Chapter 376 Xiang Yu Was Injured?

“The madam is here, then Zhuge Liang will come back in a while.”

“No need for Zhuge Liang, if you have anything, just say it.

“Then I’ll go back first.

Ye Chen nodded towards Mulan, who left his room.

After Hua Mulan left, Zhuge Liang came to Ye Chen and said to him:

“My lord, General Li and the others have arranged it properly. After having a dinner party, let them understand the history of thousands of years before and after this through the chip.

“Okay, you did a good job, Zhuge Liang. Has anything happened since I left?”

“There is one thing Lord, Zhuge Liang feels very suspicious!


Shortly after you left, General Xiang was injured. According to him, he was accidentally injured by an alien creature on the planet when he was inspecting Planet S.

“His ‘823’ injury is quite serious, our doctor here gave him some emergency treatment and he is still recovering.

Let’s go “Prepare the spaceship, go over and see him go.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Ye Chen and Zhuge Liang were riding, although they came to the place where Xiang Yu lived, he was in the direction of the guardian planet.

Here he can clearly see Planet S, and observe the movement on Planet S.

When I came to Xiang Yu’s room, Xiang Yu was busy working in the office.

Seeing the arrival of Ye Chen and Zhuge Liang, he immediately stood up, and Ye Chen saw Xiang Yu’s head wrapped in bandages on his shoulders.

“How did you get injured? With your ability, can you be injured like this, is your opponent very strong?”

Master “This matter is a long story. I have an emergency military situation to report to you now.”

Looking like rain, with a serious expression, and knowing the seriousness of the matter, Ye Chen nodded and let him continue.

“Director, I suspect that the creatures on Planet S will make some big moves in the near future.”

“What? What’s the situation? Tell me now.”

“According to your order, I have been watching the movement on Planet S from this position. Although they made some small movements before, they did not attract my attention.

“But recently their spaceships have begun frequent pursuits to probe our planet’s defenses.

Although they didn’t come close to our planet, I always felt they had an intention. ”

“Could it be an illusion, maybe the other party is just playing!”

“I was also worried about whether I was too hearty, so I secretly went to Planet S in an invisible spaceship.”

“What? Are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous that is? Planet S is different from planet X. The aliens living there only eat one kind of food, and that is meat. They will go crazy when they see meat. Did you go there to make food for them?

Ye Chen walked around the room angrily, roaring loudly:

“You know that their attack power is not at the same level as Planet X at all, and when you go to their planet, you will die, who would allow you to do this?”

Said eyes and looked at Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang quickly explained:

“Master, don’t look at me, I didn’t let him go!

“Hmph, it’s also your dereliction of duty that you didn’t see him. If something goes wrong with him, I’ll ask you.”

“It’s my lord, I know I’m wrong.

Xiang Yu was immediately moved when he saw that Ye Chen was still so concerned about his life and death.

Since the last time he failed, he felt that Ye Chen was a lot colder to him. As Ye Chen’s bodyguard, he wanted to actively make contributions to attract Ye Chen’s attention.

“Master, this matter has nothing to do with the military advisor. It is my own idea. If you want to punish me, punish me!”

“Of course I will punish you, you bastard, who allowed you to do this, you leave your post without permission, and I should remove you.”

Xiang Yu knew that Ye Chen was so angry that he cared about his performance very much.

“Master, if you want to dismiss me, you have to wait until I have finished speaking.”

Ye Chen looked at Xiang Yu’s serious expression and knew that he must have found something, so he finally stopped reprimanding and sat on Xiang Yu’s chair.

At this time, Xiang Yu saw that Ye Chen was not talking, so he continued:

“This is when I sneaked into planet s secretly and discovered a phenomenon, the gluttonous beasts on planet s have begun to devour their own kind.”

When Zhuge Liang saw Xiang Yu talking about this matter, he felt very puzzled.

“Xiang Yu, it’s their nature for the gluttonous beasts on the planet s to devour the same kind. It’s not enough to explain what?”

Ye Chen also looked at Xiang Yu suspiciously, desperately infiltrated the planet S, did he see this? His temper was about to flare up again.0

“But it depends on the number of them. The gluttonous beasts you know are only occasionally eaten by the same kind, but what I have seen is that 100,000 gluttonous beasts were wiped out by the same kind in one day.”

“What did you say?”

Ye Chen suddenly stood up from the chair and stared at Xiang Yu with wide eyes.

Xiang Yu didn’t speak, he knew that Ye Chen had understood what he meant and understood the seriousness of the problem, but he was just surprised.

Ye Chen sat on the chair again, and his face became gloomy.

If 100,000 gluttonous beasts were eaten by the same kind in one day, Ganjing indicated that there was a serious shortage of food on Planet S.

The earth is the closest to planet s, and there are billions of people on the earth. These are rich food resources for the gluttonous beasts on planet s.

If the planet s is indeed what Xiang Yu said, then the problem is indeed very serious.

“Xiang Yu, are you sure about this?”

“Master, I am very sure that this time I sneaked in quietly. In order to get accurate information, I saw everything I said just now from a very close distance, but when I left, I was accidentally caught by two gluttonous beasts and chased after me. Get hurt.”

Although Xiang Yu said it very lightly, Ye Chen knew that the greedy beast was actually very powerful.

And their information communication is very flexible, only need to send information from the tentacles above the head.

It will transmit information to all greedy beasts, the principle is a bit like brain wave output.

And unlike the locust clan of Planet X, Planet S not only has a holistic attack. and individual credibility. It is also far more than the locust family. Although they can’t fly, their teeth are huge and sharp. There are also long and hard nails on the paws that can cut the belly of the cow with a light stroke.

Their size is huge, about three times that of the Siberian tiger, and a few gluttonous beasts still have wings to fly.

Although they do not have IQ, they can accept information and are managed by the master beast.

The main beast is a particularly smart gluttonous beast, he knows how to use strategy to command his men to win victory and grab food.

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