Chapter 51 Time Travel Ends

“Professor, I want to remind you.”

Ye Chen stepped forward and said seriously: “Go to the future, you are a member of my hall of longevity.”

“And… your affairs will be kept strictly confidential.”

“That is to say, you only obey my orders, and almost no one knows of your existence.

“Of course your job remains the same, it’s your area of ​​expertise.”

“No problem, no problem at all! You know, science, it’s so fascinating.”

Einster looked at Ye Chen and said excitedly, “As long as I don’t starve to death, it’s up to you!”

Hearing Einster’s words, Ye Chen laughed.

Einster is not indifferent to fame and fortune, and informality, which is his unique personal charm.

Immediately, he mused: “Since there is no problem, I will give you 5 years of life first.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye!”

Even though he has made outstanding contributions to physics, he is still in awe.

The young man in front of him has unpredictable strength.


Can you compare to him? Can’t compare!

Einster suddenly stuck out his tongue: “Can you let me stay for a while?”

“You said just now, I still have 9 hours.”

“No problem. Besides, we have your ashes ready.”

Ye Chen took out a small box and smiled: “Your last wish is not to hold a funeral and to sprinkle your ashes into the sky.”

Einster was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up: “Yes, this fits my character!”

After a pause, Einster said again: “Mr. Ye, I still have some materials that I want to bring, do you think it’s okay?”

Ye Chen nodded.

According to some gossip, Einster tore up a lot of research materials before his death.

Some people say that Einster discovered the secrets of the universe and space-time.

Others said that Einster did not want the atomic bomb to harm mankind.

And these mysteries that can’t be solved in a lifetime will be discovered and mastered by Ye Chen one by one!

After giving Einster five years to live, Ye Chen lifted the stagnation of time.

When Einster came back to his senses, Ye Chen and Lu Qi had disappeared.

In the ward, the previous busy state was restored.

Einster looked at the door of the ward and found that he had goosebumps.

This is a being that can control life and death.

Who says science and theology are incompatible?

Einster stared blankly ahead, his awe for Ye Chen grew stronger and stronger.

Immediately, Einster said softly: “I want to have a conversation with Hans.”

Hans is his son.

The doctors in the ward looked sad.

They knew that Einster was explaining his fate.

Hans quickly entered the ward, with only him and Einster in the room.

Outside the ward, the number of people gradually increased.

There are professors who got news from the school.

There are also hospital directors and priests.

on the bench in the hallway.

Ye Chen just sat quietly and waited.

After the initial surprise, Lu Qi has returned to calm.

It was like this until the early morning, when Hans and Einster’s family walked out of the ward with red eyes.

Ye Chen found that after Hans left the ward, he glanced at himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

He and Einster alone are not enough to completely deceive people.

Hans, without a doubt, is the most reliable person.

Ye Chen stopped time again.

Afterwards, he walked into the ward and smiled at Einster.

“Sir, I have revealed something to Hans.”

Einster said quickly: “But don’t worry, he doesn’t know the whole thing.”

“I know.”

Ye Chen nodded: “I saw him go out with your ashes.”

“It’s fine if you can understand.”

Einster hesitated for a moment and said: “Also, Harvey, the director of the pathology department, wants to dissect me. I asked Hans to prepare a brain. Do you think it’s okay?”

Ye Chen smiled and shook his head, this Einster is quite naughty.

Come to think of it, that’s why Harvey couldn’t study it to the death.

However, according to Ye Chen’s understanding, this is indeed the case.

Even in modern times, Einster’s brain has not been found to be different from ordinary people.

“Then… let’s go now.”


Einster took a deep breath and said happily: “That’s right, Mr. Ye? Am I the first person to travel through time?”

“That’s right!”

“Haha, what an honor!”

Einster gave a hearty smile.

Then he stuck out his tongue: “I don’t have the only regret.”

Ye Chen smiled.

“System, let’s go back to modern times.”

“Ding, time travel will start in 10 seconds, please prepare your host.”

Ye Chen helped Einster to stand up.

Einster also held a briefcase in his hand, which he asked Hans to prepare, which contained his research materials and notes over the past few years.

Ye Chen and Lu Qi were okay, but Einster suddenly became a little nervous and nervous.

Ye Chen secretly laughed, what a cute little old man.


After 10 seconds, a beam of light fell from the sky!

Fortunately, time is still in a state of stagnation at this time, otherwise it will really cause some unforeseen consequences.


Einster exclaimed.

The next moment, the three of them disappeared from the ward at the same time.

And Ye Chen also instantly lifted the time stagnation state.

Basement garage of Villa 1.


The beam of light disappeared in a flash, and the three of Ye Chen returned to the modern age. *

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