Chapter 92 Is Mrs. Well Over the Past Hundred Years?

The Heaven and Human Club changes its helm every 12 years.

And every time there are four at the helm.

They are named after the four beasts.

Qinglong and the others have been at the helm for these 12 years.

The middle-aged man who was shouted by Zhu Sheng was overjoyed and said respectfully, “Yes!”

As for the other three, they showed envy.

Although the four of them have been at the helm of the Celestial Club for the past few years.

But even they rarely meet Zhu Sheng.

On weekdays, we even communicate through the Internet.

The man called Qinglong had a hesitant look on his face.

Zhu Sheng seemed to be in a good mood and said, “Ask.

Qinglong hurriedly said: “Master, you really…

After hesitating for a long time, Qinglong still did not dare to ask.

No way, Zhu Sheng’s prestige is too great.

Even if they were the current helmsmen, they would not be disrespectful in front of Zhu Sheng.

This wise man seems to be able to see through everything.

Zhu Sheng said solemnly: “There are some questions, don’t ask if you shouldn’t!

“My secret, I will tell you when the time comes.”

“You just have to do your part.”

After a pause, Zhu Sheng instructed again: “Qinglong, you are going to buy a plane ticket now, everything must be kept secret and arranged properly!

“At the same time, tell the branch members at Linhai to be ready to respond at any time!”

Qinglong took a deep breath: “Yes!”

Day two.

He Pan and Du Yiming hurried from Jiangling to Linhai with Chu Fangyu’s words.

After arriving at the base, Ye was training the God Punishment Team.

Seeing the two coming, Ye Chen said, “You continue.”

Immediately, Ye Chen asked, “That painting?”

Du Yiming nodded to Ye Chen.

The three entered the house.

Du Yiming carefully took it out from his backpack.

This painting was re-framed by Du Yiming, which is more convenient for storage.

When Du Yiming spread out the painting, a strange color flashed in front of Ye Chen’s eyes.

This was indeed painted by Chu Fangyu.

There is also Ye Chen’s inscription on it.

It can be seen that Chu Fangyu is well preserved, even after so long, there is still no damage.

Aside, He cautiously said: “Sir, I understand clearly, this painting was purchased by the auction house from a private collector.

“The collector is a woman.”

Ye Chen looked at He Pan: “What’s it called?

“Lin wants.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly.

Could this be Chu Fangyu’s pseudonym?

According to his agreement with Chu Fangyu, Chu Fangyu should contact him in these days.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen said: “You guys did a good job in this matter, let’s go.

After putting away the painting, Zhu Sheng called.

“Immortal, the junior’s plane will arrive at Linhai soon.”

Ye Chen smiled: “Just call me Mr. Ye.

Immediately, Ye Chen said, “I’ll have someone pick you up.”

Zhu Sheng’s excited tone was trembling: “Yes, Mr. Ye!”

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he sent Du Yuancheng a message to pick him up.

Over there, Du Yuancheng was puzzled and excited after receiving the information.

The person who can let Mr. Ye send someone to pick them up should be a big man.

Du Yuancheng did not delay, and went with the bodyguard and driver.

After arriving at Linhai International Airport.

The group walked directly towards the channel where the plane landed.

Landing point location.

Du Yuancheng specially asked the driver and bodyguards to wait in the distance, and he waited quietly on the huge runway by himself.

It didn’t take long.

An ultra-luxury plane landed slowly.

When Du Yuancheng saw the sign on the plane, his face changed slightly.

It turned out to be “the Heavenly Man Club!”

This plane is only used when the helm of the club travels.

Of course, Du Yuancheng knew about this ancient organization in China.

Even, he is a member of this organization.

The Heaven and Human Club is an extremely loose organization.

Only some rich and sophisticated talents will be admitted.

Moreover, most of them do some scientific research, lectures, and some exchange activities on weekdays.

However, as the previous helm of the Du family, Du Yuancheng knew that the Heaven and Human Club was far from simple!

This is a very influential international organization.

Even Du Yuancheng learned some secret information from some channels.

It is said that the real helm of the Heaven and Human Club has lived for a long, long time.

At that time, the news did not arouse Du Yuancheng’s attention.

But this time Du Yuancheng thought a lot.

Soon, two people got off the plane.

Only two people.

One of them, Du Yuancheng, was one of the leaders of the Heavenly Man Club, Wei Qingfo, nicknamed Qinglong.

Du Yuancheng, the old man beside Wei Qingfo, did not know him.

However, Du Yuancheng’s pupils shrank when he saw the position of the two.

Wei Qingfo is actually headed by this old man!?

The old man looked very old, as if a gust of wind could blow him over.

-0 for flowers…

But his aura and sense of vicissitudes were extremely strong.

Taking a closer look, Du Yuancheng found that the old man was trembling slightly.

There was excitement, awe and ambition in his eyes.

Du Yuancheng hurriedly stepped forward: “You two, welcome to the sea.

After a pause, Du Yuancheng looked at the old man with a significantly higher status: “Sir, let me pick you up.”

Zhu Sheng took a deep breath in excitement.

Immediately, he walked down the stairs gently.

His voice trembled a little: “This… how has Mr. Shan been for hundreds of years?”

Du Yuancheng’s breathing became rapid when he heard the words.

He looked at the old man in disbelief.

Hundreds of years!?

This old man has lived for hundreds of years?

Is he… is he also an immortal?



Du Yuancheng suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

It seems that Mr. is right!

In every era, there are longevity!

After regaining his senses, Du Yuancheng said in awe: “Sir is very good, I don’t know what to call senior?”

“Zhu Sheng.”


The 95-year-old Du Yuancheng’s face changed greatly.

Zhu Sheng, of course he knows!

The first strategist of the Ming Dynasty.

Even among the 5,000-year-old splendid civilizations, it was an exceptionally splendid one.

Even Du Yuancheng once read Zhu Sheng’s masterpiece.

Du Yuancheng was very impressed with this visionary advisor.

Even, his father had mentioned Zhu Sheng more than once.

Many of the Du family’s family management ideas originated from this great strategist.

Du Yuancheng’s body began to tremble slightly.

Zhu Sheng, didn’t he die in 1370?

So, he, he is 720 years old!?

“Hehe, Mr. Du, let’s go.”

Zhu Sheng’s eyes were kind.

As the real principal of the Heavenly Man Club, of course he knew Du Yuancheng as a member.

Moreover, from Du Yuancheng’s physical state, he had already guessed it.

Du Yuancheng is one of the people selected by Mr.

Only then did Du Yuancheng react, and he became more and more in awe of Ye Chen’s attitude.

The group got into the car.

Du Yuancheng accompanied Zhu Sheng in the back row.

And Wei Qingfo got into another car.

“After 649 years, we can finally see Mr. again!”

Inside the car, Zhu Sheng was filled with emotion.

And Du Yuancheng’s heart was once again shocked. what,

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