
Ye Tian was extremely excited, he had finally stepped into the Origin Upper Realm Overlord level.

Now, compared with the ordinary Origin Upper Realm, he has completely stepped into another level, and the life level is completely different.


A pair of pupils appeared in the void, just staring at him.

The next moment, a terrifying force spread.

His body didn't move yet, and he was directly killed in seconds.


Outside the Void Treasure Land.

The Desolate Blood Ancestor looked at the Void Treasure Land, revealing a look of horror.

"How did the aura of that existence leak out, could it be that the Origin Origin Upper Realm angered it? No, it stays in the dark mist, who can approach it? Besides, there is no Origin Upper Realm Overlord entering here, unless there is a Origin Origin Upper Realm stupidly breaking through in this Void Treasure Land, but there will not be such a stupid Origin Upper Realm. Moreover, none of the Origin Ascending Realms that the Ancient Beads spied on broke through!"

He didn't understand what he thought.

Fortunately, the existence did not come out, and the breath quickly fell silent, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.


Ye Tian's other copy bodies were stunned, what was the situation?

He had just broken through to the Origin Upper Realm Overlord Realm, so why was he suddenly killed in seconds.

"It's the Dark Mist!"

Although he was killed by the mysterious being in an instant, he also saw that the mysterious being was shot from within the dark mist.

This moment.

He finally knew why the Origin Upper Realm Overlord couldn't enter the Void Treasure Land, he had simply thought that the Origin Upper Realm Overlord couldn't enter, but he didn't dare to come in!

This Void Treasure Land is equivalent to the territory of the mysterious existence, and when a group of ants enter here, the mysterious existence will not care.

It's like if a person has a lot of bacteria on his body, then no one cares.

But one day, if an ant crawls on itself, it will definitely crush it to death.

It's the same thing.


When the Overlord of the Origin Upper Realm comes to the Void Treasure Land, he will anger the other party and be killed by the other party.

"Wait to bring out the resources in the Void Treasure Land!"

Originally, he planned to come out of the Void Treasure Land directly, even if it was a Desolate Blood Ancestor, he would not offend an existence of the same level.

But now, he was ready to lure away the Desolate Blood Ancestor and leave here.

"Then there is only one way, and that is to copy a reincarnation ruin creature at the level of the Origin Upper Realm Overlord, attack the Desolate Blood Ancestor with such a copy body, lure it away, and then let my true copy body come out of the Void Treasure Land. Ye Tian decided.


Outside the Void Treasure Land.

The Desolate Blood Ancestor was cultivating here, and suddenly, his expression changed, and he looked at the ruins of reincarnation in the distance.

The void of the ruins of reincarnation was very distorted, but as an existence at the level of the Origin Upper Realm Overlord, he was still able to sense far away.

At this time, a creature of the ruins of reincarnation came towards this side, and the speed was very fast.

This reincarnation ruin creature has reached the Origin Upper Realm Overlord level, and even if his strength is weaker than him, it will not be much weaker.


This reincarnation ruin creature that is comparable to the overlord level of the Origin Upper Realm has attacked.

"Look for death!"

The Desolate Blood Ancestor was also enraged, and fought against this reincarnation ruin creature.

And this reincarnation ruin creature is Ye Tian's copy body, since he is not a real reincarnation ruin creature, he can't give full play to the strength of this body, naturally he can't defeat the Desolate Blood Ancestor, but it is no problem to lure it away and delay it for a little time.


Ye Tian let this reincarnation ruin creature escape, and the Desolate Blood Ancestor went to chase and kill.

Just as they left a certain distance, Ye Tian's copy body immediately came out of the Void Treasure Land and shuttled away from another place at an extremely fast speed.

"Finally left with those countless treasures!"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.


He began to copy his true body copy body, and he copied his true body copy body at the level of the Origin Upper Realm Overlord.

Immediately afterward, his other copied bodies were also replaced by the Origin Upper Realm Overlord Realm.

As for the reincarnation ruin's replica body, he blew himself up and injured the Desolate Blood Ancestor, which made the Desolate Blood Ancestor very puzzled.


Wind Tooth Island.

Ye Tian came back again, and the Lord of the Wind Teeth was directly stunned.

"Endless Lord, have you broken through to become the Overlord of the Origin Upper Realm?"

The Lord of the Wind Teeth was in complete disbelief.

Ye Tian just went out for a while, and when he came back, he was the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm?

"Luckily broke through!"

Ye Tian said with a smile.


They also all wanted to break through and become the Origin Upper Realm Overlord, but now they were too far away from the Origin Upper Realm Overlord, and they were far from even reaching the peak of the Origin Upper Realm in their cultivation, even if they were given the Origin Ancestral Body Method on the other side, they would not be qualified to cultivate!

Now, with Ye Tian breaking through and becoming the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm, his strength is far above them, and his status is naturally not comparable to them.

So, after deliberation.

Ye Tian became the Supreme Elder of Fengya Island, and his status was above that of the Island Master, which was a newly established level.

In fact, when it came to the Overlord of the Origin Upper Realm, Wind Tooth Island was of no help to Ye Tian, only his help to Wind Tooth Island.

Now, Ye Tian is the backer of Fengya Island.


Ye Tian did not rush to announce the news that he had become the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm, but waited for a period of time before announcing it.

As time passed, hundreds of thousands of primeval epochs passed.

this day.

Ye Tian announced that he had become the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm, and the news spread throughout the entire Eternal Realm.

After all, the Overlord of the Origin Upper Realm was still extremely rare in the land of eternity, and his status was incomparably high.

At this time.

Some of the forces that had contradictions with Fengya Island trembled one by one, for fear that Ye Tian would erase them.

For example, the Immortal Island Alliance, which is also a force on the Origin Black River, has a lot of conflicts with Wind Tooth Island.

When the Immortal Island Alliance knew that Wind Tooth Island had given birth to an Origin Upper Realm Overlord, it didn't believe it at first, but soon had to believe it.

Immortal Island Alliance.

When the Lord of Hells heard that the Lord of Endless had become the Overlord of the Origin Upper Realm, he showed an incredible look.

"Endless Lord, it's that kid, how can this be?"

He still remembered that he had competed with the Lord of Ice and Rain on Wind Tooth Island for the Origin Worm Mother, and in the end, the two sides decided to let the Bone Transformation Realm other side level geniuses fight to determine the winner or loser, and as a result, the Endless Lord showed the invincible strength of the Bone Transformation Realm level geniuses on the other side of the Bone Transformation Realm and defeated the Bone Transformation Realm other side level geniuses of the Immortal Island Alliance.

But no matter what, the Endless Lord was still very weak at that time, and it was just a bone transformation realm.

It's only been how long it has passed, and he has directly crossed the Bone Transformation Realm, the Origin Lower Realm, the Origin Middle Realm, and the Origin Upper Realm, and has become the overlord of the Origin Upper Realm!

This growth rate is terrifying!

At this moment, he received a notice from several Origin Origin Realms of the Immortal Island Alliance that they would personally go to Fengya Island to congratulate him and apologize by the way.

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