Chapter 37 Who Are You? (2/4 ask for a reward for the collection of flowers)

“My father is very good. He talked about you last time, saying that he hasn’t had tea with Mr. Du for a long time.”

After Ying Huixue finished speaking, she said lightly, “Mr. Du, you should be busy first, and we will meet again when you return to China another day.”


Du Yiming glanced at Ying Huixue.

I sighed in my heart that there are really talented people in the country.

At a young age, he is a genius in the business world.

What surprised Du Yiming the most was that Ying Huixue’s high emotional intelligence was terrifying.

A few words are not leaking, and he also sees that he has something to do.

“Mr. Ye, there’s a message from London that Putin just woke up.”

Ye Chen heard the words and put down the coffee: “Thank you, Mr. Du, go and rest.”

“Okay, Mr. Ye.”

After bowing slightly, Du Yiming left.

Ying Huixue has been watching, seeing Du Yiming’s attitude towards Ye Chen, there is a hint of shock in her beautiful eyes.

Immediately, Ying Huixue seemed to sound something and suddenly looked at Ye Chen.

She didn’t look carefully just now, just responded politely.

Looking at it, it turned out to be very familiar.

“It’s him!”

Suddenly, Ying Huixue remembered.

During the old wedding, Ying Huixue also attended on behalf of the Ying family.

There was an event at the reception that caught everyone’s attention.

That is Zhangqiu’s wife Liu Qian was beaten!

It was none other than the one who hit the man, it was the man of Linhai Godfather Chen Yongwen!

Afterwards, Zhangqiu not only did not hold him accountable, but also expressed his gratitude to Chen Yongwen in private.

According to the gossip, Liu Qian has disappeared in secret, and Huixue doesn’t care where she lives or dies.

But she noticed Ye Chen.

That young man who even Chen Yongwen treats very respectfully!

Even later, Mr. Du Yuancheng came forward to keep everyone secret.

Although she didn’t know what happened before, Ying Huixue was very impressed by Ye Chen.

At this moment, Ying Huixue looked at Ye Chen with a hint of solemnity in her eyes.

This… is definitely not an ordinary character.

Who is he?

The son of a senior official?

Or, which super-rich son?

Both possibilities are unlikely, because even if they were both, Du Yuancheng would not be allowed to treat them like this.

It was because of this that Ying Huixue was more cautious.

Ye Chen also noticed Ying Huixue’s eyes.

Xindao, I wasn’t in a hurry to find you, but since you took the initiative, I’ll be welcome.

As one of the double colors of the Linhai business community, the biggest difference between Ying Huixue and Chen Yu is that they are cleaner and more sunny at the same time.

After all, the Chen family is deeply rooted in the underworld. In recent years, although the business of the underworld has not been cut off.

So Chen Yu is relatively darker, which is one of the reasons why he carries the Mitsubishi thorn with him.

Ying Huixue is completely different, the family business is all formal.

Like a princess with a golden key living in the sun.

It never involves those dark areas, and the aura on his body is more sunny and natural.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Miss Ying?”

The strangeness in Ying Huixue’s eyes was instantly withdrawn, and a polite smile appeared on her face: “Mr. Ye, I’m sorry!”

After listening to Ying Huixue’s words, Ye Chen stood up and leaned into Ying Huixue’s ear.

Ying Huixue frowned slightly, she was very unhappy that the opposite sex was so close to her.

But due to her desire for knowledge and Ye Chen’s possible identity, Ying Huixue did not distance herself.

She was able to achieve such a result in such a short period of time, so she naturally knew the importance of connections.

Whether it is the Du family or the Chen family, it is worth Ying Huixue to win over.

And this person in front of him is undoubtedly the best medium.

Therefore, Ying Huixue still had a smile on her face even though she was a little disgusted in her heart.

Approaching Ying Huixue, a faint fragrance passed over.

Ye Chen took a deep breath and was a little intoxicated.

Immediately, looking at Ying Huixue’s perfect profile and the sense of distance from the corner of her eyes, she said softly, “Xiaolou sits and listens to the wind at night, the frost is like moonlight… Sigh, sigh, like a pool of ripples.”

In one sentence, Ying Huixue’s beautiful face without waves changed instantly!

She turned back suddenly, because the distance was so close that their mouths were almost pressed together.

But Ying Huixue didn’t think about this, and stared at Ye Chen with a pair of bright eyes.

Immediately, she asked in a low voice, word by word, “Who are you…?”

This sentence is a poem she wrote back then.

A love poem that only 2 people in the world know, and no third person knows!

But why would the people in front of me know?

The corners of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly.

Looking at the vacant seat next to Ying Huixue, she joked, “Miss Ying, won’t you ask me to take a seat?”

Ying Huixue’s eyes turned cold, if she was of the opposite sex, she might get angry even if the other party’s status was noble.

The devil’s reputation didn’t come for nothing.

But after hesitating for a while, Ying Huixue said, “Please.”

Du Yiming in the back row was slightly taken aback by this scene.

On the one hand, he did not expect that Mr. Ye knew Ying Huixue.

On the other hand, Ying Huixue would actually allow men to sit beside her?

You know, this guy is notoriously not masculine.

Don’t talk about boyfriends, even scandals have not been passed on.

Even in private receptions, parties, etc., they will keep a distance from men.

“who are you?”

Ying Huixue looked at the screen in front of her and asked softly, “What small building sits and listens to the wind at night, sir, your way of seducing girls is a bit old-fashioned.”

(Good noon, old irons, there is a wave of flower evaluations, I will meet a great scientist soon, and there are local tyrants who want to reward them.)*

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