Chapter 282 Dying

Einstein and the others knew what Mr. Ye wanted to do, and they could only watch it all and couldn’t do anything.

Besides, it is normal for Olot in front of him to be punished like this. When this guy first appeared on the field, he was very arrogant.

And he didn’t take Ye Chenren in his eyes at all, no wonder Mr. Ye punished him like this now and made him suffer like this.

Xiang Yu felt that when Olot just appeared, Ye Chen didn’t directly use time to plunder to destroy it. Even if he was benevolent, it was really a miracle that he could still live to this day.

It is normal for Olot to be punished like this now. Xiang Yu thought of this and felt nothing.

This is the change of the world, the instinct of survival, if you have no ability, you will naturally be eliminated by this terrible world, and you will be eliminated by this terrible world.

The Olot in front of you is a living example. When you think of this at this moment, you also have some thoughts. If you offend Ye Chen one day, will you be subject to such a twist?

At this moment, Xiang Yu told himself in his heart that he must be careful when he does things in the future, and he must be vigilant at all times, and he must not be careless. Once he offends Ye Chen, he may be met with unexpected fire.

Looking at Olot lying on the ground, the scales kept falling, and the green blood on the body kept flowing out.

This moment is indeed a bit cruel, after all the Mroni people saw it, they really couldn’t stand it any longer.

They closed their eyes one after another, feeling that at this moment they couldn’t do anything, and it was impossible to change.

If Ye Chen really wants to kill their Purple King, they don’t have any ability to stop this.

Now all the Mroni people look at the scene in front of them and dare not say anything, because they don’t have any powerful energy, and they don’t have the ability.

Once they ask for permission, I am afraid they will suffer the same way as Olot, and they don’t want to say such punishment at this moment like Olot in front of them.

This punishment is really terrible. No one can bear such cruelty. This kind of pain is not something that anyone can experience.

Olot is now suffering from such pain, and he has been enduring it in his heart, even though he can’t wait to die at this moment.

But he knew that before Ye Chen didn’t let him die, he didn’t even have the right to die, so he could only endure the pain silently, and he didn’t cry out.

At this moment, he felt as if he had forgotten these pains, and only hoped that Olot could leave Oni Stambul behind. This was the most important thing.

Olot also hoped that after suffering such pain, he would be able to exchange for the safety of Oni Stamboul, after all, he is now his only bloodline.

It was the only hope left to him by his older brother. Although Oni Stamboul did not have the same powerful skills as him, Oni Stable has the strength and wisdom that others do not have.

Olot also hoped that Onistambull could survive this catastrophe safely. After all, facing Ye Chen in front of him, everyone was helpless, and none of them had any ability to fight against Ye Chen.

Olot was lying on the ground now, and immediately turned into a pool of green blood, but he knew clearly in his heart that all this happened.

I feel like I’m going to die at this moment, but why can’t I feel a little bit of pain now?

What the hell is going on? Olot can’t understand, isn’t he going to die soon?

Why can’t I feel any pain at this moment, and I feel like I’m just like a normal person, just lying on the ground, green blood is constantly flowing out, and there is no other feeling.

Oni Stamboul looked at Olot in this way, and regretted it a lot. If he had known this, he should not have come forward and should not have been brave.

But he knew that it was too late, Olot became powerless in this state, no matter how great he was, he couldn’t make Olot recover.

After all, Olot’s whole body has already begun to fester, and it is no longer in shape, and will soon evaporate a little bit, turning into a pool of green blood, and no longer exists.

Watching all this, Oni Stambul was already weeping and tears kept flowing. At this moment, he rushed to Olot’s side, and he felt like a sinner.

Obviously he didn’t have any ability, but he had to stand up to fight against Ye Chen, but Olot was implicated. All of this, he felt that his incompetence led to the current situation.

If he could bear it for a while, Olot would not stand up and speak for himself, nor would such a situation happen, nor would he bear the pain in front of him.

Onistambull felt that he had nowhere to put his hand beside Olot, because Olot in front of him had slowly melted, and he was just breathing a little, he didn’t know what to do.

“Uncle, how did you become like this? You can save me, you just let me die.”

“Why do you want to protect me? Let yourself become like this, if you can’t live, how can I live.”

“Uncle, wake up, look at me, I’m Oni Stamboul, I’m your nephew, do you still recognize me?”

At this moment, Olot started to fall into a coma because of 767’s green blood flowing through his body just now, and he began to lose his memory little by little.

He didn’t know if he was alive at this moment, he was just lying in a pool of green blood, dying.

But he seemed to remember clearly in his heart that he was suffering such pain because of Ye Chen.

Even though he was in a later state at this moment, he knew in his heart that it was to protect Oni Stamboul, and he did not regret the pain he suffered at all.

He felt that everything he had was worthwhile, and he felt that his efforts were not in vain. As long as he could live safely on this planet, this was what was important.

In the future, Oni Stambul will definitely have a powerful force erupting from his body, and he may avenge himself at that time. Even if he dies at this moment, it is nothing.

Olot was in a daze, lying in a pool of green blood, as if he vaguely heard what Oni Stamboul said.

He slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, his entire head had become as thin as a piece of paper.

But he opened his eyes slowly, as if he could see the appearance of Oni Stambler, although he couldn’t see it clearly, he could also see the outline of Oni Stambul to some extent.

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