"And now the organization cannot do without me at all."

After hearing this, the branches in front of me kept whining, as if they didn't want to be separated from Gu Shaoyang at all.

The younger brothers around them had already lowered their heads, and they didn't expect that. His eldest brother was so interested in this pet.

Gu Shaoyang wanted to provide some spiritual stones, but since he could only stay within the organization, he had no choice but to find another way:

"I can't delay your cultivation. If I delay your cultivation, I will feel sorry for you for the rest of my life. It's better for you to go out and practice on your own."

The brothers around him have already realized what Gu Shaoyang is going to say. They are actually very reluctant to let go of the branch, but they also know that everything is for the good of the branch.

Looking at the expression of Gu Shaoyang in front of them, they can't bear to part with it. After that, a younger brother couldn't help but cautiously asked:

"Otherwise, let us brothers go out to look for it. We can't let Zhi Zhi go out alone. There are so many dangers outside. What if we are really targeted by those who are interested?"

Everyone was very, very reluctant to part with it, but after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. Now the strength of the branch has exceeded that. How could he be kidnapped so casually:

"If you really have this free time, I think you should hurry up and see if there is anything you can do to help, right? I’ve been talking about this all day, some and some, so why don’t I hurry up."

After hearing this, the brothers had no choice but to go down. At this moment, Gu Shaoyang quietly looked at the branches in front of him:

"Naturally, I can't delay your cultivation, but I have no other way now, so you should go and practice on your own, I believe you can do it."

The branch looked reluctant at first, but when it saw that Gu Shaoyang wanted to let him leave no matter what, it finally had no choice but to accept the fact, and set off with a small bag on its back...

Originally, Gu Shaoyang hoped that he could be of help, but since there were too many things going on in the organization now, he could only let Zhi Zhi go out to practice on his own. Nowadays, Zhi Zhi

's power has become very powerful, and even Gu Shaoyang has It was almost impossible to keep up with him.

Although he knew that he was strong and there was nothing to worry about, Gu Shaoyang always felt strange in his heart. Since Zhi Zhi left, he had rarely been able to sleep well.

People around him The younger brothers also knew what their eldest brother was worried about, but they had nothing to do.

Since there is a connection between spiritual pets and their masters, Gu Shaoyang was worried all the time. Such worries even caused those around him to The younger brothers couldn't stand it any longer.

They said one by one:"Why don't you, Master, follow me and take a look? Master has been very worried these past two days. I think the branches are not big." questionable."

The younger brothers are naturally kind-hearted, but there are too many things in the organization, so Gu Shaoyang just smiled helplessly. Gu Shaoyang was just about to take a rest that night, and at this moment, he suddenly felt something... A strange force.

His eyes suddenly widened. At the same time, Gu Shaoyang finally sensed that the branch had found a vein of spiritual stone for cultivation.

After sensing this, the feeling in Gu Shaoyang's heart His heart was finally relieved, and he couldn't help but sigh softly.

Fortunately, the branches this time were relatively lucky. Now they have found the veins, and there should be no danger in practicing in them, so Gu Shaoyang also There is no need to worry too much.

Time flies, and a full six months have passed in the blink of an eye. During these six months, Gu Shaoyang has been taking care of his organization very well.

In Gu Shaoyang's heart In fact, I have always been very clear that if I don’t take care of the internal affairs of the organization, it will definitely not work, and internal management is conducive to the longer-term development of my organization.

Ever since I participated in the relationship between East China Sea and West China Sea After the incident, Gu Shaoyang paid special attention to his brothers. Even if the two dragon kings of East China Sea and West China Sea were able to fight, it is impossible for his brothers to be disloyal.

If there is really something wrong in his organization If there is a spy, it will definitely be particularly detrimental to his organization. Fortunately, no abnormalities have been discovered recently.

In the past six months, Gu Shaoyang first set a set of rules for his organization, and then forced The younger brothers around him all do things according to this set of rules.

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