Chapter 395 Don’t make trouble

Not yet, when Yue Fei spoke, Ye Chen hurriedly said.

“Okay, you two don’t fight here and there. Now we still have important things to solve. If you want to fight, let’s fight!”

Ye Chen is not in the mood to watch Xiang Yu and Yue Fei here, the two are fighting back and forth. After all, he still has more important things to deal with!

What they should do now is to finish all these important things, so that they will have time to fight in the future.

After they have dealt with all these important matters, no matter how Xiang Yu and Yue Fei want to fight, Ye Chen will never stop them.

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Xiang Yu and Yue Fei both stopped at the same time.

At this time, Zhao Yun said again.

“You two, I really convinced you, sir, just finished speaking, don’t be impulsive when you encounter anything, and now you have not even passed a minute, you are exposed, it seems that you really can’t change this. Bad habits.”

Zhao Yun also admired Xiang Yu and Yue Fei very much, even if it took a while longer, they had already revealed their true colors before even a minute had passed.

It seemed that no matter what Ye Chen said, it was useless to Xiang Yu and Yue Fei, and the two of them would not take Ye Chen’s words to heart at all.

However, Xiang Yu still has self-knowledge, he knows that he can’t do it himself, so he has already greeted Ye Chen.

It’s just that they still have to trouble Ye Chen in the future. No matter what kind of problems they encounter, they must come to Ye Chen for advice, otherwise they will not be able to make the right choice.

Xiang Yu said with a smile.

“I knew it was going to end like this, so I didn’t have any hope for myself at all.”

Xiang Yu still knew himself very well, he knew that he couldn’t do it at all, so he had already explained to Ye Chen clearly from the very beginning, no matter what happened in the future, he would still ask Ye Chen to help him make up his mind.

Apart from that, Xiang Yu had no other way to do it. Although he said that doing so would trouble Ye Chen, there was no other way.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly and said.

“You still have self-awareness.”

Ye Chen is really helpless now. It seems that it is very difficult for Xiang Yu to get rid of his bad habit.

But fortunately Xiang Yu has this self-knowledge, he can ask him anything he encounters in the future, and he will not make up his own mind easily.

This is also a good way for Xiang Yu, after all, only in this way can he make the right choice and not cause a catastrophe.

Xiang Yu Tsundere said.

“Of course, I still know myself very well, and I know I can’t do it, so I won’t waste my time.”

This little self-knowledge, Xiang Yu still has it, he will not feel ashamed because he can’t do this, and he doesn’t face his shortcomings head-on.

It is precisely because Xiang Yu knows his own shortcomings that he has to face his own shortcomings more directly, and only in this way can he better protect himself.

After all, if he kept concealing his shortcomings and made up his own mind about everything, sooner or later, he would cause a catastrophe.

If it reaches the point where it cannot end, Xiang Yu is the real trouble!

Now that Xiang Yu has realized his own shortcomings, he must avoid making wrong judgments.

Ye Chen continued.

“Okay, let’s not discuss this issue now, let’s settle the important things before we talk about it!”

Ye Chen is still thinking about important things that have not been resolved, so they can’t waste too much time here because of these unrelated little things.

After all, their time is very precious, so they must discuss a result now.

Only in this way can Zhao Yun go back as soon as possible. Now that Lian Po is alone on Planet X, Ye Chen is also worried.

They must come up with countermeasures as soon as possible now, so that Zhao Yun can return to Planet X to assist Lian Po, and Lian Po does not have to be alone.

Xiang Yu immediately said with a smile.

“Sir, you still have to make up your mind about this matter. After all, Yue Fei and I have some impulsive personalities, so we won’t follow along.”

Xiang Yu still knew what kind of person he was. Since he couldn’t make a correct judgment at all, he shouldn’t always make trouble for Ye Chen at this critical moment.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Now they still have to wait for Ye Chen to make up his mind, so now Xiang Yu can only be quiet and wait, so that Ye Chen can think of a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

Yue Fei immediately retorted.

“Xiang Yu, just say that you are yourself, don’t take me with you for everything, after all, you are a more impulsive person, we all know that I am not as serious as you, and I can still help find a way. ”

Yue Fei also admitted that he was impulsive sometimes, but he was not as impulsive as Xiang Yu, so he could still help Ye Chen to find a way together.

After all, this matter can be regarded as a major event, and it will waste a lot of time just relying on Ye Chen to figure out a way.


So now Yue Fei also wants to contribute to Ye Chen, so that Ye Chen can save a lot of effort, and he doesn’t have to do everything by himself.

Xiang Yu said disapprovingly.

Forget it, “Come on, Yue Fei, don’t make trouble along the way, we don’t know who the other is, let’s let Mr. and Zhao Yun discuss in a quiet way, what should we do!

Xiang Yu did not agree with what Yue Fei said. After all, he also knew Yue Fei very well. He knew that he and himself were half a pound.

So while Xiang Yu was quiet, he also hoped that Yue Fei could be quiet. After all, Ye Chen and the others needed a space to think about this matter.

They must now use the shortest possible time to keep this matter clear, and only then can they make the right decision.

So now Xiang Yu will also stop Yue Fei from making trouble, both of them should be here quietly waiting for Ye Chen to make up his mind.

After all, this matter is still very important, and Xiang Yu and Yue Fei can’t help much.

Ye Chen frowned and said.

“Okay, since the two of you are here, let’s make up your mind together! You can also take this opportunity to exercise well.”

It happened that Xiang Yu, Yue Fei and the two of them caught up with this matter, and Ye Chen also wanted to give them a chance to exercise himself, so Ye Chen also wanted to hear their opinions. again,

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