Chapter 60 Stay Safe

Although no precise conclusions have been drawn so far.

But Zheng Dong felt sensitively that he had discovered something extraordinary!

The people around me started to get busy again.

Zheng Dong closed his eyes.

In my mind, Ye Chen, He Pan, Du Yiming, Chen Yongwen, Du Yuancheng…

Everyone keeps flashing.

These seemingly unconnected, but actually vaguely related characters gradually form a clear line.


deer house.

After finally calming the doubts of Lu Gang and his wife, Ye Chen was lying on Lu Qi’s bed and couldn’t help crying and laughing.

The excuse he gave was left to him by a friend of his grandfather Ye Youwen.

This reason, although far-fetched, is reliable.

After all, Lu Gang knew Ye Youwen’s scenery back then.

At that time, politicians, literati, and wealthy businessmen all had friendships with Ye Youwen.

“Ye Chen, thank you.”

Lu Qi sat on the chair and said, “You don’t know how Aunt Li and the others looked so shy before.”

“Then how do you thank me?”

Ye Chen looked at Lu Qi with a half-smile but not a smile.

Lu Qi blushed, and immediately walked to Ye Chen’s side and leaned down.

Lu Qi’s pajamas were originally wide, and this bending over suddenly burst into light.

What surprised Ye Chen even more, Lu Qi’s red lips touched Ye Chen’s mouth lightly.

But this time, Lu Qi’s pretty face turned red.

Ye Chen pursed his lips and smiled and said, “Okay, I’ve grown up.”

“You are not allowed to laugh at me!”

Lu Qi’s face turned red.

Ye Chen was about to speak when the call came.

“Mr. Ye, I have something to report to you.”

It was Qin Mo who called.

Hearing Qin Mo’s solemn tone, Ye Chen got up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Today…there are a few more strangers outside the nursing home.”

“I checked and there is no information!”

Ye Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

Without any information, this is the biggest information.

“It seems… the official has noticed me.”

The only thing that can make Qin Mo unable to find out anything is the official.

With Qin Mo’s strength, even the most secretive killers and mercenaries have channels to learn about each other’s news.

Such a soldier king-level existence can’t even be found by a few strangers.

The results are already obvious.

On the other end of the phone, Qin Mo hesitated for a moment: “Mr. Ye, do you want me to take action? I won’t leave any traces!”

“Hehe, don’t worry.”

Ye Chen said lightly: “I guess they have also grasped my whereabouts in Beichuan.”

“You act like you don’t know anything, but Einster and Putin need to be more secretive.”

There is absolutely no way to let the official know about this.

At least, they couldn’t let them know before Ye Chen came forward.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Ye.”

“Do you have photos of those people?”

“Yes, I took pictures.”

“send it over.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen looked out the window and murmured, “It seems…it’s time to get in touch.”

Qin Mo didn’t know the identity of the other party, but Ye Chen knew it perfectly!

The last time the whole city passed, he saw the past of everyone in Linhai.

He knows all the official information.

I also know the darkest and bloodiest things in Linhai.

Even the mysterious S group, he knew clearly.

This is Ye Chen’s advantage, he is in the dark, and the opponent is in the light.

And it’s very bright.

Qin Mo’s photo was sent, Ye Chen just glanced at it and confirmed that these people are from the S group!

S group, the full name of the special investigation group, is responsible for investigating special cases.

Group S has subgroups in each city.

Each group varies in number of members according to city size.

The S group in Linhai has a total of 208 people, of which the group leader is Zheng Dong and the deputy group leader Wang Yi.

And Ye Chen also knew the details of these people that Qin Mo photographed.

As long as you are in Linhai, then there is nothing that Ye Chen doesn’t know.

“Ye Chen, let me go out first.”

Seeing Ye Chen thinking about something, Lu Qi was very smart and didn’t bother.

Since the last time travel, Lu Qi has known Ye Chen’s extraordinary.

Some things, since Ye Chen didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t be stupid to ask.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

No one else’s, it’s team leader Zheng Dong’s!

At this time, inside the secret base.

Zheng Dong’s face changed slightly when he saw the phone vibrate.

After investigating Ye Chen’s information, of course he knows Ye Chen’s mobile phone number.

However, why did Ye Chen call himself?

Is it a coincidence?

still is……

On the side, deputy team leader Wang Yi cast a concerned look.

Zheng Dong shook his head and signaled to keep quiet.

Immediately he picked up the phone and said, “Hello, who is it?”

Ye Chen laughed when he heard the words: “Leader Zheng, stay safe.”


Zheng Dong’s face changed dramatically in an instant, and he stood up from the chair with a thud.

This scene changed Wang Yi’s face.

He had never seen Zheng Dong with such an expression!

Zheng Dong’s face instantly turned ugly: “Who are you?”

Ye Chen smiled: “Aren’t you investigating me all the time? Team Leader Zheng, why should you ask me knowingly.”

Zheng Dong stopped talking.

There were countless thoughts in his mind, and then Zheng Dong said solemnly: “How did you know my number?”

No one will know his number except Wang Yi and his leaders! *

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