Chapter 284

But Olot knew that he was still breathing, and he still understood in his heart, even though the memory was slowly fading in his mind.

But he remembered everything that happened in front of him, and he has not completely lost all his memories until now.

Olot opened his mouth with difficulty and slowly made a voice, but the voice sounded particularly weak, and it felt like he was dying, as if just a few words could make him die instantly.

“Silly child, why are you crying? Uncle is fine.

“Don’t you see that uncle is fine? As long as you are safe, uncle will be happy. Don’t cry, okay?”

Uncle “I remember that you never cried when you were young. Even if you were injured and fell down, you would not shed a single tear. What happened today.”

“Can you wipe away your tears at this moment, and don’t let your uncle look down on you, okay? It must be the only bloodline left in our family. You must live well.”

After Olot finished saying this, he felt inconceivable that it had become like this, and he could still speak.

Although it was a little hard for him to speak just now, he knew that he was still alive and could still talk to Oni Stambul. 770

He was still very happy in his heart, even if he died at this moment, he felt contented.

At least being able to say the last word to Oni Stamboul before he died, his wish has been fulfilled.

At this moment, Olot really learned the power of Ye Chen, and he didn’t know how much ability this young man hanging in the air had.

But Olot knew that he probably didn’t have the chance to see it, no matter how capable Ye Chen was.

For Olot, today may be the end of the world, for him, it may be the last day of his life.

Olot also didn’t think that the end of the world was a little too early for him, and he was not ready.

Originally, he came here today and couldn’t explain clearly, but he didn’t expect that since he met a powerful opponent like Ye Chen, he didn’t expect Ye Chen to be the master of time in this world, with a powerful time system.

How could Olot know that such a thing happened, if it was like this, he couldn’t have come here to die in vain.

Olot should obediently stay in his tribe (bacd) and lead all the Mroni people to survive well, and there is no need to suffer such a disaster.

But Olot knows what’s the use of thinking about it now, it’s too late, he has become like this now.

Even if Ye Chen doesn’t kill himself, can he still live? It has slowly turned into a cloud of green blood, and his head has turned into a piece of paper, how can he live?

I can’t move now, don’t I just lie on the ground without dying? I’m afraid that as I slowly decay, I will also slowly evaporate on the planet.

Olot has lived on the planet Kro for tens of thousands of years, and he has never seen such cruelty.

Even though his previous methods were very vicious, his methods were really far from Ye Chen in front of him.

And he felt that he couldn’t compare with Ye Chen at all.

Ye Chen didn’t use any skill at all, just looked at himself with his eyes, and suddenly the metal pieces all over his body were slowly falling off, and green blood plasma continued to appear on his body.

It can be seen how powerful this Ye Chen is in his body, this is not something he can think of at all.

When Oni Stamboul heard Olot speak, he was happy, it seemed that his uncle was still alive, and he could still speak.

But seeing Olot become like this, Oni Stamboul’s heart is sad to die, even if his uncle survives at this moment, how can he survive?

He immediately turned into a pool of stagnant water, and he felt that his breathing was very weak, even if he was not dead.

But in this state, life is better than death, and Oni Stamboul really doesn’t know what to do.

At this moment, Oni Stamboul had been crying silently, and he was still very sad.

Even if Olot spoke at this moment, how could he possibly return to his previous state?

Oni Stamboul was very clear in his heart, seeing his uncle become like this, Oni Stambul was also very remorseful in his heart.

If it weren’t for his own oversight, how could he be in today’s situation? Olot would not be subjected to such a twist.

“Uncle, how are you? Are you okay? Don’t scare me, okay?

“But it’s all my fault. It’s because I overestimate what I can do, and I have to be brave. Otherwise, you won’t be tortured like this.”

“Uncle, I beg you, can you survive? Let me take your place, anyway, I don’t have any ability, and it’s superfluous for me to live.

Oni Stambouldo hoped that he would replace Olot at this moment, because he felt that it was better to live than to die, and he was like a waste anyway.

Although he is not timid and is not afraid of anything, he knows that he has no energy and no magic power.

After all, he knew that he had been frail and sick since childhood, and was not suitable for practicing these martial arts. He also knew that his uncle did not teach him powerful spells, and it was for his sake.

Watching Olot go through such pain and suffering at this moment, Oni Stamboul’s heart was pierced.

At this moment, I feel that I wish I could just die like this. As long as I can harm Olot, I want to know that I can do anything, and I will agree to everything.

At this moment, he suddenly stood up from Olot’s side and walked quickly under Ye Chen.

He raised his head high, looked at Ye Chen sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon, still fearless, and said to Ye Chen.

“Marven Ye, what do you want? You came to me with something, I was disrespectful to you just now, my uncle was just begging for me, why did you treat him like this?

“I offended you. If you want to punish, just punish me. Don’t do this to my uncle. He has surrendered to you just now. You don’t need to do this to him.”

“Besides, you said just now that you’ve let go of my uncle, why is he treating him in this way at this moment, don’t you think you’re really reneging on your promises and not being trustworthy?

After Oni Stambul said this, he stared at Ye Chen who was hanging in the air with anger.

I feel that the person sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment is very handsome, but Oni Stambul feels that his heart is particularly vicious, how can he be the Lord of Time?

Is it possible to kill innocent people indiscriminately as a master of time? Can you use his powerful power to treat all people?

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