Chapter 312 Cruel Guy Ah Ah

After Xiang Yu’s words just now, he paused for a moment and saw Einstein in front of him and continued.

“So I’m not stupid, I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want Ye Chen to punish the two of us, if the two of us fight here, then Mr. Ye will be angry.

After Xiang Yu said this, he turned around, looked at Ye Chen behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, and didn’t want to speak anymore.

He felt that he had already said what he had to say, and hoped that Einstein would not push himself too far.

If Einstein continued to tease him, Xiang Yu felt that he would not be able to bear it, even if he was punished by Ye Chen, it would not matter.

After Einstein heard Xiang Yu’s words, he laughed behind him, but he didn’t make a sound.

It seems that this Xiang Yu is indeed brave and resourceful. He is not as stupid as he looks, and he is quite intelligent.

Einstein didn’t want to continue entanglement with Xiang Yu at this moment.

Because the two didn’t think it was necessary, they reconciled every time after they quarreled together.

So now in this period, especially on the Soochow star, Einstein felt that 10 was too much.

At this moment, he stood behind Xiang Yu and stopped talking, looking at Ye Chen behind the Void Swallowing Dragon.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s expression was still the same as before, so tangled, so angry.

Ye Chen was standing behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, waiting for a signal from the system.

But at this moment, he has been waiting for 5 minutes, and there is no news from the system.

Couldn’t find the information on Oni Stamboul?

Is the time remaining in One Stamble really a mystery?

Ye Chen is a little angry when he thinks about it now, what is the situation, it has been so long.

Could it be that the system can’t even search for the information of a planetary person?

Ye Chen is really a little different. Could it be that this One Stamble in front of him today is really extraordinary.

Otherwise, how could it be so troublesome, and just when the information on Oni Stamboul was collected, 100 time points had already been spent.

In this way, Ye Chen felt even more strange.

Now, after receiving Ye Chen’s order, the system did not hear any news and did not answer him.

Ye Chen looked at the Oni Stambul standing at his feet, and the red circle on his body was getting brighter and brighter.

Could it be this red light that protects Oni Stamboul from finding any information about him?

Ye Chen felt incredible, what happened? Why did such an abnormal situation occur.

This is something Ye Chen has never seen before.

At this moment, he was a little confused, and he was right. When he conquered the planet, he had never encountered such a thing as today.

Ye Chen also felt a little puzzled, but he wanted to search for all the information of Onistambull through the system, but so far he has no impression.

Ye Chen really couldn’t figure it out at this moment, whether it was a person from Earth or a planet.

There will always be a time life, the number of days remaining.

But why is there no display of Onistambull in front of him.

And there was no instruction on his head, and the screen was blank.

Now Ye Chen felt even more strange, the Onistambull in front of him really couldn’t solve him in such a hasty manner.

To keep him, Ye Chen couldn’t just let him disappear or kill him just like this before he found out the identity of Oni Stamboul.

Because Ye Chen didn’t plan to kill Oni Stambul from the beginning.

“System, what’s the matter? Why didn’t you answer what I said, did you not receive my order?”

“What happened to you today? You are just a system person, why did something happen?

“Is it so difficult to search for Oni Stamboul’s identification? Search for me immediately, and find his information for me no matter what the cost.”

Ye Chen is now sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, his eyes are full of suffocation, and he is a little angry at this moment.

But he didn’t want his anger to spread to the innocent.

After all, once he gets angry, all Mroni people will be punished like Olot.

Ye Chen didn’t want to see this happen again, after all, it wasn’t his wish.

Ye Chen didn’t want Olot to go through such a toss, but suddenly unlocked a new skill.

Only then did I know that this skill was so cruel that it could instantly make a planetary person look like Olot.

This was indeed something Ye Chenshi didn’t expect.

So cruel things like Olot, Ye Chen didn’t want to happen again.

It all seemed very plain, but in fact, the waves were turbulent, and Ye Chen gained a lot of skills for no reason, which made him feel strange.

Could it be related to the ability to absorb air weapons just now? Otherwise, how to explain all this?

At this moment, Ye Chen tried hard to recall in his mind, just now when Kong Wu was turned into a leaf, it slowly turned into ashes and was blown away by the wind.

He felt that his body was constantly burning and boiling, and he felt that his entire internal organs seemed to be burned by fire.

Ye Chen couldn’t describe that feeling, as if he was about to burst out in an instant, his muscles and bones were constantly strengthening.

Could it be related to the ability to absorb Kong Wu Kong Wu, otherwise, how could he be in such a situation.

Ye Chen thought about these things now, and felt that he was indeed absorbing the energy of powerful planetary people as he thought.

You can make yourself stronger and stronger.

Ye Chen suddenly understood that this is really too strange, it seems that if he encounters a powerful opponent.

If you absorb the energy of this opponent into your body, this opponent will be destroyed in an instant, then you will become stronger and stronger, and your strength will become higher and higher.

But Ye Chen also knew in his heart that he would not kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor would he take someone’s life for no reason.

After all, he has done things with principles for so many years. Before he came to the parallel world, he was not such a cruel person.

But now that he has time energy, he must continue to plunder and become stronger to survive here.

Otherwise, Ye Chen knew that if he became very weak, he would also be eliminated by his opponent.

When I met Kong Wu just now, if this guy hadn’t made a rude remark.

Daring boldly attacked Ye Chen, Ye Chen knew that he would not turn him into that, making him shattered instantly.

After all, Ye Chen never wanted to kill everyone on the planet here. .

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