Chapter 99 Grandmaster Bruce Lee! (Please subscribe and customize)

When Peter’s hood was taken off.

The harsh light made Peter subconsciously close his eyes.

Immediately, he saw a young man with a cold expression.

A young man in a white shirt holds a Rubik’s cube in his hand.

The next moment, Peter seemed to think of something and struggled to get up: “You are breaking the law!”

“This is a violation of my personal human rights!”

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo slapped lightly.


Suddenly, Peter’s jaw was knocked off.

Peter was startled.

He looked around and saw that it was not an official place.

In my heart, a touch of panic came to my heart.

“Is it quiet?”

Ye Chen looked at Qin Mo again.

Qin Mo rudely put Peter’s chin on.

Peter broke out in a cold sweat.

Immediately, his body trembled slightly and said, “Who is Your Excellency?”

“Aren’t your people investigating?

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Peter just remembered.

“You…you are!”

There was a hint of horror in Peter’s eyes.

Ye Chen stood up slowly.

The next moment, time accelerated over Peter’s head.

Peter, who is less than 50 years old, is rapidly aging at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Wrinkles, age spots, hair loss.

In less than 30 seconds, Peter was as old as a 90-year-old man.

“no no!”

Peter was instantly terrified.

He is not afraid of torture, and has even been trained in it.

But… what kind of god-like ability is this!

Qin Mo was also stunned.

There was a chill on the soles of my feet.

The original life has such ability.

Ye Chen looked at Peter with a half-smile.

Under the influence of time acceleration, Peter has changed from 48 years old to 92 years old.

At this point, there are 15 minutes of life left on Peter’s head!

“I ask, you answer.

“Good answer, you can get out of here.”

Ye Chen looked indifferent.

Peter was already in a cold sweat.

If it was before, he could still stand up, but now he is too weak.

He even felt that he might die soon.

From his prime to his twilight, this state made it difficult for him to adapt.

After a long time, Peter nodded.

“Have you found out Lu Qi’s true age (bafd)?”

Peter didn’t dare to hide it.

In front of this god and demon, he has lost all the abilities of the agent.

At this time, Peter just secretly prayed that he could get this existence a satisfactory answer.


“Who do you serve?

“The CIA.”

“Does the top North American know about this?”

“It has been reported in the afternoon.”

“Besides, what else do you know?”


Look at Peter’s increasingly weakened appearance.

Ye Chen smiled.

Immediately, time accelerated.


Peter’s weak voice just came, and his body trembled and lay on the ground.

In the face of the acceleration of time, Peter quickly passed his life and died of old age.

“Giving him to Suzaku, it can’t be wasted.

Ye Chen said lightly.

Qin Mo shivered subconsciously.

Ye Chen’s indifferent and scary side made him even more fearful.

Peter’s body was dragged away.

Marven Ye called Zhu Sheng.

Not long after, Zhu Sheng, who was wearing a dark blue Tang suit, said respectfully, “Sir.”

“Old Zhu sit down.

Ye Chen looked kind and said: “A research institute in North America noticed us and reported the information to the CIA.

Zhu Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: “The expansion of the Hall of Longevity is inevitable.

After a pause, Zhu Sheng said again, “Sir, do you have the idea of ​​announcing the Hall of Longevity?”


Marven Ye’s eyes lit up with Zhu Sheng’s proposal: “You mean, don’t hide it?”

“Why hide it.

Zhu Sheng respectfully said: “With the existing energy of the Hall of Longevity, it is worthwhile to confront any force head-on, not to mention your deterrent power, sir.”

“There are three advantages to being public.

First, “The Hall of Longevity can obtain more resources, especially human resources.”

Second, the development speed of the Hall of Longevity will be greatly improved. ”

“The third, and the most important point for the younger generation, is that the Hall of Longevity will be able to completely change the existing world pattern.”

After a pause, Zhu Sheng smiled and said, “Of course, making it public is not something that can be done overnight. Sir, does this junior have some advice?

“Old Zhu doesn’t need to hide in front of me.

Zhu Sheng nodded hurriedly, pondered for a moment, and then said, “Technology, divinity, high deterrence, and longevity.”

“Sir, these 12 characters are what the younger generation thinks of the development of the Hall of Longevity in the next 10 years.

Zhu Sheng disassembled these four points separately.

“The emphasis on science and technology naturally means that the Hall of Longevity does not seek hegemony, nor does it have any intention to seek hegemony.”

The development of “science and technology, raising the height of human civilization, and even the ultimate strength of human beings, this is the first impression of the outside world on the Hall of Longevity.”

“Only in this way can the world’s fear of the unknown be eliminated, and even more relevant talents can be harvested.

Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed.

Ye Chen’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

In the end, Ye Chen lit a cigarette and said with a chuckle, “Sir is indeed the number one advisor of the Hall of Longevity.

“Just as you say.”

“As for the divine punishment group, I already have a solution.”

The most crucial point of the opening strategy proposed by Zhu Sheng is force.

The domestic situation is good, the high-level officials of the major countries and the major hidden forces.

These, it is impossible for Ye Chen to conquer them one by one.

Even if Ye Chen has this skill, it is not necessary.

Since Ye Chen’s divinity has been emphasized, of course many things need to be done by the people below.

The God Punishment Team currently has 18 core members.

These 18 people have been specially trained by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is confident that they are definitely the best in the world.

Even compared with the bodyguards of some major power heads, it is not inferior.

However, it is still not enough.

Ye Chen subconsciously looked at the phone and smiled.

It has been seven days since the last crossing.

Can start again.

And this time, Ye Chen is going to collect those military generals and martial arts masters who have left a splendid name in history!

At that time, they will be used as the team to deter, suppress, and destroy a group of forces.

Furthermore, let the Hall of Longevity walk out of the darkness and into the light for the first time.

Jeet Kune Do master Bruce Lee, Tai Chi master Yang Luchan, General Yue Fei, archer Zhebie, overlord Xiang Yu…


In the five thousand-year-old civilization, Ye Chen can name a dozen of those military generals or martial arts masters who are extremely powerful.

With their help.

Then, even if Ye Chen doesn’t make a move, the Hall of Longevity is still invincible!

(Chapter 100 is about to come, please ask for some flowers for evaluation and reward. Next, those martial arts masters will begin to appear.)

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