Chapter 55 Ye Chen Was Investigated (4/4 Seeking a Reward for Collecting Flowers)

“What a simple thing, just push it away.”

Jiang Youwei drives.

“How can it be so simple, that Aunt Li, you don’t know how difficult it is.”

Ye Chen heard the words and laughed.

Also, that woman is really not a vegetarian.

With the thin-skinned character of Lu Qi’s mother, who is the opponent’s opponent.

It must have been entangled 2 times before it was defeated.

“My woman, no one can covet her, don’t worry, I’ll help you out when the time comes.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Lu Qi blushed with joy in her heart.

Immediately, Lu Qi reacted: “Ye Chen, who is your woman!”

“Haha, who loves who is!”


At this time, it is located in the conference room of a secret base near the sea.

There were only 4 people in the small conference room.

They are Zheng Dong, the leader of the S group, and Wang Yi, the deputy leader.

Lin Tao, Director of the Criminal Investigation Department of Linhai City, and Zhou Hao, Admiral of Linhai City.

At this time, Lin Tao and Zhou Hao looked extremely serious.

20 minutes ago, they were invited to this secret base.

This is a place near the sea, but they don’t know it at all.

And they have just learned about the specific functions of the S group, that is, to deal with mysterious cases!

Lin Tao and Zhou Hao are not surprised that there is such a mysterious organization in China.

What really caught them by surprise was a potentially terrifying reality.

There are a total of 6 documents on the table.

2 of them are about Ye Chen.

From kindergarten to university, to the four generations of Ye Chen’s ancestors, the information is extremely detailed.

And the other 4, one is about the detailed process of the killing of Cheng Ning in the titanium wood factory.

One is the Du family and the other is the He family.

The last one belongs to the Chen family, a seaside giant.

The meeting room is extremely quiet.

After a long time, Zhou Hao, who was in charge of the overall work of Linhai City, said solemnly, “Team Leader Zheng, do you mean that these are connected to each other?”

Zheng Dong tapped his finger on the table and analyzed: “Cheng Ning’s case should be a vendetta, but we haven’t found the murderer until now. Our analysis may be related to international mercenaries and killers.”

“He Liang, the head of the He family, was killed by a mysterious killer a few days ago. The modus operandi of the two incidents is the same, and it is very likely the same person.”

Speaking of this, Zheng Dong said, “Director Lin, what do you think?”

As the leader of criminal investigation and police affairs in Linhai City, Lin Tao certainly knows Cheng Ning’s case in great detail.

Wen Yan said: “Team Zheng’s analysis is good. We found a very interesting thing at the scene of the crime.”

“There was also an unstained bullet at the scene, which was not deformed by force.”

“This shows that the killer fired another shot after killing Cheng Ning.”

“Or… the killer left a bullet on the ground.”

“In contrast, we are more willing to believe the first possibility, so there may be a second person at the scene besides the murderer.”

After listening to Lin Tao’s analysis, Zheng Dong and Wang Yi looked at each other and nodded.

Immediately, Wang Yi said: “Director Lin’s analysis is consistent with ours, and the problem arises here.”

“That’s one point, and the second point is even more puzzling.”

“Du Yuancheng and Chen Yongwen reported that they were critically ill, but then, not only did they not die, but their health was better than before.”

“According to the information we got, both Du Yuancheng and Du Yiming attended Chen Nian’s wedding.”

“After that, the two of them went to and from Linhai almost often.”

Zhou Hao pondered for a long time and said, “So, their abnormality is right before and after the wedding!”

Wang Yi said: “Yes, Chen Yongwen lived in Longyuan Pavilion after his recovery.”

“And Ye Chen… also lives in Longyuan Pavilion. Is there any coincidence here?”

“Besides, Ye Chen and Liu Qian had a conflict at the wedding, and it is said that Du Yuancheng and Chen Yongwen had a strange attitude towards Ye Chen.”

Speaking of this, Lin Tao was a little puzzled: “Leader Wang, what do you mean?”

Wang Yi and Zheng Dong looked at each other, and then Wang Yi said, “This Ye Chen is the key person!”

“From today, Group S needs your full cooperation and assistance in the investigation!”

After listening to Wang Yi’s words, Lin Tao thought about it and said, “Do I need to send someone to follow Ye Chen first?”

“For the time being, there is no need to scare the snakes.”

Zheng Dong squinted and said, “If I guess right, something interesting must have happened to this Ye Chen.”

“You keep an eye on the original government building, and we will send someone to follow up with Hejia.”

Wang Yi added: “In addition, Admiral Zhou and Director Lin, let the developers of Longyuan Pavilion come over as well.”

After listening to Wang Yi’s words, the two immediately understood.

Ye Chen suddenly bought Longyuan Pavilion, and the source of this matter might be the Longyuan Pavilion Villa.

the conference has ended.

The top and bottom of the S group and the Linhai Criminal Investigation Division also began to act in a low-key manner.

All of this, Ye Chen doesn’t know for the time being.

After more than 2 hours of driving, the three finally came to Beichuan.

Beichuan City is a county-level city with a population of just over 400,000, and it belongs to Ninghong City.

The average salary in Beichuan is only more than 2,000, which belongs to a small city with low wages and low living standards.

As I was approaching the door, the phone rang again.

Ye Chen was a little helpless, this is definitely his mother.

“Hey, Xiao Chen, where have you been?”

“I’ll be home soon.”

“Bring your things, and thank them for a ride.”

“Do not worry.”

“Stop talking, I’m going to cook.”*

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