Chapter 236 Gamora, Loki

at the same time.

The vast universe.

The stars are full of stars, and each star exudes a bright light like an eternal existence.

on one of the big stars.

This planet is a death star.

The crimson earth seemed to be dyed red with blood.

The planet cracked, and red magma was about to erupt in the abyss crack.

Everything is so silent.

So desperate.

in the far east of the planet.

A group of warriors in leather armor fought hard.

And surrounded by dozens of soldiers, is a tall and stout man.

The man’s body is purple, and his face has terrifying lines.

These dozens of warriors are the guardians of many gate stars.

The guardian’s duty is to guard the gods of many gate stars.

However, their god has been brutally killed by this purple potato man.

Besides their gods, their planets have also been destroyed.

Resistance is nothing but a struggle before death.

These well-known guardians in the star field are now weak like children.

Purple Potato Man is none other than Thanos of Titan Star.

Thanos was alone, but he was not panicking in the face of the crowd.

On the contrary, it is like a stroll in the courtyard.

While fighting, he said indifferently: “The law of balance of the universe cannot be destroyed.

“This universe is already overwhelmed.”

Some of those guardians gritted their teeth: ” Thanos, you will die miserably!”

God, “We will go after you!” Someone else said in grief.


Thanos grinned slightly: “Death is a relief!!

“A lot of gate stars will be proud of it.

“Because, you guys were destroyed by my Thanos personally!

When the words fell, Thanos suddenly punched.


Suddenly, a fiery fist wind swept through the crowd like a typhoon.


Screams sounded.

One by one, the powerful guardians were destroyed without the slightest resistance.

Looking at the devastated numerous gate stars, Thanos smiled slightly.

At this time, a slender woman with emerald green skin stepped forward.

The woman has a plump figure and attractive lines.


The woman walked up to Thanos and said respectfully.

Compared with Thanos, the woman is a lot shorter.

“Gamora, you did a good job.”

Thanos said solemnly.

Taking a closer look, there is still a hint of pampering in that majestic face.

“Gamora, is there any new civilization in the Celestial Pole Star Region?”

Hearing Thanos’ words, Gamora respectfully said: “Go back to my father, and 18 more 2nd-level civilizations have appeared.

“Among them, 12 have established diplomatic relations with other civilizations.

Gamora looked at Thanos with admiration.

This is the existence of the adoptive father and the cosmic god of war, which is the pride of her heart.

It is also the target she wants to chase.

Thanos laughed.

Laugh very penetrating.

“Hehe, I hate new creatures the most.”

Thanos shook his head: “Find these civilizations and let Loki and the Chitauri destroy them!”

Gamora hesitated for a moment.

Thanos looked at Gamora lightly.

Only then did Gamora say, “Father, Loki is unreliable!”


The corner of Thanos’ mouth rose slightly: “It can be used for me.”

“Loki is the evil god after all, and he has always been at odds with Thor.

“He will be a powerful weapon for us to conquer Asgard and defeat Odin!”

Gamora was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, I became more and more admired.

Asgard is second only to the terrifying existence of the Galactic Empire.

It is the co-owner of the five star regions.

The strength is extremely powerful.

And Odin is known as the king of the gods.

Even a god of war like Thanos is not his opponent.

“Okay father, I’ll do it now!”


In Changsheng City.


Ye Chen sneezed, and immediately frowned.

Is this being watched?

Is someone still thinking about me?

At this moment, Guiguzi and Da Vinci came over.

The two bowed respectfully first.

Immediately, Guiguzi said: “Sir, all ordinary members of the Hall of Longevity have reached the awakening state.”

“Among them, all the members of the Divine Punishment Group have arrived at the Origin Realm.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Not bad.”

Except for the Hall of Longevity, other countries have not yet completed the evolution.

This progress is not fast.

On the side of the Hall of Longevity, it is rich in harvest.

In addition, “Sir, Li Bai has also awakened dual abilities.”

Guiguzi smiled: “This guy is a genius.

Ye Chen was interested when he heard the words.

At present, there are not many people with dual abilities in the Hall of Longevity.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Counting Li Bai and the previous Mulan, there were only 10 in total.

“Oh? Which two abilities did Li Bai awaken?”

Ye Chen said to Guiguzi: “Sir, one is Qinglian sword, and the other is Shunbu.”

“Yes, there are top assassins.” Ye Chen smiled: “Let Li Bai and the others continue to practice in the Creation Tower.”

“In addition, I also told Cangjie and the others that they can activate the third core energy in advance.

The more core energy is turned on, the richer the source energy in the universe will be.

At that time, the cultivation speed of the Hall of Longevity and all human beings will be faster.

At present, the evolution of animals and plants around the world is accelerating.

Among them, the IQ and body size of West African gorillas are rapidly evolving.

Gorillas are originally highly intelligent animals in the animal kingdom.

With the increase of the original Qi, the gorilla has the fastest evolution in IQ.


After Guiguzi finished speaking, Da Vinci said: “Sir, we have discovered three types of animals with high intelligence.

“In addition, there are two types of animals with high-speed evolution of physical fitness.”

Ye Chen put down his phone: “When do you expect them to evolve to an IQ that is almost the same as that of humans?”

“Maybe a year.

Da Vinci thought for a while and said, “If it were to speed up, maybe half a year would be enough.”

“very good.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Find some well-evolved West African gorillas and chimpanzees.

“I want to open a small stove for them and let them evolve in the Creation Tower.

“By the way, what happened to those gryphons and Tyrannosaurus rex?”

Griffin and Tyrannosaurus Rex are also one of Ye Chen’s trump cards.

Da Vinci smiled: “It’s going well, the first Cyborg Tyrannosaurus rex may be available next week.


Ye Chen smiled slightly.

After the two left, Zhuge Liang came in again.

Recently, Zhuge Liang’s main work has been on the side of Muroni Star.

“Sir, the ambassador of Mroni will be here soon.

“Okay, just let Zhu Sheng and Zhang Sanfeng accompany them.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, “By the way, I’m going to Mroni Star in a while, you should greet Ying Zheng and the others in advance.”

Ying Zheng and Bai Qi, they are both on the Muroni star.

It is the representative of the Hall of Longevity and the Earth.

Mroni, Ye Chen has already made a plan.

Through the Mroni star, he can understand more things about the universe.

At the same time, more detailed plans can be made for the future. again,

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