Chapter 271 New Skills

It is impossible for anyone to compete with Ye Chen’s power, and now Olot’s only choice is to loyally surrender to his side and use it for him.

Because Olot knows that being behind the Lord of Time is also a very glorious thought.

At this moment, Olot respectfully looked at Ye Chen, and said to him with a bit of panic on his face.

“Mr. Ye, I’ll call you master at this moment. If you have any instructions, just ask. As long as it’s something I know, I will definitely speak out.”

“I don’t know if calling you like this will anger you, but I think it’s not polite to call you Mr. Ye. After all, I have surrendered to you now, and you are my master.”

“So I think it’s more appropriate to call you master, if there is something wrong, please bring it up, and I will do my best to correct it.

Olot really did not expect that since he could live such a humble life in his lifetime, he would not have been able to say such a thing before.

After all, he is the master of the entire Kro planet, and anyone must obey his orders, no one can stand up to resist, and he also has infinite power.

80% of the parts on his body are made of metal, and he is one of the most powerful characters in the parallel world.

But he didn’t expect to be so vulnerable in front of Ye Chen, and he felt that his energy was incomparable to Ye Chen.

Olot did not expect that the hundreds of bomb robots that he had transformed into would stop in the air in an instant and slowly weathered away.

Just because of Ye Chen’s words, it became like this.

It can be seen that the title of Ye Chen’s Lord of Time is not given for nothing, which Olot is relatively clear in his heart.

So no matter what he does now, he has no regrets, even if he says some flattering words, he doesn’t care at all, he feels that as long as he doesn’t die, he will do whatever he wants.

Being alive is more important than anything else. Besides, he really admires the young man in front of him.

He also felt that there was still the Milky Way in the entire balanced world, and no one had the ability to compete with him. Even if the Huang level came out at this moment, it might not be able to make Ye Chen’s opponent.

So Olot felt that what he did was really nothing. Although he had powerful energy, he was really insignificant, and it was really not worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

So now he feels that after saying these words, he has not lost his identity at all, because he knows that he has no identity at all now.

It’s just Ye Chen’s dog. It also depends on whether the owner is happy or not. If the owner is unhappy, he can’t even be a dog.

After Ye Chen heard Olot’s words, he sat behind the Void Swallowing Dragon and laughed. This smile didn’t matter, the entire Soochow Star began to sway from side to side, and began to vibrate.

Everyone stood in place, and after hearing Ye Chen’s laughter, everyone closed their ears.

Because they suddenly felt that the laughter was full of supreme power, which could make their eardrums burst in an instant.

They really didn’t expect Ye Chen to just smile lightly. Since he has such great magic power, everyone was really shocked.

At this moment, the expressions on their faces were very terrifying, and the faces were very hideous. They were more certain in their hearts that the young man who lived behind the Void Swallowing Dragon possessed supreme power.

Just a slight smile can make everyone at the moment vanish in an instant, so everyone is now putting their ears around and crooked, and can no longer stand up.

They didn’t expect Ye Chen’s laughter, so lethal, they didn’t know what to do.

Ye Chen was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, looking at all the planetary people in front of him, all of them hung their ears, and the expressions on their faces were particularly terrifying.

Ye Chen didn’t know what was wrong, but suddenly he remembered that it seemed that his laughter just now caused such turmoil.

Ye Chen also knew that everyone was in special pain, because of his laughter, it seemed that he had come into contact with another skill for no reason.

He didn’t expect that in such a short quarter of an hour, since he had two more skills, he was surprised.

Einstein and Xiang Yu stood behind Olot, and after hearing Ye Chen’s laughter, the two of them couldn’t hold back.

Although the two of them have great supernormal abilities, this moment can’t stop Ye Chen’s magical laughter, and the two of them also wrap their ears.0

The expression on his face at this moment was also very uncomfortable, as if his ears were bursting in an instant.

Einstein Xiang Yu and the painful expressions at this moment were a little helpless. They did not expect that Mr. Ye had such a powerful skill at the moment of recovering the Soochow Star.

And the time system is getting stronger and stronger, which really surprised them, and they also felt a little surprised.

It seems that Mr. Ye’s ability is getting stronger and stronger, and his strength is constantly increasing.

Because the two of them have been behind Ye Chen for a long time, when they were with Ye Chen before, they would occasionally hear his laughter.

But it has never been more lethal than it is now, and they were truly amazed, not expecting it in such a short period of time.

Ye Chen actually added a powerful function to his body’s system, and he could kill everyone in an instant with just a slight smile. This is really amazing.

Einstein and Xiang Yu also knew that the time system in Ye Chen’s body was constantly increasing and increasing, and they also felt that Ye Chen’s internal strength was also growing.

Right now, Ye Chen has the supreme power and infinite power. It is true that everyone is not his opponent, nor can he compete with him.

Einstein swayed from side to side at this moment, closed his ears, looked at Xiang Yu who was in front of him, and said to him.

“What are you talking about? This Mr. Ye didn’t have this skill before. Why at this moment he just smiled softly, and all of us would have their ears shattered.”

“The two of us have followed him for so long, and we have never seen him with such a powerful ability. It seems that today he added a new skill out of thin air, which may have just been unlocked.”

After Xiang Yu heard Einstein’s words, he felt incredible. They had just arrived at Soochow Star for only half an hour.

How could such an incredible thing happen? Could it be that Ye Chen needs to upgrade the system.

Just by constantly absorbing parallel world planets, can the system continue to grow stronger?

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu felt a little confused.

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