Chapter 252 Void Invincible

Void Swallowing Dragon is still relatively clear in his heart.

So now he doesn’t want to do anything, just keep thinking about these thoughts in his mind.

After Ye Chen said those words just now, he didn’t speak again, and kept looking down at everyone below.

I think they are really useless, as if one by one is of little use value.

If he used time to plunder to eliminate them all at this moment, then wouldn’t he have increased a lot of skill.

But at this moment, Ye Chen didn’t want to do it, because Ye Chen knew that he was already immortal.

Even if you don’t use time to plunder and destroy these people in front of you, you can live in this world forever.

No one could move him even a hair, so he felt as if he didn’t need to do it at the moment.

After all, I just came to this strange parallel world of “Seven-Five-Zero”, and I felt that I shouldn’t start killing people.

Ye Chen was not such a cruel person. If the guys from Damn it hadn’t offended him just now, it would be impossible to destroy them in an instant, turning them into dead leaves without even a single powder.

Ye Chen didn’t want to be so heartless, after all, they took the initiative to provoke Ye Chen.

So Ye Chen can let them go at this moment. When he thought of this, he didn’t feel that there was anything inappropriate, and he didn’t feel guilty.

After all, the people who took the initiative to shoot him just now wanted to destroy him instantly.

So it is impossible for Ye Chen to show mercy and spare the lives of those people just now.

But for everyone kneeling on the ground now, Ye Chen thinks there is no need to hurt innocents.

After all, they have all surrendered to themselves and want to use it for themselves.

Although Ye Chen knew that keeping them would not be of much use, after all, they had already surrendered to him.

If you kill them all at this moment, then you really kill them all.

At this moment, he didn’t want to do it either, thinking that these people would be useful after all.

Although they don’t have much ability, their combined strength should not be underestimated.

So Ye Chen has no other ideas now, and it is impossible to destroy them all by plundering them with time. Let’s keep them for now to see if they are loyal.

If one of them is found to be unfaithful, Ye Chen knows that it is impossible to keep him in this world for a moment.

Ye Chen thought of this and felt helpless, it was just an Olot, and he couldn’t settle it. I still need to hear the opinions of Okbarga and Vegeta, what is the reason?

At this moment, the expression on his face was particularly serious, and his eyes were full of evil spirits, looking down at everyone kneeling on the ground, his words were particularly cold, and he said.

“Why, did you hear what I said, dumb? You were not arguing just now, what opinion do you want to make? Now Keke has nothing to say.”

“When I ask you to talk, you don’t talk, no matter when you talk, you talk endlessly, I think you are just trying to court death.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground now, and after hearing Ye Chen’s words, they all trembled with fright and shuddered.

At this moment, they didn’t know if they would die in Ye Chen’s hands, and they didn’t even know what to do.

After all, when I heard Ye Chen’s words, I felt creepy and particularly biting, as if they would melt away in an instant.

Therefore, they are now trembling and do not know what to do.

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, a few timid people were so scared that they wet their pants. When Ye Chen saw this, he felt a little funny. Is this still an outlier on the planet?

They were so timid, and they just said a few words. Since they were scared like this, it was really useless.

Ye Chen could not wait to plunder and destroy them with time at this moment, but he had already decided to spare them in his heart just now.

So even though they were very timid at this moment, Ye Chen didn’t want to care about them, and felt that they would be spared, and would slowly observe their performance in the future.

What surprised Ye Chen was that the aliens on the planet turned out to be less courageous than the humans on earth.

They don’t have much ability either, they just get together and pretend to be powerful, relying on the leader’s skill.

That’s why they followed them together. At this moment, seeing these fearful eggs, Ye Chen thought it was really funny, and he couldn’t help laughing in his heart.

But his expression was very serious and looked cold.

After Okbarga and Vegeta heard Ye Chen’s words, they also knew what it meant.0

It seems that Mr. Ye is angry at this moment, this is for the two of them.

After all, it was the two of them who started to raise their opinions just now. At this moment, they felt that something was wrong. If they had known this, they really shouldn’t have done it too much. Why would they say such a thing.

Originally, they had just surrendered to Ye Chen, knowing that this young man with Tengyun in the air was extremely powerful, and no one was his opponent.

Why do they have to be so self-sufficient, so Okbarga and the two of them regretted this moment.

Einstein and Xiang Yu stood at the back of the crowd. After listening to Ye Chen’s words, they both felt happy.

After all, Okbarga and Vegeta are the new people that Ye Chen accepted, so they must give them some color.

Otherwise, they don’t even know who they are, and they can’t stop talking about it without shame.

Xiang Yu and Einstein felt that they did not have the qualifications, and the two of them were nothing more.

But when Ye Chen said this, at the same time, it proved that he wanted to give Olot a chance.

Although Einstein and Xiang Yu felt that it was not quite right.

But at this moment, they didn’t dare to make rash words, and it was better to quietly watch all the changes here.

After all, the two of them also knew that they were not qualified to speak.

Although they have any opinions, they can only keep 2.3 in their hearts.

The two of them also know Ye Chen’s ability. If Ye Chen wants to kill someone, he doesn’t need to blink at all, and he can get a few lives in just one minute.

So the two of them knew the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and after looking at each other, they didn’t dare to speak.

Olot now knows that he no longer has to face death.

No matter what kind of pain he accepts, as long as he can live, he feels that he can bear it.

So now he secretly rejoices in his heart that Ye Chen can spare his life.

He felt that he had to perform well no matter what in the future.

After all, nothing is more important than surviving, and he was extremely happy at this moment.

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