Chapter 338 Extra Time

Therefore, Void Swallowing Dragon really feels that it is a miracle that he has survived until now. It is really very kind that Ye Chen’s skills did not kill him.

So Void Swallowing Dragon doesn’t dare to complain at all now, and he doesn’t dare to complain a little bit. He feels that Ye Chen is slowly getting bigger now.

That’s why he kept increasing the weight of Ye Chen on his back. He felt that nothing of his life belonged to Ye Chen.

So what is the difference between dying now, the Void Swallowing Dragon has already figured it out.

At the moment when he returned to Ye Chen, he felt that he wanted to serve Ye Chen, and if Ye Chen let him die, he would not hesitate for a moment.

Ye Chen’s subject was more satisfied after hearing these words, and felt that this guy was black.

But he has not died until now. Although he is dying, Ye Chen feels that he can still support it.

It seems that this Void Swallowing Dragon does have some ability, and also has a strong perseverance to protect him, Ye Chen felt that it was not wrong for him to keep his life.

It seems that he is still useful, and he is really loyal to himself, and he has no complaints.

Because Ye Chen just heard the words of the Void Swallowing Dragon, he has already understood very well that this guy has indeed been very sincere to himself, and even if he died for himself, he would be willing.

Because Ye Chen has a powerful time system, he can instantly see what a person is thinking, and he can also see what he is thinking.

After all, now he has this ability, he is a time base with powerful power, the entire universe, and the entire earth have no secrets to him.

As long as it is something he wants to know, it can be done in minutes.

So now he is very sure in his heart that the mount under him, this Void Swallowing Dragon, has no second thoughts about him.

Ye Chen was still quite satisfied, he didn’t want to swallow the dragon and die in the void at all.

It’s just testing what the Void Swallowing Dragon thinks, and now he is satisfied.

Ye Chen can absorb all the planets in the galaxy without anyone, because he knows he has this ability.

But he also needs someone to accompany him to enjoy this feeling and share his happiness.

So now Ye Chen just wants to keep people who are loyal to him. If there is a little bit of second heart, he will never tolerate it.

So he is testing everyone’s mind, even though he can see everyone’s mind with his powerful time system.

But he sometimes doesn’t want to do that, and he wants to pass some tests to see what everyone thinks.

In this way, Ye Chen will feel a little exciting. If you look at it casually, you can see that this person is thinking that Ye Chen feels really boring.

Because Ye Chen doesn’t like this kind of plain life, he likes to do something exciting, and he likes to live vigorously.

Anyway, now that he knows that he has a powerful career system, what is there to be afraid of?

He can destroy all the planets in an instant, and he can also restore the destroyed planets in an instant, so now he feels that he is really invincible.

He can do anything he wants with half the effort. This feeling is really enjoyable. He has never felt that he is so powerful at this moment.

The Muroni star who was kneeling on the ground did not dare to look up at him until now, he felt that these people were really timid.

But he wouldn’t be angry with these Mroni people, because Ye Chen didn’t think it was necessary. The reason why these Mroni people were so timid and afraid of death was their instinct.

So Ye Chen wouldn’t blame them, after all, he didn’t want them to die.

Ye Chen knew that after absorbing the power of Soochow Star, he would leave and return to his longevity hall after finishing his own affairs.

After all, that’s where you belong, where you live.

Even though this Soochow star is very strange to Ye Chen, and the place here is very spacious, the environment is very good, and I feel that it is also very suitable for my own practice.

But now Ye Chen has not decided whether to move the place where he lives here.

When Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, he was also thinking about it in his heart.

If you really like the place of Soochow Star, you can move all your work, as well as your own residence, to Soochow Star.

So what to do with these Mulroneys?

Do you want to drive them away? Ye Chen really didn’t think about this question.

He hadn’t thought about it carefully. After all, if these Mroni people were really driven away by himself, wouldn’t they be homeless, what’s the difference between living and dying?

Ye Chen felt that he couldn’t do this, but Ye Chen also knew that when he was in the Hall of Longevity, he didn’t have many people in his hands, and he didn’t need much space to come to Soochow Star.

But if you really choose to live on Soochow Star.

So are these Mroni people going to be their own subjects?

Ye Chen felt really incredible, he never wanted to live with these cowardly guys.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen suddenly felt a little headache, and also felt a little ridiculous.

Because when Ye Chen was thinking about things, he occasionally felt a little pain in his head, but it was no big deal.

He can use his own system to recover his pain in an instant, which is too easy for him.

He has never worried about this, but just felt that his thoughts just now were a little nonsense.

How could it be possible to keep these Mroni people as his subjects, and what’s the use of taking them by himself?

It’s better to let them live on their own, Ye Chen didn’t want to kill them, it was already kind.

Ye Chen also knew that these Mroni people, even if they were killed, would not be able to summon much time (for money), but at least his own time would be increased somewhat.

But such a cruel thing, Ye Chen did not do it, nor did he want to do it.

After all, now he can rely on absorbing the energy of the planet to continuously improve his system and greatly increase his strength.

There’s no need to kill innocent people at all.

Unless it is some powerful expert, and it is very evil, then Ye Chen will never blink, and will definitely absorb these guys.

Be your own time point and let your lifespan continue to increase.

It is also possible to sell these time points to those who are dying, in exchange for more wealth and in exchange for more energy.

When Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, he felt that his body was no longer growing slowly.

He thinks that he looks pretty good now, and he looks very huge, like a giant.

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