Chapter 273 Painful Expression

At this moment, Ye Chen felt that it was not easy for them after hearing the words of these Mroni stars.

In order to survive and let them do what, they have no turning back and have no right to choose.

It seems that this world is like this, the winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, whoever has the most powerful ability is the ruler of this world.

Ye Chen is also glad that he has a powerful time system now, otherwise, he might be kneeling in front of these people at this moment and begging for mercy all the time.

Ye Chen thought of this and felt that he was lucky. It was such an honor to have such a powerful time system and to be the master of time in the entire parallel world.

At this moment, Ye Chen thought of a lot of things in his heart. After absorbing these alien planets, there are still many things to solve when he returns to the Hall of Longevity.

Human beings on earth are making continuous progress and exploration every day, and technology is developing day by day.

Ye Chen also thought that when he returned to the Great Wall store, he would continue to upgrade and achieve his own strength. When he returned to the earth, he would be able to make a lot of contributions to mankind.

It can also make human beings develop by leaps and bounds in science and technology. This is Ye Chen’s goal in the future. He wants to keep moving forward and striving towards this goal.

Now that he balances the world, and constantly absorbs the powerful abilities brought by various planets, he wants to return to the earth to be able to display everything, so that his current skills can be used on the earth.

To be able to benefit mankind and hope to gain the worship of the people of the earth, this is what Ye Chen dreams of, after all, he is just an ordinary earth person.

At this moment, I suddenly have a powerful system, come to a parallel world, and come to the Milky Way to create miracles here, we need continuous innovation and continuous upgrading.

At this moment, Ye Chen realized that his system had just absorbed the power of the planet, and was constantly improving the energy of the system. At this moment, he knew that he had several powerful functions.

The Mroni people in front of them are full of lethality because they heard Ye Chen’s laughter just now, so they are constantly begging for mercy, and they are constantly rolling on the ground.

Ye Chen was more certain in his heart. It turned out that the addition of this skill to him was a time laughter full of powerful magic. This time was long, and in a short period of time, it could cause people to roll over in pain, and the eardrum would burst in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Chen knew that he was just laughing lightly. Now that he has such skill, it seems that when he is laughing in the future, he must put away his own time laughter at any time.

I can only treat these people with ordinary laughter. If I forget this, I am afraid that everyone who is with me will be affected by Chi Yu and will be affected.

Ye Chen is also very clear at this moment, if he continues to laugh, he does not know what will happen to these Mroni people lying on the ground?

Will they die in an instant because their time laughter is full of lethality? Ye Chen is looking forward to this moment, and really wants to try it.

But he knew he couldn’t do it, and it would be cruel to test the power of laughter in his own world with the lives of these Mroni people.

He also doesn’t want such a thing to happen, after all, Ye Chen has not yet reached this point, and he will not be so vicious.

Ye Chen now looked at Einstein and Xiang Yu standing behind the crowd, and felt that the two of them could still resist their own time laughter.

At this moment, they were just hanging their ears, their expressions were painful after all, and there was no other abnormality. It seemed that these two guys had powerful abilities to protect them, and they were not affected at this moment.

Ye Chen admired Einstein and Xiang Yu while he slept. He felt that these two people had extraordinary skills and their bodies had powerful abilities.

This is why he valued Einstein and the others, otherwise, Ye Chen would not have kept the two of them as his confidants.

Although Ye Chen knew better that Einstein was more fortunate, on the contrary, Xiang Yu was more reckless.

At this moment, Ye Chen thought that Xiang Yu, who he had seen on TV before, was indeed somewhat similar to the person in front of him.

Is it true that everything written in history is true? Xiang Yu is such a reckless person. The reason why he finally perished was because of his bravery and low IQ.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt sorry and regretful for Xiang Yu in history. It was really a pity that such a generation of overlords died like that.

After Ye Chen came to this parallel world, he did not expect to meet Einstein Xiang Yu and Ying Zheng here.

Unexpectedly, they could come together and use it for himself, which really surprised Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen thought of these things at this moment, he really felt unbelievable, how could this world change like this.

Moreover, they are people from different places at all. Since they met together, Ye Chen sometimes finds it strange that he doesn’t understand.

But these things are not something he can tangle. Since this parallel world is arranged like this, then he can only accept the tail first.

Ye Chen looked at the Mroni people who were kneeling and rolling on the ground, and at this moment, he slowly put away his laughter.

These Mroni people heard that Ye Chen had stopped laughing, and put away his laughter, the Mroni people felt very strange.

After all, they were begging for mercy just now, and they didn’t hear Ye Chen’s answer. At this moment, the laughter suddenly disappeared, and they felt that their bodies had slowly returned to normal, and the pain was no longer unbearable like before.

“.You guys (Zhao Wang’s) trash, I just laughed casually, since you can’t even stop this kind of laughter, you still want to follow me in the future.” Qi. ”

“I think you guys are really useless guys, I don’t know what kind of skills you have to follow me, I have to think about it.

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, the Muroni people lay on the ground one by one, trembling with fright, and didn’t know what he meant by that.

The Mroni star didn’t know why Ye Chen just smiled, since he has such a heavy lethality.

They didn’t know what was going on, after all, they didn’t have much ability, they just used to do things behind Olot, and they didn’t expect Ye Chen’s laughter to be so powerful.

At this moment, when they heard Ye Chen’s lethal laughter, they didn’t know what happened, and they were powerless to resist.

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