Chapter 371 Increase Lifespan

Ye Chen, who has been in contact with too many ancient people, also learned some ancient people’s etiquette.

The young man “Stay back, I have something to say, what did you mean when you said it was a pity?”

At this time, the old lady was already a little angry. He kindly advised him to leave, fearing that he would be hurt and hurt. As a result, he turned back, not only disrespectful, but also so rude.

Seeing that the old lady was a little angry, Ye Chen quickly stepped forward to salute.

“Don’t be angry, old lady, I have no other intentions, I just feel that the old lady can’t see the later emperors of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan and Li Shimin enshrined as immortal ancestors, and they are also enshrined in the temple of King Wucheng to receive incense.

“What did you say?”

Hearing this, the old lady quickly took a few steps, her 80-year-old body was still very strong.

“I said that your son Li Guang was rehabilitated in later generations, and the people knew that he was loyal to the country. Later, “August 20″ came to Tang Dezong to enshrine your son in the Wucheng Temple to be supported and worshipped by the people.”

Having said that, Ye Chen took a look, the old lady whose breathing gradually became uneven, slowly showed a look of joy on her face.


Ye Chen deliberately sold a pass.

And..and what?

The old lady asked hurriedly.

“Furthermore, Song Huizong respected Li Guang as Huairou Bo. What I’m talking about is a long time ago, old lady, is your son Li Guang feeling unhappy recently and thinking of seeking death?”

“Sir, please sit down, how do you know that my son is unhappy and wants to die?”

“Old lady, please take care of your health!”

“To tell you the truth, I have the art of gossip, I can know five hundred years in advance, and I can count five hundred years in the future. I watch the sky, and the life of your son Li Guang is in danger. Your son is a great man. The stunt is famous in the world, so I came here to help.”

“Little gentleman, what you said in the storytelling really opened my eyes, but you cursed my son to die, if it wasn’t for my old lady getting old, she would have fought with you to get justice for my son.

“If the old lady doesn’t believe in my ability, you can take a bet with me.”

“Hmph, my old lady has no spare money to gamble with you.” Knowing that the old lady was angry, Ye Chen said:

“I don’t gamble with the old lady, but on the old lady’s lifespan. If I can add 20 years to your lifespan, you are willing to believe me and let your son leave with me.”

“Nonsense, although my old lady is old, she is not confused. The lifespan of a person depends only on the destiny, how can it be changed artificially.”

“The old lady can give it a try. If it is successful, the old lady will have 20 years of life for nothing. If it doesn’t work, you won’t have any damage, right?

Besides, “This is related to your son’s life, but if I were more accurate, you would save his life.” The old lady hesitated for a long time, and finally agreed to Ye Chen’s gamble.

“Open the Master of Time System, I want to add twenty years to Li Guang’s mother’s lifespan.”

[System: The host wants to add twenty years to Li Guang’s mother’s lifespan, after deducting twenty points, the remaining 99]

“It’s all right, the old lady can take a look at herself.”

At this time, the old lady looked at her hand, and suddenly she stood up, took a few steps to the bronze mirror, and saw that the gray hair inside the bronze mirror was only half white, and half turned black.

The skin is also much firmer, and the whole person does look much younger.

Mr. is really a genius, he can actually rejuvenate people.

“Trust me this time, old lady.”

“I believe it, I really believe it, the old lady admires Mr.’s magic skills!”

Ye Chen looked at the old lady’s face, the haze swept away from his face, and his words began to be sonorous and forceful, answering the saying that people feel refreshed on happy occasions, sometimes people’s mental state is really too important.

“Old lady, if I tell you, what I said just now is true! Your son Li Guang is really worried about his life.”

“I have believed what Mr. said, and I hope that Mr. will save my son’s life, but he doesn’t believe in fortune-telling and storytelling. I’m afraid my son will be very unhappy if he hears this. I can persuade him, but Don’t say more, little gentleman, remember!”

“Little gentleman, I will stay here for one night tonight and have a drink with my son, the old lady will go to prepare some rough tea, please wait a moment, little gentleman.

“Hey, how can the old lady cook in person? I will also cook two special dishes. Why don’t I make a few and let the old lady have a taste.”

“Cough, Mr. Xiao can still cook, okay, then I will try Mr. Xiao’s craftsmanship!”

Where can Ye Chen cook? But he was very kind when he saw the old lady, so he used the time system to get four good dishes and a bottle of good wine from the kitchen of my longevity hall in reality, and returned to the old lady. in the kitchen.0

Then put them in the pot, add firewood and start to heat up, and after a while, the pot smells wafting out.

The old lady smelled the aroma of the dishes in the pot and nodded. I didn’t expect that Mr. Xiao’s cooking skills were so superb.

At this time, the old lady and Ye Chen were still chatting, and Li Guang, who came back, walked into the yard and heard the old lady’s laughter that she hadn’t heard for a long time, and felt very strange in her heart.

Since he came back from the war, although his mother didn’t say anything on the surface, Li Guang could understand the unhappiness in his heart.

Although neither of them mentioned the facts, they could understand the depression in their hearts.

As soon as Xie Di came back today, when he entered the yard, he heard his mother’s laughter, and Li Guang’s mood suddenly improved.

No matter what the reason, his mother’s laughter is so beautiful at this time, for Li Guang, as long as his mother is happy, Li Guang is willing to do anything.

Entering the house, I saw my mother and a young man dressed in interracial clothes chatting non-stop there.

Looking at his mother’s smiling face, Li Guang’s eyes suddenly became wet, but his manhood made him turn his head quickly, preventing 2.3 from shedding his own tears.

“Why is mother so happy today? Who is this little brother?”

Li Guang is actually a little sad, how much he hopes his mother is because he is happy like this.

What he didn’t know was that his mother was so happy to hear about him.

“Li Guang, come over quickly and meet this little gentleman, this little gentleman has a wide range of knowledge, a lot of knowledge, a witty conversation, and a kind-hearted manner. His name is Ye Chen, and he is a few years younger than you.

“Hello, little gentleman, my name is Li Guang, I wonder if you are here or are you more expensive?”

“Late, that’s it.

“Hey, don’t talk about it, little gentleman. I think it’s better for us to eat and chat while I eat. Old lady, my stomach is growling with hunger, hahaha!”

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