Chapter 329 Ye Chen, Body Alienation!

Is it because Oni Stamboul is not afraid of death at all at this moment, and is also very strong.

Is it because of such a simple reason that Ye Chen hasn’t attacked Oni Stable yet?

Einstein really couldn’t figure it out, he kept grinding in his heart, what was Ye Chen thinking?

Why didn’t he give an order for a long time? Einstein was a little impatient at this moment.

It has been a while since I came to Soochow Star, and I don’t know why, Ye Chen still doesn’t want to leave here.

He has absorbed the powerful Soochow star energy, what is there to be nostalgic about?

Einstein looked at Olot, who was lying on the ground.

Just such a planetary person, even if he is allowed to live, there is no lethality.

Therefore, Einstein felt that Olot should have died at this moment, otherwise, this Oni Stamboul would not cry out loud.

She had been shouting loudly at the sky above the planet and was extremely sad.

By observing this situation, Einstein knew.

It seemed that Olot might have died at this moment, but everyone didn’t pay attention.

But he also found it strange that Olot could still speak just now.

Even though Olot had turned into a pool of blood, there was still a sound just now.

Why at this moment after Oni Stambul said so many words, he still did not respond.

Ye Chen is now sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, waiting for information from the system.

But at this moment, he waited for a long time without waiting for any news, and he felt that he didn’t need to be so angry.

It seems that the system must not have searched for all the information that Ostanbul received, and there has been no signal, which is normal.

After all, Ye Chen just passed his powerful time system and didn’t even notice the remaining lifespan of Oni Stamboul. It was indeed a little strange, no wonder the system was so difficult.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt that there was no need to investigate any further. No matter what the origin of the Oni Stambler in front of him was, it didn’t matter to him.

Keeping him by his side is the most important thing, Ye Chen didn’t want to lose a capable assistant like this.

After all, Ye Chen felt that Oni Stamboul was very courageous.

Although he doesn’t have any powerful abilities, he has a heart that is not afraid of death, which Ye Chen thinks is enough.

At this moment, Ye Chen turned his eyes to Olot, who was not far away. At this moment, Olot was lying on the ground, and there was really no response. His body and limbs had turned into a pool of blood.

Ye Chen thought it was very strange that this guy didn’t die at all.

Why didn’t he answer what Oni Stable said?

Ye Chen also knew that Olot’s head had become flat on the ground.

But Ye Chen knew that he could hear the voice. After all, Ye Chen controlled everything, and he was clear in his heart.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, and felt that his whole body seemed to have opened up new skills. He was slowly getting bigger. At this moment, he instantly grew twice as big, and instantly became a giant.

He was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, which made people look shocking.

Ye Chen doesn’t know what’s going on now, could it be that he has opened up a new energy.

Why is he slowly getting bigger at this moment, and he also feels that his bones are rattling.

Ye Chen felt that he had never felt like this before. Could it be that when he punished Olot just now, he absorbed the powerful energy in him to have this state.

Do you want your body to become 80% metal?

Ye Chen felt incredible, he didn’t want to become a metal structure like Olot.

Ye Chen saw the body up channeling non-stop, this moment growing, leaves behind Chen sat empty swallow dragon.

Long empty swallow has to bear the weight of the leaf Chen.

At this moment the void dragon swallow surprised, because he decided to follow that Chen Ye (bacd) followed forever engraved leaf Chen.

Ye Chen to where he was when Chen leaves the horse will never leave leaves Chen.

At this moment, he felt Chen Ye seem a lot worse, empty swallow Long felt he had insufficient.

Also feel particularly difficult.

He felt strange, and he is with powerful abilities.

How could bear the weight of leaf Chen do?

Long ears swallow and void and have heard their leaves behind Chen, issuing click, click sound.

Like the voice of broken metal, this is how it is, he felt strange.

But at this moment he leaves Chen’s body also can not see, in the end what happened, but felt to fall slowly.

At this moment the void dragon swallow soon labeled the ground, and the void dragon swallowing know their capabilities.

When Chen Ye can simply mention the horse, and easy.

But at this moment he felt why he was so useless, even Chen Ye can not bear all, what else to do.

So at this moment he felt would not understand, Chen has been slowly laden with leaves falling down

Also felt the burden of his body grew heavy, is it leaves Chen worse yet?

But the void dragon think it’s impossible to swallow, Ye Chen just sat himself when simply a normal volume.

And Chen Ye is a very common earth people.

Although Chen leaves the body with powerful energy, but he can not instantly become so heavy.

So now empty swallow Long did not know in the end what happened.

After all, he leaves under Chen’s body, but also do not change Chen Ye, just slowly fall to the ground.

Ye Chen this moment the whole body felt as if it would explode.

Also felt in the whole body burned, the body’s blood boil also.

Gee, “What’s this thing? Why is there such a situation.”

“What is my body up? Do I have to become like Olot metal as people do.”

Chen Ye may think, feel incredible, how they will appear this situation.

Do you really want to become Olot with exactly the same virtues do at this moment?

Ye Chen did not want himself into a metal structure of the earth, in that case, Chen Ye will not stand.

But Ye Chen now simply can not stop all this happened they were still constantly increases.

And feel your body more and more strong bones, do you really want to become like you?

Ye Chen now feel a little scary.

If he really become so tall, it is several times the ordinary people, how to do it yourself?

Ye Chen now try to use the system to control their own time increase in volume.

Ye Chen tried to use their own time system suppressed their bodies.

Not to continue to increase, because he felt terrible.

If it becomes larger and larger, then how to do?.

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