Chapter 68 5 system! Mid-level spatial abilities! (Seeking first order seeking subscription)


Under the action of high-voltage current, 80 Antarctic sponges do not have any room for resistance directly death.

At the same time, Ye Chen point in time more than 96,000!

80 Antarctic sponges, each average life expectancy around 1200.

Ye Chen lit up.

Antarctic sponge not only much higher than the life of sea turtles, sea turtles faster than even the death rate.

Under the strong currents, sea turtles to tens of seconds and then gradually died.

The Antarctic sponge, a total of only 4 seconds!

In this way, he would not have that time back as the last one minute.

Chen leaves no wasted time, back to the time before 5 seconds.

This time, he wants to do it as quickly as possible, so as to save more time.

Pressing the second switch.

Subsequently, the addition of a point in time 97980 years.

In this way, again and again.

Etc. After completion of the last leaf Chen back, Ye Chen looked at the data, Mongolia.

Host: Ye Chen

Power: 100

Agility: 100

Spirit: 100

Time: thousands of years

Host life: 156, 2000

System Level: 3 (0/100000)

From the original forty thousand years turned into 70 million!

But horror fantasy figure!

The system back limit is one hour per day.

Five seconds, Ye Chen back a total of 720 times.

And each can probably plundered to the point in time 97,000 years.

Ye Chen Rao is mentally prepared, at this time also some shock.

7000 years of human history, but only 400 million years ah!

After looking toward, now of human civilization can exist 7000 years are hard to say.

“System Upgrade!

Ye Chen took a deep breath and said.

Carter, upgrade the system to level 4.

Hosts; Ye Chen

Power: 100

Agility: 100

Spirit: 100

Time: 6,000 990 years

Host life: 156, 2000

System Level: 4 (0/1 ten million)

“Bite, upgrade to level 4, the primary bonus host spatial ability.”

“Oh, congratulations level up to the host system 4, reduce the consumption of system functions, the host their own specific values ​​please see.”

Two consecutive passages TIP sounds.

Ye Chen almost ignored the second channel tone.

“What?! Spatial ability!”

Ye Chen suck down a cold lump.

Although since ancient times, regardless of time and space at home, but this is too fantastic, right?

“Bite, the host can use: two space storage space transfer capability, the specific consumption of your host explore on their own for a long time.”

Ye Chen face slightly changed.

Although only primary, but it sounds very strong look.

Storage space Needless to say, similar fantasy novels as storage ring.

With space for storage capacity, equivalent to have the world’s most secure safes.

What could be more secure than on the space in it?

As for the transfer of space, it should be similar to teleport right?

From this space to another?

Ye Chen shook for a long time.

Immediately arrested and held out his hand forward.

The next moment, let Ye Chen accident scene appeared.

100 meters outside even a potted plant directly into the hands of Chen Ye!

Ye Chen slightly surprised this is the space move?

It seems a bit mean ah.

Think of this, Chen Ye hearts Nianliaoyiju silent.

Immediately take a step.

Just a moment of effort, the scenery in front of Ye Chen changed.

He actually came to the sea outside the First People’s Hospital No. 1 from the villa!

Fortunately, not many people, this may cause some commotion.

Just leaf layer have in mind is the First People’s Hospital.

After transferring through space, he really came here.


Ye Chen jumped naked eyes.

This space can be transferred only to manipulate the object moves in front of himself.

It can be easily moved to a place thought.

However, the transfer should have space limitations, specific restrictions need Ye Chen slowly groping.

After checking the data, Ye Chen laughed.

The consumption of the two transfers is not large, and it only takes 10 years in total.

Then Ye Chen’s mind moved, and he returned to Villa No. 1 immediately.

At this time, Lu Qi just walked out of the villa.

Looking at this scene, I was stunned.


Lu Qi suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Ye Chen smiled and didn’t answer.

The reward for upgrading the system to level 4 is very good, unexpectedly good!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen experimented with the consumption of other functions.

In a level 3 system, time stagnation for 1 second consumes 0.2 years.

And level 4 is lower, stagnation for 1 second only consumes 1 day!

In this way, Ye Chen can stop for almost unlimited time.

The consumption of time backtracking has also been reduced from 1 minute 1 year to 1 minute 0.5 years.

And the daily backtracking limit has also been raised to 24 hours!

A full 24 times increase!

Terrible increase!

“No wonder it takes so much time for 3 liters and 4, and it seems that the benefits are enough.”

After getting this result, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

According to this calculation, going back 1 day ago, it only took 720 years.

Immediately, Ye Chen closed his eyes.

The next moment, a dark space appeared in Ye Chen’s mind.

Ye Chen knew that this should be the storage space given by the system.

After preliminary judgment, this space is very large.

A full 10,000 cubic meters.

That’s the size of 50 high school classrooms!

“System, you bull!

Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised, he thought it was only a few cubic meters.

“If that’s the case, let’s go straight to level 5.”

Ye Chen still has tens of millions of years, enough for him to spend a while.

Starting from level 2, each upgrade is a hundredfold increase.

After consuming 10 million time points, the system finally reached level 5.

Host: Ye Chen

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Spirit: 100

Time point: 59.9 million years

Host lifespan: 156,000 years

System Level: 5(01)

If you want to upgrade to level 6, it will cost 100 million.

However, the level 5 system was enough for Ye Chen to use in a short time.

“.Ding, the system has been upgraded to level 5, and the host’s intermediate space ability will be rewarded.”

“Heh, congratulations to the host for upgrading the system to level 5, the system function consumption has been reduced, please check the specific value by the host.”

Ye Chen has already realized the magic of space ability.

From primary to intermediate, the effect is naturally better, and the corresponding consumption will definitely be reduced a lot.

After experimenting for a while, Ye Chen’s eyes were filled with joy.

The consumption of time stagnating for 1 second becomes 1 minute!

The consumption of 1 minute of time backtracking has been reduced to 1 day!

Moreover, the maximum duration of daily backtracking has been increased from 24 hours to 240 hours!

After Ye Chen converted it, the light in his eyes skyrocketed.

If time is stagnant for 1 month, then only 5 years of time points are consumed!

10 months is only 50 years!

In other words, even if it is 10 years, it is only 600 years of consumption!

Originally, Ye Chen planned to use time backtracking to speed up the development of the Hall of Longevity.

But now it seems that time stagnation is better.

So while experimenting and groping, unknowingly it was 7:30 in the evening.

At this time (good Mano), outside Villa No. 1.

A black Rolls-Royce pulled up to the door.

Immediately, several bodyguards walked out of the car to be alert.

After 10 minutes, a black Volkswagen passed by the door in a low-key manner.

After the public left the villa, there were a few more figures in the villa.

It is Du Yuancheng several people.

Du Yiming pushed Pu Jin, Du Yuancheng and Einster walked towards the villa with solemn expressions.

Liu Yun has been waiting at the door for a long time.

After seeing the person who came, Rao Shi was already mentally prepared and still looked horrified.

But soon Liu Yun recovered and led Du Yuancheng and several people into the villa.

“Miss Liu, what about sir?”

After arriving in the living room, Du Yuancheng asked a question about farming.

Liu Yun said lightly, “Sir is still working.”

Several people sat down and waited silently without speaking.

Not long after, Liu Yun led another person in.

It was Ying Huixue.

The moment they saw Ying Huixue, Du Yuancheng and Du Yiming flashed a strange color in their eyes.

This… as expected, he also entered the Hall of Longevity.

Ying Huixue was also a little surprised, but when she glanced at Einster and Putin from the corner of her eye, she was instantly shocked!

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