents will really have raised your son in vain. It’s better to hurry up. Go back!"

I have already made it clear to these people in front of me that I am here to practice, but these people simply look down on me. After thinking of this, Gu Shaoyang felt angry in his heart. At the moment, he frowned coldly. He frowned and his tone of voice couldn't help but become cold. He directly took out the letter of recommendation that Xunqi had given him:

"I don’t need to worry about whether my parents have white hair and give birth to black hair. This time, they came with a letter of recommendation seriously. I hope you can let me in, or don’t let me in. What kind of conflict would it be better for us to have?"

Gu Shaoyang's temper has almost reached its limit. If it weren't for knowing that he didn't want to cause trouble in this foreign country, he would have beaten these men to the ground just now. Originally, these men looked like It was still a fool's errand, but when they saw that Gu Shaoyang actually took out the recommendation letter, the expressions on their faces began to become a little embarrassed.

They really didn't expect that Gu Shaoyang actually had the recommendation letter. They thought that Gu Shaoyang actually had the recommendation letter. This man wants to fish in troubled waters and enter the outer world.

Time continues to go down minute by second. At the same time, Gu Shaoyang is also quietly looking at the group of people in front of him. He knows that these people I probably didn’t expect that I would be recommended:

"You all should be familiar with Chinese characters. Can you take a look to see if the content here is true? I can guarantee the authenticity of the content here, but if you don't let me go, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

The people in front of them opened the envelope hesitantly. When they saw the signature inside the envelope, they all froze on the spot.

Originally, they looked down upon it at the beginning. But after seeing the signature on the envelope clearly, one of them immediately handed the envelope to Gu Shaoyang with a playful smile:

"It turns out that we are distinguished guests. I'm really sorry. A few of us were just worried that if we didn't have the strength, we would be bullied inside. In fact, we didn't have any ill intentions at all just now."

When he said these words, this man's face was particularly ugly. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang directly snatched his letter of recommendation from this man's hand:

"I advise you not to underestimate anyone. If you underestimate anyone, you may be completely destroyed. Be careful when you speak and do things in the future, but don't make things like today. The moth."

The tone of his words sounded particularly indifferent, but after hearing this, the man in front of him just nodded his head non-stop. The man next to him also changed his demeanor now, and kept nodding his head. Compliments:

"You are right, you are right, I know everything you said this time is right. The two of us were really worried that you would be bullied after entering, so we wanted you to retreat before the difficulties. We also hope You must not be familiar with us."

To be honest, Gu Shaoyang felt very strange in his heart. He didn't know why a small letter of recommendation had such a huge magic power.

It was obvious that these two people were showing off in front of him just now, but now Suddenly I was very respectful to myself. Are all the people with letters of recommendation good?

Although I felt a little doubtful in my heart, after all, I had already obtained permission to enter, so I took my recommendation. After writing the letter, Gu Shaoyang immediately prepared to go in.

However, the person next to him ran out in a panic again. He looked at Gu Shaoyang in front of him with some embarrassment and said,"Wait a moment here, someone will come to you soon." of."

After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang became suspicious again. Is it possible that someone really wanted to pick him up when he went to heaven?

Just when he felt doubtful in his heart, two people came out in front of him at the same time, and this The two people were followed by a large number of subordinates.

The two people took a look at the tokens in the organization to the two gatekeepers, and the two gatekeepers immediately stepped aside respectfully.

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