The seaweed pile was in the pile, and looking at the seaweed pile in front of him, Gu Shaoyang winked directly at the group of boys next to him.

The younger brothers were also very sensitive. They immediately understood Gu Shaoyang's intention. How many of them wrapped up all the monsters just now with kelp?

Kelp also has a certain degree of flexibility, so after putting it on the backpack, the monsters inside struggled again and again, but they couldn't get away for a while.

While these monsters were still struggling here, Gu Shaoyang hurriedly ran back, and the younger brothers behind him immediately followed their elder brother's pace.

Several people finally worked together to reach the shore, where they were now breathing heavily.

The pills on my body had basically expired. I looked at myself and saw that my whole body was wet. One of the boys couldn't help but smile and said:

"Sure enough, our eldest brother is very powerful. I really didn’t dare to think about it before. I really didn’t dare to think that we could move freely in the sea."

The group of boys around them also laughed in amusement. By the time they returned to the organization, the group of people in the organization had already been waiting anxiously.

This time, Gu Shaoyang had been waiting for more than ten days alive, and in During these ten days, one person was giving orders on his behalf.

Gu Shaoyang took out the dragon ball that he had worked so hard to obtain. The group of people around him all looked at the dragon ball greedily. When did they Have you ever seen such a big treasure?

One of them kept touching the dragon ball with some emotion:"My dear, it turns out that the so-called top treasure looks like this. Isn't it really beautiful? I really have never seen anything more beautiful than this."

The expression on this man's face when he said these words looked particularly greedy. Gu Shaoyang had already seen through this man's inner thoughts, so he quickly put the dragon ball away:

"The victory this time is the result of everyone's joint efforts. There will be a celebration banquet tonight. I will definitely reward you well, so hurry up and prepare."

Originally, there were a few people who wanted to appreciate the heroic appearance of the Dragon Ball, but now that the boss has put the Dragon Ball away, they could only sigh helplessly.

Time went on slowly, After finally waiting until night, the few boys who had gone with Gu Shaoyang had already changed into very gorgeous clothes.

Knowing that they must be the focus of praise tonight, the tails of these boys were almost gone. It reached the sky.

Some of them even directly exaggerated:"You don't know how powerful our eldest brother is. Our eldest brother went to the cave behind and practiced alchemy for several hours, and he made more than a dozen pills that can The elixir that allows us to move freely underwater."

When looking at the envious faces of the people around them, these boys were even more proud. You know, very few people have the opportunity to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

And there are even more people who don't want to go there. He kept showing off:"Our eldest brother is not only very powerful, but also very smart, but he also provoked a feud between the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea?"

Listening to the exaggerated words of these young men, Gu Shaoyang here couldn't help but laugh. It seems that he really has to let these people keep a low profile when he goes back. The celebration banquet is about to begin. , this time Gu Shaoyang also called over all the younger brothers who had followed him before:

"I know you all had doubts in your hearts when you followed me. You should have doubted whether I was lying to you? But now you won’t have such doubts anymore, right?"

The reason why he took such a big risk to go to the East China Sea to get the Dragon Ball was not because he needed the Dragon Ball, but because he urgently needed to confirm his status in the organization.

One day when he was unsure of his status, Gu Shaoyang became confused. He couldn't settle down, so he took the risk to go to the Dragon Palace. The reason why he took such a big risk to steal the Dragon Balls in the Dragon Palace was that Gu Shaoyang wanted to take this opportunity to stabilize his position in the organization, and he also had to let those Those who disobey themselves will resolutely obey.

After going to the East China Sea to complete the matter of getting the Dragon Ball, those who followed Gu Shaoyang to the Dragon Palace have already seen through it.

They know that the current eldest brother is a very powerful person. The eldest brother is even worse than the previous eldest brother.

Although there are a few people who still look unconvinced on the surface, in fact, he is already very convinced in his heart.

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