Chapter 332 Becoming a Dumb

Oni Stamboul felt that Olot had lost his breath at this moment.

There are also these Mroni people kneeling on the ground one by one, their heads next to the ground, and they dare not look up at Ye Chen’s appearance.

After all, they never dared to see Ye Chen’s appearance clearly.

They know that this mighty Lord of Time is very powerful.

Olot just said a few words to Ye Chen, Olot suffered the same punishment as Ye Chen.

So they can only kneel on the ground obediently at this moment.

At this moment, Oni Stambul had a lot of questions in his heart, and he didn’t know why this powerful Lord of Time became like this at this moment.

It seemed to be making a rattling noise yesterday.

In fact, when he was lying on the ground just now, Olot had already heard the voice.

It was the same sound that came out of his body.

When Olot did not become the tragic state he is now, he also had powerful abilities.

And his body can instantly transform thousands of robots to attack opponents.

Now Olot feels that the sound in Ye Chen’s body is the same as his own.

Although he has turned into blood at this moment.

But Olot could still hear the voice, and felt that the voice was really similar to his own.

Olot felt strange now, but he was lying on the ground and didn’t speak.

Just now, he heard Ye Chen’s constant shouting in his ear, constantly calling.

In fact, Olot also heard clearly.

Because at this moment he felt as if he had no strength.

Although you can hear voices, you can also speak.

But Olot wanted to retain a little strength, and at the critical moment, he might be able to save the life of Oni Stamboul.

So Olot is just preserving his strength.

Although he had turned into a pool of blood at this moment, he felt that it didn’t matter.

If you can save the life of Oni Stamboul, you can change yourself into anything.

So Olot also felt it was strange to hear the sound from Ye Chen’s body now.

What the hell is this sound?

Why is it the same as yourself?

How is this going?

Olot really couldn’t understand, at this moment he lay on the ground without any reaction.

After all, he can’t move at all now, he has become like this, and he has no right to resist.

It’s just that his ears are still very sensitive and can identify the source of the sound.

At this moment, he knew that the voice came from Ye Chen’s body.

Okbalga’s eyes never left Ye Chen.

After hearing Einstein’s remarks, he felt that this Void Swallowing Dragon really couldn’t bear it anymore.

Moreover, the Venus star in both eyes has rolled his eyes, and is spitting out white foam continuously.

It also makes people look very disgusting, and has a feeling of vomiting.

This proves that the Void Swallowing Dragon can no longer withstand Ye Chen’s gravity.

It has been barely holding on.

After all, he is Ye Chen’s mount now, and he can’t use Ye Chen.

Although the Void Swallowing Dragon now has this ability, he can use the body of a giant as powerful as Ye Chen.

But the Void Swallowing Dragon will not do this.

He knew in his heart that if he did this, he would die sooner.

So now, no matter what kind of gravity the Void Swallowing Dragon bears, you have to persevere to the end.

Even if he vomited blood and died at this moment, he must persevere.

Because at that time, Void Swallowing Dragon was too self-sufficient when he met Ye Chen.

It was Ye Chen’s mercy that kept it.

Let the Void Swallowing Dragon be Ye Chen’s mount, so that the Void Swallowing Dragon will have a chance to come back.

Otherwise, Void Swallowing Dragon also knows that at this moment, I am afraid it has disappeared.

It will also be wiped out by Ye Chen, and there is no chance to live to the present.

So now Void Swallowing Dragon feels that he is still very lucky.

Now that Ye Chen was on his back, he was dying, but Void Swallowing Dragon didn’t even shout.

Foaming at the mouth, his eyes are constantly flashing gold stars, and he doesn’t want to snort.

He felt that he should bear such neutrality, no matter how powerful Ye Chen became.

Be it a giant or a superman, he can’t have the slightest bit of disobedience.

I feel that this is his duty, his task, because now he and Ye Chen are an inseparable one.

Wherever Ye Chen goes in the future, he will follow wherever he goes, because the Void Swallowing Dragon is Ye Chen’s mount.

Now it knows that even dying in Ye Chen’s hands is worth it.

Okbalga felt pitiful when he saw the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment.

Although this guy was Ye Chen’s opponent before.

But since the Void Swallowing Dragon surrendered to Ye Chen, he was still quite well-behaved.

It has never violated Ye Chen’s wishes.

Just now, Ye Chen was constantly flying over the Soochow Star with Ye Chen on his back.

But at this moment, the Void Swallowing Dragon was indeed unbearable.

After all, Ye Chen has become such a superhuman size now.

Even if the two Void Swallowing Dragons add up, it is impossible to bear the weight of Ye Chen.

Okbarga also knew that the Void Swallowing Dragon would definitely die violently if it went on like this.

With the current ability to swallow dragons in the void, it is impossible to withstand the current pressure.

He was about to meet every day, and Okbarga thought how would it end if it went on like this.

Is it such a void to swallow the dragon to die like this at this moment? Isn’t it a pity?

This guy is still very loyal to Ye Chen. If 797 died, it would be a pity.

Okbarga thought of this at this moment.

He looked at Einstein beside him, and said to him with a worried look on his face.

“What the hell is going on with Mr. Ye? Why did it become like this? It’s really scary. We didn’t have this picture when we watched horror movies before.”

“So I think Mr. Ye’s moment is a bit abnormal, it seems to be different from before, after all, we have never seen him in this state before.

“But you can see that his expression is leisurely and relaxed, and there is no painful expression. It seems that nothing should happen to him, but it will be miserable to swallow the dragon.”

“Then he looks like he is swallowing a dragon now, and he is about to vomit blood and die. Do you just watch this guy die? Although he is a bit arrogant and domineering, he is still very loyal to Ye Chen.”

“What should we do? Are we just watching here? Didn’t we say we should go and take a look, after all, we are Ye Chen’s subordinates, so we can’t stand here.

“What’s the matter with this guy? He usually talks a lot, but now he’s dumb again, isn’t he?”

Usually Einstein said a lot, but at this moment he was thinking about things all the time.

I don’t know what happened in front of me, why this scene suddenly appeared.

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