Chapter 295 Continue to argue

Therefore, the system was also a little guilty. After receiving this signal for the first time, it immediately conveyed this information to Ye Chen.

But now after hearing what Ye Chen said, the system didn’t know what to do, and felt a special self-blame in Ye Chen’s body.

If I could have known such a thing in advance, it would not have happened just now, and I would not have let my host waste 100 time points in vain.

For the system, it also knows how useful these 100 time points are, and how many people’s lifespans can be exchanged.

It can also make the owner earn a lot of money. This system is clear.

The system also knew that it was too late to say anything, but after hearing what Ye Chen said.

The system also felt very guilty, and felt that it was powerless, and it was impossible for the master to find these time points again.

The system also knows that once the time point is consumed, it is the same as a person spending money, and it will never be found again.

Only by constantly absorbing the energy of the planet through Ye Chen and constantly upgrading the system can he exchange for more time points.

Now it can only be accumulated slowly. Fortunately, the system also knows that there are still many time points in Ye Chen’s body. The 100 time points consumed just tonight are just a part of the system.

But the system also knows how serious it is, if it doesn’t stop in time.

I am afraid that these time points in Ye Chen’s body will be exhausted in the fastest time.

The system thought of these things in Ye Chen’s body, and slowly the signal came from Ye Chen’s body again.

“Host, I’m really sorry, it’s not that I don’t want to inform you in advance, I’m just a signal that I just got.

“Every time I listen to you searching for information, and when I search for information, it will not waste time. I know this best, because I am the system of your body, and no one knows better than me.

“But I didn’t know what happened just now. When I finished sorting out the Onistambull information, I realized that it took 100 time points in such a short period of time.”

“So I’ll tell you right away, I also think it’s quite different.”

After the system sent these messages in Ye Chen’s body, it stopped talking, and stayed quietly in Ye Chen’s body at this moment.

Because the system feels that what it says is useless, these 100 time points have been consumed, and it is impossible to come back. When the time point is used up, it is used up.

Even if Ye Chen has powerful energy and is the master of time, it is impossible to exchange the time point that was consumed. The system is very clear about this.

I don’t want to make unnecessary sacrifices, because the system doesn’t think it’s necessary.

Slowly absorb powerful energy and let the system continue to upgrade, these 100 time points will be accumulated again soon.

Although Ye Chen was a little angry in his heart, after hearing what the system said, he felt that he didn’t need to be too angry.

Ye Chen also knew that even if he was angry and lost his temper, so what, the 100 time points have been used up and consumed, and it is impossible to come back at this moment.

Ye Chen knew that it was useless to know that he was born there, and now the thing to face is that this One Stamboul is indeed a bit of a Damn it, causing him to lose 100 time points for no reason.

It seems that the young man in front of him is indeed a bit capable. In order to find his information, since the 100 time points that he had obtained in vain were all gone.

Ye Chen was a little unwilling, but he didn’t know what to do at this moment, was he going to kill Oni Stambul in front of him?

Can his life be exchanged for 100 time points? Ye Chen felt that this was impossible.

Rather than that, it would be better to leave Oni Stambul behind to slowly understand him and his origins.

Ye Chen also knew what he wanted to do, and there was nothing he didn’t know, just like the one in front of Oni Stamboul, the details of his body were unknown to the system until now.

So this made Ye Chen feel even more curious, and the curiosity in his heart has been cultivating, so that Ye Chen must leave Onistambull in front of him.

No matter what, he couldn’t kill him at this moment, Ye Chen also knew that it was too easy for him to kill someone, and it was like the back of his hand.

Even if the Mroni people in front of them are added together, as long as they think of a word, they will be wiped out in an instant, and not even a residue will be left.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Thinking of this, Ye Chen felt that he didn’t want to continue arguing with the system now, he didn’t think it was necessary, and the system didn’t do it on purpose.

If the system could know such a thing in advance, I am afraid it would also discuss it with itself, and it would not make decisions without authorization and spend 100 time points.

So Ye Chen doesn’t want to hold the system accountable now, because this matter has nothing to do with the system, the system just does things for itself after receiving its own signal.

At this moment, because Ye Chen has been talking to the system, his expression is a little weird, it looks undulating and a little unnatural.


Oni Stambul, who was under him, saw that Ye Chen had this expression, and didn’t know what was going on. Could it be that his face hurts at this moment?

Why is there such a hideous expression, Oni Stamboul is a little puzzled, how could the Lord of Time have such a change?

Looking at his expression, Oni Stamboul is a little uncomfortable, what’s the matter?

Is Ye Chen’s face cramping at this moment? Oni Stamboul felt incredible.

This is the young man behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, he is the master of time with a powerful time system, how could he have cramps on his face.

Seeing Ye Chen’s expression, Oni Stambul showed an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

He felt that the Lord of Time in front of him looked a little weird. Could it be that the Lord of Time was thinking about dealing with himself at this moment?

Otherwise, how could there be such an expression, but Oni Stamboul felt fearless.

Since the offensive words he had said just now, he didn’t want to get Ye Chen’s forgiveness.

Oni Stamboul knew that the big deal was death. Anyway, now he felt that his uncle Olot was dead.

Then he thinks that he is meaningless to live. Rather than living like this, he might as well die with his uncle.

The two of them also have a company on Huangquan Road, and it is also a good choice to die with Olot without letting Olot be alone like a ghost. again,

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