Chapter 327 You are also stupid

Because Ye Chen is still relatively clear in his heart, no matter whether Olot is breathing or speaking at this moment.

But he knew best in his heart that Olot was not dead.

After all, if Olot dies, he must seek Ye Chen’s consent.

Ye Chen was very sure of this in his heart. If he wanted a person to die, he would not live.

If he does not want this person to die, he has no right to die.

Ye Chen has this powerful function now, and it is so powerful.

So Ye Chen knew that everyone’s hearts were now in his own hands.

If these Mroni people want to survive, it depends on their mood.

In fact, Ye Chen didn’t want to kill all of these Mulroney stars, because Ye Chen didn’t think it was necessary.

They are all such ordinary Mroni people, and they have no ability.

Even if you kill them, they can’t get much time points and it’s worthless.

Besides, Ye Chen also has a principle, and he doesn’t want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. The current Mroni people are innocent.

They didn’t make any big mistakes either, they just lived in their homes.

10 did it in order to live a comfortable life, even though they were a little cowardly and timid at the moment.

But Ye Chen felt that they did it to survive.

After all, they don’t have much ability, and now they can only kneel on the ground, waiting for him to give orders.

So now Ye Chen feels that all this is caused by himself.

But in order to plunder the resources here, in order to strengthen your own system, it is necessary to enhance your own energy.

Ye Chen can only make himself stronger by constantly absorbing the planet.

Now Ye Chen feels that he has not achieved the expected energy, and the system has not been upgraded to the best moment.

And his level has not reached the highest level.

Although Ye Chen now knows that his level has reached the peak level of Saiyan rank, he still needs a higher level.

After all, to continuously improve one’s own system and continuously increase one’s own level, it is necessary to continuously absorb a lot of energy.

Xiang Yu sighed deeply after thinking of what Onishtambul said at this moment.

I feel really a pity, these Oni Stambouls are indeed quite innocent.

He didn’t make any mistakes, he just wanted to say a few words to Ye Chen just now. Oni Stambul said so, and he did so in order to make Ye Chen abide by his promise.

Otherwise, Oni Stamboul would not have said so, and hoped that these Mroni people could survive.

After all, everyone has heard it just now, Ye Chen has also forgiven all the Mroni people, and also forgives Olot’s life, just to test Olot’s loyalty.

Although Xiang Yu looked pitiful at Onistambull, he knew that some things were beyond his control.

Now I can only wait and see what happens later, after all, Ye Chen has not spoken yet, nor has he issued orders.

At this moment, Einstein and Xiang Yu were waiting here quietly. Once Ye Chen spoke, they started to act.

Or it is possible to leave here by himself, or to take a few Mroni stars away.

But all this is just speculation by Einstein Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu thought of this at this moment, and then thought of what Einstein said just now.

He took two steps to his side, getting closer to him.

Looking into his eyes, his eyes were full of sadness, and he whispered to Einstein.

“You’re right, what ability do we have now? It’s good that the two of us can save our own lives. If we keep busy, I’m afraid Ye Chen won’t appease us.”

“If that’s the case, then it’s better to do something less, let’s just wait and see, it’s useless to think about it too much, this Oni Stamboul does look quite pitiful, but what can be done, who let him provoke Ye Chen?”

In fact, “I don’t think Oni Stamboul said anything excessive just now, but just asked Ye Chen to abide by his promise. After all, Ye Chen just said that he wants to let go of these Mulroney people.”

“So just now, I thought that Oni Stamble misunderstood Ye Chen’s meaning, thinking that he would not keep his promises, so he stood up to speak, this Oni Stamboul is really stupid, even he is too young, and he can’t see the form. .”

“You said that we have been with Mr. Ye for so long, and as long as he never regrets what he said, he will not break his promise, it’s just that Oni Stambul doesn’t understand it.

After Xiang Yu said these words, he sighed deeply, feeling that Oni Stamboul was a little pity tonight.

But all of this has already been formed and has become an unchangeable fact, and it can only be like this.

No matter what he thinks, he can’t change everything, and he can’t go back to just now.

After all, they don’t have the ability, and only Ye Chen can turn back time and go back to the moment just now.

After Einstein heard Xiang Yu speak, he also felt a deep sigh.

I really feel that it would be a pity if Oni Stamboul died like this.

As a result, Oni Stamboul has no ability and no powerful abilities, but he is indeed very individual, and he is also very loyal.

It’s not bad to keep him. If 797 can be used by Ye Chen, it seems that it will be a good material in the future.

But at this moment, it was just Einstein’s thoughts. It all depends on how Ye Chen decides.

But Einstein thought it was good for Ye Chen to see this young man, otherwise, why didn’t he give orders till now.

How about not taking Oni Stamboul? If someone else said this, I am afraid they would have been punished by Ye Chen long ago.

But after Oni Stable said those words just now, Ye still didn’t react.

There was no action to deal with Onystamble, so Einstein felt that it seemed that Ye Chen still had a little appreciation for the Onystamble in front of him.

Although Einstein knew that it was all his own guesses, he felt that his guesses were correct.

Even if he can’t fully guess Ye Chen’s mind, he can judge by these things now.

Einstein has also been very sure that Ye Chen should appreciate Oni Stamboul, and also think that Oni Stamboul is a good material, which can be honed a lot, and it is useful to take with him.

Einstein thought of this at this moment, and his eyes were also full of sadness, and it was also special.

It was because neither of them knew what to do, and they were just guessing each other here.

I just want two people to discuss what the situation is today.

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