Chapter 280 Green Blood

But Einstein knew that there were some things he couldn’t say. After all, he was Ye Chen’s left hand. If the master wanted to do something, he had no right to stop him.

The master has his reasons, and the director will think clearly about what to do. Einstein is really uncertain about what Ye Chen is thinking at this moment.

But he used to follow behind Ye Chen, no matter what Ye Chen did, he understood in his heart and could predict Ye Chen’s thoughts in advance.

But at this moment, he is confused. He doesn’t know why the master did this. If he wants to kill Olot, it’s like the back of his hand, and he doesn’t need to be so troublesome?

Why let Olot endure such pain, making people shudder, is it to give these Mroni stars a slap in the face?

Einstein thought of this at this moment, looked at Xiang Yu in front of him, and said to him in a low voice.

“This kind of punishment is indeed the first time the two of us have met. The two of us have followed Mr. for so long. Since we came to his parallel world, the two of us are his left hands.”

“I know him fairly well, but at this moment, why did he take such a hot shot and use such means to deal with Olot, I really don’t understand.

After Xiang Yu heard Einstein say this, he leaned over to him and said in a low voice.

“That’s right, so neither of us can figure it out. You are much smarter than me. You are not so reckless and don’t use your brains like I usually do. Even you don’t understand, and I don’t even know about things.”

“Mr. Ye used to have only three time skills, but now I think he suddenly has several more skills, is it related to absorbing these planets.

After Xiang Yu said these words, he kept looking at the state of Olot in front of him. At this moment, his Olot kept rolling on the ground, but he didn’t make a single plea for mercy, and he didn’t even shout. endure the pain.

Xiang Yu looked at Olot like this at this moment, and really admired him secretly in his heart, feeling that this was indeed the demeanor that a king should have.

Under such cruel torture, he didn’t even snort. If it were him, he would have passed away long ago, or he would beg for mercy from Ye Chen constantly, hoping that Ye Chen could let him go.

But looking at Olot’s state now, Xiang Yu felt that he couldn’t keep up. His perseverance, being able to endure such pain, was not something ordinary people could do.

After Einstein heard Xiang Yu say this, he felt strange. Before they came to Soochow Star, Ye Chen only had the three time functions that came with him.

And it’s not as powerful as it is now. Just like the skill he used to deal with Olot, he didn’t have it before. It seems that he has indeed unlocked some new skills when he came here.

But Einstein didn’t know what was going on, and only Ye Chen knew the answer.

Einstein thought of this at this moment, turned his head to look at Xiang Yu, and said to him.

“Yeah, I don’t understand, why did Mr. Ye use such a method? Besides, his new skill really makes people curious.”

“This should be what he just came into contact with, otherwise, how could he have such a new function, the time system that comes with him, an energy that we have already seen.

“But this powerful energy in front of us also has this ability, we have never seen it before, this is what we just saw, and it really surprised us.

“Look at Olot’s expression, it’s really unbearable, but he didn’t beg for mercy, he just hoped that Ye Chen would let him die a happy death, but after Ye Chen heard him, why hasn’t it been until now? answer.”

“What is Mr. Ye thinking at this moment? We really don’t know, he just wants to plunder the energy on the planet, and absorbing different powerful energies can make him constantly stronger and upgrade him constantly.

“But now why he did all this to Olot, the two of us are just guessing here, and we don’t quite understand the reasons for all this.

Einstein felt that he was a little unfamiliar with Ye Chen at this moment, and he didn’t know him well.

Because he knew that he was behind Ye Chen before, and he felt that he knew him better, and he knew his actions very clearly.

But at this moment, why Ye Chen used such means to deal with Olot, he really couldn’t understand, and he was also a little confused and puzzled.

0 asking for flowers…

But now he knows that he shouldn’t speak, so he can only whisper to Xiang Yu here.

After Xiang Yu heard Einstein’s words, he kept guessing in his heart. Since this guy doesn’t know what Ye Chen is thinking, let alone he doesn’t understand.

Because he knew that he was usually very clumsy and not the kind of careful person, and only Einstein had a better understanding of Ye Chen’s guesses.

He knew that it was okay for him to get a gun without a knife, but he knew he couldn’t do it by letting himself do something to guess a person’s mind.

Because he is not such a careful person at all, when they met at this moment, Olot, who was lying on the ground, felt a little soft-hearted.

If you are Chen at this moment, I am afraid that you will forgive Olot, because you don’t think it is necessary. If you want a heart, you will die, and you don’t need to go through such a lot of trouble.

“Yeah, when this Olot first appeared, I thought it was quite annoying, too arrogant and overbearing.

“As soon as he swerved twice, he was suddenly surrendered by Ye Chen. He had been kneeling on the ground just now and it was quite calm.”

“But at this moment, he is for an Oni Stambul, maybe his relatives, is it his son? Since he didn’t even want his life, and endured such pain, he didn’t ask for mercy.”

“So I think it seems that this Oni Stamboul is very important to him. He has just said that he is his relative, but is it really worth paying such a price for a relative?”

“Look at Mr. Ye’s expression now, he doesn’t seem to have that kind of anger, his face has always been very flat, looking at Olot who was lying on the ground and kept rolling.

“When Mr. Ye wanted to kill someone, the expression on his face was not like this at all, and now his expression doesn’t seem to want Olot’s life, otherwise, he wouldn’t be so hard.

“But now Olot is under such torture, this kind of punishment, even if Mr. Ye forgives him, can he still live? His body is already festering, and green blood is constantly flowing out.” And,

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