Chapter 233 Captain Marvel, Thor

There is a tyrant in this world!!!

And like Marvel, they’re the Titans’ tyrants!!?

Ye Chen had a black question mark on his face.

Does that mean, there’s Captain Marvel? And the Eternals?

What about mutants?

Iron Man? Captain United States? Thor?

Ye Chen was really stunned.

Did I travel to the Marvel Universe?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen subconsciously asked, “Do you know Captain Marvel and Thor?”

Ye Chen came unexpectedly.

The faces of the four Turodie changed slightly.


Turodi said incredulously: “Mr. Ye, you, you actually know Thor?!”


Ye Chen raised a question mark.

Is there really something special!?

Still playing like this?

Is it really a multiverse?

When you traveled to this world by yourself, you actually traveled to such a coincidental place?!

Turodi continued: “As for Captain Marvel,

Turodi thought for a while, then saved Ben and said: “It seems that there is, I used to be in the temple!”

“But Captain Marvel 10 has been dead for 1,000 years.”

The expressions of Huang Di and the others changed slightly when they heard the words.

Mr. Ye… Could it be from another cosmic civilization?

Judging from the meaning of each other, these two are obviously big people!


The origin of Mr. Ye is really becoming more and more mysterious!

The expressions of Jiang Ziya and others changed slightly.

Originally, they thought that Ye Chen was just the emperor among the three emperors.

Now it seems that they still know too little!

As for the diplomats of those countries, they have changed their colors.

They investigated Mr. Ye a lot.

It has been confirmed that Mr. Ye is one of the three emperors.

But now it seems…

Turodi’s attitude became more respectful.

Whether it is the now-famous Thor or the Captain Marvel of the past.

These are all real bigwigs!

It was the existence that the Mroni people did not dare to offend.

Even if the gods of their Muroni star saw those two, they would still respect them by three points.

Several people in Turodi looked at each other, and they were a little unbelievable.

The origin of the gods on earth seems very unusual!

Seeing everyone’s expression like this, Ye Chen showed a secret smile.

This makes people feel more mysterious.

Ye Chen added: “It seems that Asgard Asgard is still the same as before.”


All of a sudden, the faces of Turodi’s people changed.

Have you been to Asgard?

This, this is definitely a big man!

At the very least, it is also an existence that intersects with Thor’s peers!

Immediately, the four of them put away the heart of a small country.

Even, there is some happiness in my heart.

Fortunately, they adopted the method of establishing diplomatic relations, rather than taking it by force!

When he thought that the other party had the time stagnation ability, he also had an intersection with a big man like Thor.

The four of Turodi shivered subconsciously.

Okay, so smart!

“By the way, you asked me Thanos just now, what happened?”

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Titan, are you okay now?”

Turodi’s attitude became more and more respectful.

This one, it seems, not only knows about Titan, but may even have been there.

“Titan Star has been slaughtered by Thanos!”

Turodi was a little terrified: “The tyrant slaughtered various civilizations in the Celestial Pole Star Region.”

“Because Wonder Woman left the Celestial Pole Star Territory, Thanos has an opportunity.”


Ye Chen was slightly taken aback.

Wonder Woman?

Isn’t this guy from DC Universe?

Damn! Is this a multiverse hybrid world?

It’s kind of wonderful.

Turodi didn’t notice Ye Chen’s expression and continued: “According to the news from the temple, Thanos is collecting the Infinity Stones.”

“If it is gathered by him, let alone the Celestial Pole Star Region, the entire galaxy will be destroyed in one fell swoop!”

Ye Chen understood.

Still a little different.

Thanos in this world doesn’t seem to be so destructive.

Also, it sounds like the guardian of the Celestial Pole Star Region should be Wonder Woman.

So, each star field has a guardian like this?

Then, every civilized planet also has a god-like existence?

Turodi’s words made Ye Chen instantly judge a lot of things.

“The Infinity Stones, there is also one on Earth.

Turodi pondered: “So, it will definitely come to Earth!”

After saying this, Ye Chen understood.

Everyone understands.

Because the Earth will also be the potential target of Thanos’ destruction.

And Mroni should be the same.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish diplomatic alliances.

In other words, Mroni needs to find an alliance and improve himself.

Ye Chen asked, “When will Thanos come over?”

Turodi said: “It should be about half a year.”

“Not more than a year.


Ye Chen nodded.

Well, it’s still early.

“Does the mutant know?”

Ye Chen asked.

When Ye Chen’s words fell, the faces of the four Turodie changed slightly.

This person doesn’t seem to be a person from the Celestial Pole Star Region!

Luo Di said solemnly: “Mr. Ye, the mutants you are talking about are the masters of the Destruction Star Territory?”

“Unfortunately, the Galactic Empire is not involved in the internal affairs of each star field.

“So it is.

Ye Chen smiled, there are really mutants.

Yes, no need to be sure.

It seems that Captain Iron Man United States is also indispensable.

These may also be staying in a world like Earth.

Next, the group chatted for another hour.

The content is nothing more than a cooperation model for establishing diplomatic relations.

Because of Ye Chen’s existence, Turodi did not despise the earth.

Not to mention any hegemonic terms.

The two sides are truly cooperating.

Earth provides some energy, and Muroni provides related technology.

The two sides will establish a galaxy teleportation array.

Then began to send 740 people from both sides to settle in.

It is a bit like the establishment of diplomatic relations between countries and the establishment of embassies.

After that, there are various exchanges.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Mroni and the earth is a good opportunity for the Temple of Longevity and for mankind.

The Hall of Longevity can be used to supplement many technologies.

Moreover, the understanding of the universe will continue to deepen.

After the meeting, the Mroni people who were waiting on the shuttle spacecraft came to the Hall of Longevity one after another.

A happy feast begins.

Mroni and humans are the same.

They did not evolve from apes.

Instead, it evolved from an animal called Ye Ting Fox.

The night listening fox is somewhat similar to the fox of the earth.

During the banquet, the two sides chatted a lot of interesting things about their respective races.

Although Mroni has been to Earth many times, he did not understand it in depth because of the time issue.

And Ye Chen had a new plan during the banquet.

His time travel should have no location restrictions.

In other words, those powerful beings in the universe should also have the opportunity to be brought under their command.

For example, Captain Marvel, the world has been dead for 1,000 years.

Or someone else and so on.

After the banquet is over.

Mulroney will stay here for three days.

Afterwards, the god of Mroni will have a direct dialogue with Ye Chen.

This decision is a temporary arrangement.

Because Turodi knew that Ye Chen was definitely a big man.

They are qualified to be on an equal footing with their gods, and may even be one head taller.

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