Chapter 355 Make up your mind

They can’t do anything, after all, they all have to listen to Ye Chen’s arrangements, if Ye Chen wants to destroy this place.

Let the people here die at this moment, Einster knows that he has nothing to prevent this from happening.

Now I can only hope in my heart that these Mroni people can live, after all, Einster also knows that these Mroni people are innocent.

They live in their own homes, have never offended anyone, and have always been very kind.

These Mroni people, despite being ruled by Olot, have never done anything wrong.

Einster felt that Ye Chen would not wipe out all these Mulroney stars, after all, he still knew Ye Chen well.

Even if Ye Chen looked at Olot in front of him, it was a little unpleasant, but Olot had already been punished and got the end he deserved. Would he still let these Mroni people be buried with him?

Einster felt that it was impossible, so now his heart is more at ease, and he doesn’t need to think about these things. After all, such things are just their guesses, and it is useless to think too much, and it has no meaning.

Einster is still relatively clear in his heart, unlike Okbarga who always struggles with this matter, always making his own decisions and trying to meddle in his own business.

If Einster hadn’t been blocking Okbarga’s recklessness all the time, Okbarga would have gone to Ye Chen’s side to plead for Oni Stable at this moment.

Einster was worried about this, for fear that Okbarga would not speak, and if he angered Ye Chen, wouldn’t it cause a catastrophe.

In order to prevent the next disaster from happening, Einster could only have this moment, let Okbarga endure it quietly, and let him not act rashly.

After all, this guy is sometimes too reckless, although sometimes his IQ is quite high, but generally speaking, he is thankful for thinking about what he does, and sometimes he doesn’t think about the consequences, he just says whatever he wants.

So Einster can only do this at this moment. After all, the relationship between Okbarga and him in front of him is still good. In order to allow the two of them to survive, in order for them to stay in Ye Chen’s command.

This must be prevented from happening. If it really causes a catastrophe, then no one can handle it. Einster also knows that Ye Chen can destroy the entire cosmos system in a fit of anger, which is something they don’t want to see.

Ye Chen is so powerful now, and he possesses a powerful time system that no one can resist.

So Einster knew this in his heart, and he didn’t want to touch Ye Chen’s bottom line. After all, Ye Chen had his majesty, and he now has the right to show off everything here.

Okbalga heard Ye Chen’s words, and although he was a little frustrated, he knew that Einster said this because he was thinking of himself.

I was also afraid that in the case of impulsiveness, I angered Ye Chen, and I was afraid that I would make a big mistake.

Okbarga didn’t want such a thing to happen either, and his situation was like a dream, but it was better for him to be more cautious at this moment.

No matter how reckless Okbarga is, and no matter how brainless he is, he will not do it, and he knows what is more important.

Ye Chen is still very important to him. Okbalga and the others know too well what kind of ability Ye Chen has.

None of them wanted to offend Ye Chen, because offending Ye Chen would have unexpected talents, and none of them wanted to suffer such a result.

After all, they all shuddered when they looked at Olot, and they didn’t want to become the virtue of Olot. After all, Olot looked so appalling now that it made people’s hearts tug.

At this moment, Okbarga figured it out, and his face was no longer as tangled as before, nor was he aggrieved.

He felt that none of this could be controlled by him. Instead, it would be better to let himself figure out some things. After all, the worst moment has not yet come.

Everyone didn’t know what the consequences would be, and they didn’t know what Ye Chen was thinking.

So Okbarga didn’t want to think things so badly in advance, and now he is very fortunate to have a good friend like Einster, good buddy.

Since the two of them joined Ye Chen together, the two have taken care of each other. I believe that the relationship between the three of them also belongs to the iron triangle.

The relationship between the few of them is still very good. At this moment, Xiang Yu has been standing behind them, not wanting to speak, he has been thinking about these things.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Xiang Yu just wanted to listen to Einster quietly now. The two of them spoke well. He also knew that Okbalga was similar to himself, with a simple mind, developed limbs, and a low IQ.

But neither of them are fools. Xiang Yu is quite clear about this in his heart, and he also feels that he is relatively close to Okbarga. Neither of them has a higher IQ than Einster.

I also know that the three of them are together, and they all have more ideas about Einster. At this moment, Einster has no ideas.

Xiang Yu knew that it was useless to speak, and maybe it was better to just listen to the two of them chatting quietly.


Xiang Yu just knew that he had said a lot of such things to Einster, but Einster still had no idea.

At this moment, I knew what Okbalga meant by coming, and I hoped that Einster could come up with an idea and think about how to solve the current situation.

How to deal with this Ostanbul?

Can you save Oni Stambul under Ye Chen’s men?

But Xiang Yu now knew that even Einster had no idea, so they could only wait quietly.

Xiang Yu now looks at Okbarga like he sees himself. After all, the two of them are so similar in character and have the same style of doing things.

Their two abilities are also very close to this moment, and now they want to persuade Okbarga to stop being so stubborn.

Just now, I was so stubborn, I always wanted to go to Ye Chen’s side, persuade Ye Chen, Ye Chen let go of the Mroni star and Oni Stambul in front of him.

However, they felt that they were self-sufficient, and after Xiang Yu hesitated again and again, he didn’t go to Ye Chen’s side, and it was better to calm himself down.

After all, none of them had such a high weight in front of Ye Chen. It would be fine if Ye Chen gave them some face, but if he didn’t give them face.

I am afraid that all of them will suffer even if they are implicated, so Xiang Yu is standing here now and doesn’t want to talk.

After listening to Einster’s words at this moment, Okbalga glanced at Einster. again,

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