Chapter 239 Ye Chen’s Shot!


The black question mark on Ye Chen’s face!

This is too coincidental!

Dragon Ball Vegeta is out!?

But thinking about it is normal.

The world he traveled through was a magical world composed of multiple worlds.

At this time, Vegeta and a tall man were fighting against those god servants.

Looking at what Vegeta looks like now, it’s obviously still early days.

Haven’t become a Super Saiyan yet.

“It seems that Super Saiyans are at least above the Grandmaster realm…

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly.

What about Super 2 and Super 3?

Even super 4?

This… is somewhat interesting.

If this world is the same as the Dragon Ball that Ye Chen is familiar with, then Super Saiyan should be a very strong existence in the universe.

But thinking about it is unlikely.

Because, the Thor of this world seems to be a very powerful character already.

Or, is this Vegeta already a Super Saiyan?

After thinking about it, Ye Chen felt that it was very possible.

If Okbarga knew that Ye Chen was thinking about these messy things, he would probably cry.

Outside the magnificent temple.

Vegeta and Soochow Star’s Shenkong Wu fought fiercely with hundreds of Shenwei.

Those guards are all elite.

And many of them are at the peak of Tianyuan Realm.

However, so many people suffered heavy casualties.

Vegeta didn’t even turn into Super Saiyan state.

Ye Chen looked at Okbarga.

He didn’t mean to take action.

This is not Earth.

And it’s not yet time for him to shoot.

Giving charcoal in the snow is the most important thing.

The icing on the cake is not what Ye Chen wants.

Okbarga seemed to know Ye Chen’s plan, but he gritted his teeth and decided to fight in person.

At this time, he already knew that he could not run away.

It’s better to fight it than that.

“God guards, kill!”

Okbarga didn’t say much.

This is the time of life and death for Mroni.

Either they die Muroni and become a colony of the Soochow people.

Either they blow up Mulroney.

It would be even better if it could blow up the air weapons.

War is imminent.

The three of Xiang Yu stood in front of and behind Ye Chen and surrounded Ye Chen.

“Hahaha, Oke, you dare to go into battle. “Long time?”

Kongwu is tall and has this long tail.

Okbarga was like a child compared to him.

Ye Chen visually estimated that this air force was at least 2.5 meters.

This height is very impactful.

What Kong Wu was wearing was just simple animal skins.

This gave Ye Chen a feeling of seeing primitive people.

As for Vegeta, she looked at Okbarga with a smile on her face.

Okbarga’s face was gloomy and terrifying.

The scepter in his hand shone brightly.

One after another green light was continuously released from the scepter.

Ye Chen knew that this was one of Okbarga’s abilities, healing.

This is a mass healing power.

However, his healing ability is obviously not as fast as Kongwu and they deal damage.

And because Kongwu started to kill Okbarga, he had to stop healing.

Kongwu is much stronger than Okbarga.

It was suppressed in an instant.

There is a difference of 2 realms, and there is no way to fight.

And there is no suspense between Vegeta and those gods.

Seeing the guards die one by one.

The guards of the great kingdoms died like moths to a flame.

Okbarga’s face was so gloomy that it almost dripped blood.

Suddenly, the scepter in Okbar’s hand burst into a bright light.

This light is somewhat similar to the Pillar of Creation.

pierced through the sky.

Almost all of the 100-kilometer radius is illuminated.

Kong Wu’s face changed slightly and then he laughed loudly: “Ok is useless, do you think I’ll be useless if I come in person?”

This trick is empty Wu know.

Ye Chen also knew.

It is Mulroney’s most powerful weapon, the Star Extinguishing Energy Pillar.

The Star Extinguishing Energy Pillar can directly destroy the Mroni Star.

When the Mroni star explodes, everything will disappear.

It is said that unless you reach the master state, you can survive.

This is also the reason why Kongwu rarely came in person before.

Because, he can’t survive the planet explosion either.

After listening to Kong Wu’s words, Okbarga’s face changed dramatically.

The next moment, I saw a huge dragon descending from the sky!

The moment Ye Chen, Zhuge Liang and other earthlings saw the dragon, their faces changed dramatically.

Because, this turned out to be a giant dragon from the East!

This dragon is exactly the same as the blue dragon, the dragon, the golden holy dragon, etc. depicted by the ancients!

Whole body is blue-black.

About 160 meters long.

When this blue dragon came swiftly from the distant sky, Ye Chen and others only felt extremely messy.

For a long time, the dragon has been a legendary existence.

They have only heard, not seen.

Ye Chen has also verified the rumors about some dragons appearing.

He also asked the members of the Hall of Longevity to look for it.

However, there was no trace.


Ye Chen smiled.

This dragon is not actually a fiction of the ancients.

“What! The void swallows the dragon!

Okbarga’s face changed dramatically, and he lost his voice: “You, you even invited the Void Swallowing Dragon Clan to move!?”

Okbarga was angry and panicked before though.

However, he never despaired.

However, after the appearance of this so-called Void-Swallowing Dragon, Okbargar was terrified!

is really scared.

He finally understood why Kong Wu dared to come here.

If it weren’t for the Void Swallowing the Dragon, he would not dare to give him a hundred courage.

For thousands of years, Soochow Star has been dealing with Muroni Star.

However, very few Soochow star gods like Kong Wu came directly.

It is because he is afraid that the planet will be destroyed, and he will be destroyed.

However, the Void Swallowing Dragon is able to swallow the energy of the planet’s explosion!

The hallmark ability of this family is devouring.

“Interesting, so interesting!”

Ye Chen laughed.

Originally, he had no desire to take action.

However, this (how good is Zhao) process gave Ye Chen a strong desire to take action!

He will take this dragon as a mount!

This thing is much more powerful than Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And, handsome!

Just as the Void Dragon flew to Kong Wu’s side, Ye started.

Xiang Yu and several others, as well as Qin Shihuang who was stationed in Muroni, gathered together.

They didn’t worry too much.

Because they know Ye Chen’s strength.

When Ye Chen came to Okbarga.

Vegeta looked over.

Void Swallowing Dragon also looked over.

Kongwu and Okbarga also looked at Liang.

Okbar was overjoyed, and was about to speak. Ye Chen waved his hand and said, “Ok, remember what you said before.”

“Besides, half of Mulroney is ruled by the Hall of Eternal Life for 1000 years!

Okbarga nodded without thinking.

Ye Chen walked up to Vegeta and the others without any fear.

Immediately, he said: “Time is stagnant!”,

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