Just when he couldn't help but feel extremely entangled in his heart, at the same time, a subordinate walked in casually. This subordinate was the subordinate that Gu Shaoyang usually admired the most.

Naturally, his subordinates had already heard about the arrival of people from the West Sea, and now they shook their heads helplessly.

The other party's tone seemed to be full of disdain:"If you are really worried that letting the Dragon King of the West Sea go is the same as letting the tiger go back to the mountain, then why not give him a medicine."

Knowing that Gu Shaoyang usually refines a lot of elixirs, So this subordinate was naturally rude this time:

"If you really want to control the Dragon King of the West Sea, you must have something on hand, and I feel that you must get a good medicine that is difficult for others to detect."

As the saying goes, one word wakes up the dreamer. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang suddenly realized. It seems that this person is right. Why don't you get some medicine?

As long as you can control the Dragon King of the West Sea, you will be able to The West China Sea will definitely not be able to make big waves at that time, and now that Long Bing and himself are cooperating inside and outside, it will be easy to defeat the East China Sea.

All the haze has been swept away long ago, and at the same time, Gu Shaoyang also came directly When I arrived in the dungeon, I knew that the Dragon King of the West Sea was somewhat of a powerful character, so I specially arranged some very nice decorations for him in the cell. At this moment, the Dragon King of the West Sea was staying in his cell. He was almost suffocated to death in this hellish place, where he had to curse every day.

If it weren't for being too afraid of Gu Shaoyang's strength, the Dragon King of the West Sea would have rushed out cursing before.

Now Gu Shaoyang He came to them and said:"Your son is here to join you, and the West Sea has been captured by the East China Sea."

Originally, he looked carefree. After hearing this, the Dragon King of the West Sea stood up in confusion.

The Dragon King's eyes looked full of disbelief:"How is this possible? How could something like this be done over there in the East China Sea? Isn't this too crazy?"

How could the Dragon King of the East China Sea Dragon Palace do such a thing when he was not in the West Sea at all? Thinking of this, the Dragon King of the West Sea already felt a little unacceptable.

This is simply taking advantage of others' danger, this is simply a wolf-hearted thing, In the eyes of the Dragon King of the West Sea, isn't this equivalent to forcing the West Sea to die?

In fact, the Dragon King of the West Sea is particularly clear in his heart that the Dragon King of the East China Sea always wanted to annex the West Sea because of the obstruction. He was still sitting on the throne, so he could not take action.

As he spoke, Gu Shaoyang directly brought out a glass of wine, which he had brought before. Before coming here Gu Shaoyang had hidden pills in this glass of wine before, but now the pills have melted without leaving a trace.

"You don’t need to be too angry. Your son has come to see me specifically this time. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can help you defeat all of Donghai."

The current Dragon King of the West Sea is really eager to cooperate with Gu Shaoyang, so after hearing this, the other party immediately nodded and drank the cup of drugged wine in his hand without any precaution. Anyway

, Everything was almost ready now, so after watching the Dragon King of the West Sea in front of him eat his poisonous wine, Gu Shaoyang immediately started arranging his troops that afternoon.

He said to Long Bing:"East China Sea There is certainly no fool over there. I heard that she has already won over several forces around her."

In the past few days, the Dragon King of the East China Sea has been trying to bring over the surrounding forces. Facts have proved that this time the Dragon King of the East China Sea has done a very good job.

In addition, most of the areas in the West China Sea have been brought over. They have all been occupied, so now the Dragon King of East China Sea has become an overlord-like existence.

"Have you seen this place? I had asked people around me to carefully check the area before."After saying this, the heroine pointed to the map in front of her.

This map was exactly where the Dragon King of the East China Sea attacked, and Gu Shaoyang also directly ambush his people here.

He looked at it quietly. The Dragon King of the West Sea next to him said:"I will find someone to ambush here, so don't worry. As long as you can control yourself well, there will definitely be no problems in the future."

Gu Shaoyang was a little worried that the Dragon King of the West Sea would do something impulsive, so he quickly gave a few instructions before leaving.

Facts have proved that Gu Shaoyang's formation was indeed correct.

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