This time, the younger brothers were really shocked. They had only known how to solve problems by force before, but they did not expect that solving problems peacefully could be so useful.

What Gu Shaoyang never thought was that just because he used the Dragon Ball to make rain, he had been targeted by the spies sent by the Dragon King of the East China Sea to look for the Dragon Ball.

These shrimp soldiers and crab generals saw the sudden rain here for no reason, and immediately came over to investigate, and sure enough they found the aura of Dragon Ball.

After hurriedly returning to the Dragon Palace, the few soldiers immediately reported:"Your Highness, we have found the location of the Dragon Ball. The Dragon Ball is now in the hands of a human." After hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea frowned. He frowned. He had never seen a human being in this period of time. How could he be in the hands of a human being?

Seeing the hesitant look of the eyeliner in front of him, the Dragon King couldn't help scolding angrily:"If you have anything to do, just tell me quickly. If the best time to tour Dragon Ball is delayed, then don't blame me for being unkind to you." Now."

Now that the words have been said to this point, the eyeliner in front of him can only sigh helplessly:"The young one noticed a familiar breath on that human being. It should be that he has been there some time ago. The one next to the Dragon King."

At this moment, the Dragon King suddenly realized that it seemed that this time he was really tricked by the brat from before.

After angrily throwing the cup on the ground, the Dragon King began to curse.

He kept cursing:"There is such a shameless thing in this world, and he even stole the treasure from my East China Sea. No, I must get the dragon ball back."

Knowing that Gu Shaoyang is also a man of some ability, So the Dragon King immediately called his eldest son over:"Our dragon ball has been snatched away by a human, you go and get it back for me immediately." The

Dragon King of the East China Sea is most optimistic about his eldest son, so it is important Basically all the things I need to do are left to my eldest son.

The eldest son Long Ao in front of him also had a face full of disdain:"Father, please rest assured, he is just a little human being and dares to steal our dragon beads. He is really impatient."

Long Ao had already heard about the loss of the Dragon Pearl, but she thought it was a spy sent from Xihai.

No wonder East China Sea and West China Sea suddenly got into trouble. It seemed like that man was always stirring up trouble.

After selecting a few of his more capable generals, Long Ao immediately rushed to Gu Shaoyang's side.

When Long Ao found Gu Shaoyang, Gu Shaoyang was leading a group of brothers to discuss what to do next?

Angry voices had already been heard outside:"Shameless boy, please return our dragon balls quickly."

The people in the room looked at each other, but after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang smiled and said, He knew who was coming this time.

From the moment he used the Dragon Ball to make rainfall, Gu Shaoyang already knew that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would definitely be aware of the situation on his side.

Long Ao's arrival was a little later than Gu Shaoyang expected, so of course she was not afraid anymore.

After coming out, he found that Long Ao in front of him was the one he met:"Are you all moving too slowly? It's already several hours later than I thought!" The tone of his words sounded particularly mocking, After hearing this, Long Ao became even more angry. He did not expect that this human being could be so arrogant.

It was just a matter of sneaking into the Dragon Palace to steal the dragon beads, but now he actually dared to show off his power in front of him.

After hearing this, Long Ao immediately attacked directly, but Gu Shaoyang had already been prepared and captured him in three strokes.

Seeing that the man under him could not move, Gu Shaoyang smiled:"You should be the legendary eldest prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. It turns out that wine only has these abilities." After saying this, Gu Shaoyang directly faced The few shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him waved their hands:"I am also a moral person. Since I have captured your leader, I will naturally let you go back. When I go back, I will talk to your Dragon King. , if you really want to redeem his son, you have to come to me in person."

The few shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him were already frightened, and they really ran back to the East China Sea Dragon Palace..

At this moment, a few soldiers were crying:"That human being is so cunning, he actually defeated our eldest prince, and they even asked us to come back to let you know, saying that they want you, the Dragon King, to go there in person.."

Long Ao used to be the most beloved son of the Dragon King.

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