Chapter 85 The second time travel! (Please subscribe and customize)

During this time, they not only trained for fighting.

Cooperative operations, tactical response, etc. are all in the training course.

If they were just bodyguards with outstanding individual combat capabilities before.

So now, this is an ace of trumps.

The battle started soon.

Those workers had no resistance at all, and all fell into a coma.

Immediately, he began to go deep into the base camp of Yilonghui, which is located 30 meters underground.

Things went unexpectedly well.

On second thought it was normal.

Yilonghui has been here for nearly a hundred years.

For such a long time, it has never aroused anyone’s suspicion.

It also has something to do with their lumber mill being completely undefended.

And those workers are also ordinary workers.

Ye Chen glanced at the time, it only took 10 minutes from the start of the task to now, not bad.

When Qin Mo and Yang Chao’s people went underground, Ye Chen also went underground.



In the long passage, except for some occasional red light that popped out, there was no more light to be seen.

Yang Chao threw a signal jammer in the distance and waited until all the infrared rays were blocked before he started to act.


Not long after, Ye Chen heard gunshots.

It was followed by loud shouts and sirens.

Qin Mo’s people began to cooperate.

Through the real-time transmission of the screen, Ye Chen saw the people of the One Dragon Society.

Most of these people actually wore ancient warrior clothes.

Just as Ye Chen saw the picture here, Qin Mo’s voice came from the walkie-talkie: “Sir, preliminary detection shows that there will be 321 people in Yilong, including 98 researchers and 14 research subjects.”

“Very well, proceed with caution.”

Ye Chen said while walking towards the depths.

He didn’t even have a defense, he just walked in leisurely.

Along the way, corpses were everywhere.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has not seen his own people so far.

This time, sacrifice is inevitable.

And sacrifice means elimination.

When Ye Chen walked to a hall, Qin Mo and Yang Chao’s team had already entered deeper.

There are bullet marks and burn marks everywhere on the walls.

This time, Dong Renfeng and Du Yiming were fully prepared.

Du Yiming, in particular, imported a batch of high-tech equipment from abroad some time ago.

As the person in charge of logistics, Du Yiming is absolutely competent.

Just like that, 45 minutes later, Qin Mo and Yang Chao returned to the hall at the same time.

“Sir, in addition to the researchers and research subjects, a total of 209 people were annihilated, and 2 people were killed in action.”

Among them, “The whereabouts of the chairman of the Yilong Association are unknown, and the rest of the staff were wiped out.

Ye Chen glanced at Xiaochiguang in the pile of corpses and nodded with a smile: “Bring all the researchers here.

In this mission, Ye Chen did not take action from the beginning to the end.

In the case of only sacrificing two people, it is very good to wipe out the dragon club base camp.

After a while, 98 researchers were brought out.

Several of them were injured, and they should have done some resistance.

After seeing Ye Chen, some of these people showed fear and some resentment.

Ye Chen said lightly: “If you are willing to follow me, take a step forward.

When Ye Chen’s words fell, Qin Mo and others took aim at the same time.

Obviously, the unwillingness is death.

Suddenly, someone trembled and took a step forward.

It was an old man in his 70s.

Ye Chen knew him, he was a biology expert, and he was very well-known internationally.

Afterwards, many more people stood up.

Most of them were coerced.

The lives of the family are in the hands of Yilonghui, so as soon as Ye Chen said these people, he immediately expressed his position.

Ye Chen did the math, no more or less, just 70 people.

“very good,

Ye Chen waved his hand.

Seeing this, Yang Chao pulled the trigger.


Of the remaining 28, one died immediately.


Someone screamed in horror.

Under this fear, another person came out.

“No, kill them all.

The remaining 28 people, most of them are the core staff of Yilong Club.

Of course Ye Chen wouldn’t keep these people.

“Bang bang bang!”

After a few seconds.

The remaining 70 researchers were shaking their bodies and bowing their heads.

Someone was directly scared to pee.

“Sir, this is the research material of Yilonghui.”

Yang Chao handed over a large box.

Ye Chen nodded, then looked at the old man who stood up first and said, “Matsumoto, take a look.”

Matsumoto’s face was pale, and when he heard the words, he quickly began to identify.

After a while, Ye Chen said, “Besides these, there should be more, right?”

“Yes! Yes! They are all in the secret room on the fourth basement floor.

Matsumoto said quickly: “I’ll take you there.

Ye Chen gestured to Qin Mo and Yang Chao.

After half an hour.

Qin Mo and Yang Chao came over with a server and a lot of information.

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction: “Matsumoto come with me.

Matsumoto was a little unclear, so he followed.

After entering, a row of instruments came into view.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and took it all away without looking at it.

The next moment, a scene that shocked Matsumoto appeared.

Those expensive and extremely advanced research machines disappeared in an instant!


Matsumoto’s body trembled, and a chill emerged from his heart.

He glanced at Ye Chen in amazement.

Only then did I wake up, the other party is not an ordinary person!

“Go to the next floor.

These devices add up to at least tens of millions of dollars, and may not be available.

Anyway, there is space for storage, and Ye Chen doesn’t want to waste it.

On the third floor, Ye Chen saw the dissected research subjects.

Ye Chen frowned, it turned out to be all human.

“Sir, this specimen is of great value.

Matsumoto reminded cautiously.

With a wave of Ye Chen’s hand, the broken specimen disappeared in front of Matsumoto.

In this way, Ye Chen almost looted the entire Yilong Club.

Apart from some telephones and ordinary computers, there is nothing left.

Matsumoto just watched, occasionally reminding that the device was valuable.

The more you look, the more shocked.

He couldn’t figure out how Ye Chen took it away, and where he put it.

These (Li’s good) things stacked together will definitely take up 10 classrooms.

However, the other party seemed to have a bottomless pit, no matter how he pretended to be dissatisfied.

Mr. “, me, we?”

When it was about to end, Matsumoto asked a question.

Ye Chen looked at Matsumoto, and Matsumoto trembled subconsciously.

“As long as you are sincere, not only will you not die, but you may live forever.

After saying this, Ye Chen walked towards the hall.

Matsumoto’s face changed.

Immortal grandson?

Who is he!

In the hall, Qin Mo and Yang Chao have cleaned up all traces left behind.

Seeing Ye Chen’s arrival, Qin Mo said, “Sir, everything has been completed.”

“Very well, go home.

Ye Chen’s voice fell suddenly.

“Oh, congratulations to the host for completing the milestone event, and a special reward for the host to travel in time and space.”

Ye Chen’s footsteps stopped suddenly, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

Time travel is finally here!

(Guess who it will be this time.)

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