Chapter 292 The strongest man in the galaxy

Ye Chen’s tone was still as cold as he said to Onistambull and the others.

“What are you two doing, each other wants to save each other’s lives, is it the two of you who have the final say?

“What do you think, Olot? Isn’t it interesting that you are like this now?”

Ye Chen’s tone was sarcastic, looking at lying on the ground, Olot was going to die immediately, but Ye Chen would not let him die.

After Olot and Oni Stable heard what Ye Chen said, they felt different. Ye Chen didn’t say a word for a long time, why did he just start talking again.

Olot thought in his heart, is it something bad, is Ye Chen going to completely destroy himself at this moment?

This has become such that it is no longer a threat to him, can’t he just let himself go?

Olot felt that even if he instantly turned into blood and his head became flat, as long as he was alive, it was still important.

No matter how you live, as long as you have the breath, I am afraid that you will have 10 chances to turn around.

But this is only Olot’s own thoughts, he can’t say it. After he heard Ye Chen’s voice just now, he felt strange that his ear strength still did not diminish.

Ye Chen could still hear clearly when he spoke in the sky, which was no different from usual.

But he couldn’t beg for mercy to Ye Chen at this moment, he knew that if he begged for mercy, Ye Chen would be even more cruel to him, making his life worse than death.

Although Olot is like this now, he can’t feel any pain, and he is still very happy.

If at this moment his whole body has become bloody and painful, that is the most cruel thing.

So he still felt in his heart that all of Ye Chen’s actions were caused by Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen didn’t let him feel the pain, just the moment Olot dropped the metal pieces all over his body, his whole body felt as if he was being scorched by a knife.

And all the organs and limbs of Olot are slowly melting, green blood is flowing out continuously, and he feels a little pain, and now he can no longer feel the pain.

He looks like he’s been sedated, and although he looks frightening now, he has no other pain.

After hearing Ye Chen’s remarks, Onishtambull slowly stood up from the ground, with Ye Chen on his clothes behind the swallowing dragon in the void.

I feel that the Lord of Time in front of me at this moment is tall and mighty, and it feels like he has grown bigger in an instant.

But Oni Stamboul doesn’t find it strange, after all, the person in front of him is a person who has reached the peak level of Saiyan rank, and he is the master of time.

It is normal for him to instantly become the size of the universe.

Because when Oni Stamboul used to follow his uncle, even though his uncle didn’t call him or teach him spells, his uncle would always tell him everything about the galaxy.

He had also heard when he was a child that there was one of the most powerful figures in the galaxy, the Lord of Time.

This person is a person with a powerful time system, and once he has this powerful time system, he will become the time master of the galaxy.

This person has infinite power, infinite transformation and so powerful that he can kill invisible in an instant, and can also destroy the entire universe.

At that time, Oni Stamboul was still young, and after hearing Olot say this, he didn’t believe it at all, even though he was a Ye Chenzi at that time.

But he feels that there is no such powerful person in the world at all, how is this possible?

Because in his eyes, Olot is the hero and the most powerful person. He felt that at that time, how could there be a person stronger than his uncle in the entire universe system.

So O’Neill didn’t believe the things his uncle told him since he was a child. At that time, O’Neill felt that Olot was lying to himself and making up a story to make him happy.

Oni Stamboul now thinks about what happened yesterday when he heard his uncle talk about these things when he was a child.

But in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed, and he has grown up.

Oni Stamboul didn’t expect those stories told by his uncle, but it really happened today.

I finally met the most powerful character in the galaxy, the Lord of Time with a powerful time system.

Oni Stambul knew that it was too late to believe his uncle’s words at this moment. If he died today, he would also be able to see this person with a powerful time system, and he could also see the Lord of Time, who turned out to be the young man in front of him.

Since he has such a powerful ability, he is also very envious in his heart when he thinks of this now.

If you can also have a little bit of Ye Chen’s skill, then you can also compete with him.

But now Onistambul knew that he was powerless, even an earthling could not deal with it, let alone the Lord of Time with a powerful time system in front of him.

Although Onishtambul knew that the Ye Chen sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon in front of him had infinite power, and that killing people would be effortless at all, he was not afraid.

At this moment, Oni Stambul slowly stood up from Olot’s side and walked slowly to Ye Chen’s side.

Looking down at Ye Chen who was hanging in the air, his eyes were full of hatred, and he looked at Ye Chen and said to him.

“You Damn it guy, you think it’s funny, but you made my uncle like this, don’t you think your tactics are too cruel.

“Do you think you have a powerful time system, and I’m afraid of you as the master of time in this entire galaxy? The big deal is death.”

“My uncle has become like this, and my life has no meaning. I am not afraid of death now, and it is even less possible for me to be afraid of you.”

“What kind of master of time are you, can the master of time kill innocent people indiscriminately? I think you are a murderer.

“Why, don’t look at me like this, look at me, I won’t be afraid, the big deal is death, what’s so scary.”

After Oni Stambul said this, the expression on his face with his head held high was also very strong, and his eyes were full of evil spirits as he looked at Ye Chen.

Although he was helpless and unable to deal with Ye Chen at this moment, he didn’t want to show himself too cowardly.

He felt that even if he was too incompetent at this moment, he would not be able to live.

Since it’s all dead anyway, why let himself be so humble as he lives in front of Ye Chen, he doesn’t think it’s necessary for him to do so.

Ostanbul knew in his heart that after saying these words, he would probably anger Ye Chen, but he felt that it didn’t matter.

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