Chapter 298

After seeing Ye Chen at this moment, Olot realized that there are such powerful people on earth, and they also have a powerful time system, which is really emotional.

Olot did have a dream, but he didn’t expect that the person who had a powerful time system was not a human on the planet. Since he is a human being on Earth, this is really incredible.

Olot never thought that such a thing would happen to people on Earth, a mediocre Earthling, now that he has a powerful time system.

To be able to travel parallel to the world to get here, become the master of time, become the master of the galaxy, this is really unexpected.

When Olot thought of this now, he felt that anything could happen, and he couldn’t believe it.

Olot is thinking about these things now, but he doesn’t know what to do. After hearing what Oni Stambul said just now, he doesn’t know if he can speak again.

I don’t know if he can make a sound now that he has become like this. He wants to try to make a sound to see if he can save his nephew.

No matter how rebellious Oni Stamboul said, he didn’t want Oni Stable to die in Ye Chen’s hands like this.

Can you also hope that the powerful Lord of Time in front of you can let Oni Stamboul go?

At this moment, Olot was relying on his weak breathing, his flat head tried to make a sound, and he felt slightly that he could still open his mouth.

It’s just that where the sound came from, he really doesn’t know, because his internal organs have melted, and he only has a flat head.

But now Olot is still alive, he also thinks it is a miracle.

It is really incredible and creepy that a planetary person can still live and speak if he turns into Olot.

All the Mroni people were pushed far away from Olot, and they did not dare to approach Olot in this state, because Olot looked really terrifying.

Ye Chen also felt a little scary when he saw Olot in this state. Before, Ye Chen knew that horror movies were his favorite.

But seeing those horror films, none of them were as terrifying as the image of Olot in front of them. This was a real horror film.

Ye Chen knew that this horror film was directed by him, otherwise, how could Olot become like this, Ye Chen felt very satisfied at this moment.

I feel that I am omnipotent and that everything is in my hands.

It was like Olot would suddenly become like this, lying on the ground dying, with only one mouth left to speak.

Ye Chen felt that he was very magical. Since he had such an ability, it really made him feel different. He never felt how powerful he was.

But looking at Olot’s state now, Ye Chen really understood what kind of energy and skills this powerful time system would have.

No matter what happens to Olot now, Ye Chen doesn’t care, because Ye Chen didn’t want him to die in his heart, but just made him suffer some punishment.

But Ye Chen didn’t expect his methods to be so cruel, he just glanced at Olot in anger, and he turned out to be like this.

This was indeed unexpected to Ye Chen, but seeing Olot like this now, Ye Chen felt that it didn’t matter.

Anyway, since I keep him, I will definitely restore him, just let him be punished at this moment.

Ye Chen knew that all his thoughts now were on the young boy Oni Stamboul at his feet.

I feel that he is indeed a strange person, an alternative, and he dares to say these things to himself.

The more Ye Chen thought about it, the more angry he felt, it seemed that he finally met his opponent today.

Moreover, this opponent does not have any ability, nor does he have any special abilities. With a heart that is not afraid of death, he competes with himself here.

Ye Chen just likes this sense of conquest, and the more he doesn’t surrender to him, the more he feels that he wants to keep this person and train him well.

Just like the one in front of Oni Stambler was a challenge to Ye Chen, and it was the first time Ye Chen had seen a planetary person with a personality like Oni Stambul.

Since coming to the parallel world, as long as everyone knows that Ye Chen is the master of time with a powerful time system, they will be obediently captured without the ability to resist.

Because they also have self-knowledge, knowing that resistance is also a dead end, Ye Chen feels that he has never met an opponent.

However, the opponent that I met in front of me was actually helpless. With a heart that was not afraid of death, with a strong will, he had been standing at his feet and said these words to himself with his head held high.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s eyes were full of unusual eyes, looking at Onistambull at his feet, he took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

This posture is really handsome. When he took out the cigarette, all the people on the planet were stunned. Although they did not dare to look at Chen, they were surprised when they heard the sound of the lighter.

Because they have never heard this voice, and do not know what it is, what kind of weapon they think it is.

At this moment, all the Mroni people showed horrified expressions on their faces, all of them were so frightened that they hurriedly crawled back several steps.

Ye Chen was a little angry when he saw the cowardly appearance of these Mroni people, but at the same time Ye Chen felt funny.

What kind of species are these, are they worthy of being a planetary person? Not even a dog that they raise.

Ye Chen looked at these cowardly (Zhao Qian’s) Mroni people, and then looked at Olot, who was dying on the ground, and felt that everything happened suddenly today.

He took a few deep puffs of cigarettes and exhaled a beautiful smoke ring. At this moment, the smoke ring was swirling constantly in the sky, and it did not retreat for a long time.

Ye Chen felt that his smoking skills were getting better and better. When he just learned to smoke, he was eaten every time.

But now after continuous study, I feel that my smoking skills are getting better and better, and I can still breathe out smoke rings. This is Ye Chen’s first time to breathe out smoke rings today.

And this smoke ring is still radiant, it seems that he has a powerful system in his body now, and he can do everything with half the effort, and everything he wants to do is pure.

Ye Chen rarely smoked in front of everyone, and every time he was alone, he would light a cigarette leisurely and smoke leisurely.

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