Chapter 278 Super Energy

At this moment, everyone did not dare to offend him, because they knew that once they offended Ye Chen.

I’m afraid they will also end up like Olot, and they don’t want to die like this in an instant.

Olot kept rolling on the ground at this moment, watching his metal pieces fall piece by piece, just like the feeling of a fish being stripped of its scales alive, it was the same.

Now Olot can’t see clearly his whole body, green blood is flowing all over his body, and pus is oozing out.

At this moment, people can’t stop wanting to vomit, and it’s easy to vomit out the food they just ate, because looking at Olot’s appearance is really disgusting.

Olot felt that his metal pieces kept falling, and he only heard the clicking sound from his body, and it was like the sound of a machine, which was very uncomfortable for people to listen to.

He had never felt such a feeling before, and at this moment he truly understood Ye Chen’s power. Since he has such cruel means to deal with himself.

Olot did not expect that he would be punished like this, which was really cruel to him.

He knew that his methods used to be very vicious, but compared with the time index in front of him, it was really far behind.

Unexpectedly, since this so-called Lord of Time is so vicious, he will use such cruel and indiscriminate methods to deal with himself.

At this moment, Olot is really worse than death. He can’t wait to know his life immediately at this moment, but he knows that what he is doing now is in vain.

Because he didn’t have the right to choose death, and he had no way to let him die at this moment, he could only helplessly suffer, seeing the metal pieces on his body peeling off a little bit.

Moreover, the green liquid on his body kept leaking out. He felt that at this moment, he was going to vomit. He didn’t expect that he would have such a disgusting appearance.

Only now did Olot know that Ye Chen still had such a cruel side, and he also learned his power.

It seems that this master of time is not for nothing. The so-called master of time can dominate everything in the world, can control the lives of others, and can make a life worse than death.

It is also possible to let a person die at this moment, and Ye Chen can do whatever he wants. This is the ability of the Lord of Time, and no one can compare with him.

Olot also knew that he had to ask for mercy at this moment, because he knew that Ye Chen would not let him die so easily.

Everything in front of him is that Ye Chen is punishing him and letting him have a little memory, otherwise, Ye Chen would not torture him like this.

Olot can’t wait to die immediately at this moment, even if Ye Chen can give him a pleasure, it can be regarded as a punishment.

He also knew that Ye Chen would not let them lose easily. If Ye Chen thought so, he would not let him suffer such pain.

Olot felt that at this moment, he really had no face to face all the Mroni people, after all, he was the commander of all the Mroni people.

He had lost his dignity in front of him, and at this moment, he was completely defeated, and he felt that he really had no face to face them.

But Olot also knew that he had to live humbly and kneeling, and it was impossible to die so lucky at this moment, because Ye Chen didn’t order him not to die.

Olot’s painful expression on his face now proves that he feels that his facial expression muscles have been twitching, and his facial features are constantly twisting.

At this moment, everyone felt very terrified when they saw Olot’s appearance.

Because his entire face has been deformed, as if being squeezed together, the eyeballs are constantly popping out.

Olot just felt constant pain in his body, and this was green liquid leaking out constantly.

But at this moment, he felt that his face was also burning in pain, and he felt as if his face was being squeezed.

At this moment, he felt that his head was about to be squeezed into a pie, and he knew that Ye Chen had already begun to use his powerful time system against him.

But Olot really felt strange, he didn’t see Ye Chen talking but just kept looking at himself, since he has such a powerful ability.

Now Olot has no choice but to admire him, and he slowly understands him when he is white. It seems that the Hand of Time has a powerful energy in him, which cannot be compared to you, nor can others see through.

At any time, it is possible to emit a lot of energy and unlock a lot of functions. Before, Olot only heard about the powerful skills of the Lord of Time.

As for how much ability Ye Chen has, Olot does not know, at this moment he really understands.

Because these new skills were used on himself, Olot really felt that he was really miserable to the extreme.

“Master, why do you treat me like this? If you want to kill me at this moment, don’t hesitate, and I won’t blink.”

“If it wasn’t for my relatives, I wouldn’t offend you, but now for my relatives, I’d rather die.

“But I think that as the Lord of Time, you have such a powerful energy, are you overkill for a person like me?

“Because I don’t think I’m worthy to let you use such skills to deal with me. Besides, you can kill me at any time, so why do you have to spend so much trouble.”

Olot knew that it was useless to say more begging for mercy at this moment, he just wanted to beg for a death from Ye Chen, and he also wanted to die and change.

He didn’t want to let himself suffer like this, and he didn’t want him to continue. It was such an insult to him.

I feel that I really want to close my eyes at this moment and turn into ashes, and I don’t want to continue to be humiliated here.

(Zhao Wang is good) Olot knows that he has lived on the Soochow Star for tens of thousands of years, and has never endured such pain, and he does not know that there are such cruel methods in the world.

Although Olot was tortured like this at this moment, he felt that his life was worse than death, which was really uncomfortable.

But he felt that he didn’t come to the water in vain, and once he was able to see that a powerful time place like Ye Chen had such an ability.

It is not worth being a planetary person. He feels that he is worth it. He knows that it is useless to say too many words for mercy at this moment.

If Ye Chen wanted him to die, he said that it would be in vain.

Olot just wanted to die now, and he didn’t want to ask Ye Chen to let him go, because he still knew very well that he had reached this point.

If Ye Chen could deal with him in such a way, he knew that he could not survive.

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