Chapter 221 The whole network of Kunlun beams of light is boiling! (Please order and customize)

this day.

Ye Chen and Sakyamuni sat under an ancient pine.

There was a Go board in front of the two of them.

Ye Chen holds the white character, and Sakyamuni holds the black character.

Shakyamuni smiled and said, “Sir, this day is going to change.”

Ye Chen looked up at Shakyamuni.

The originator of Buddhism does have some skills.

Marven Ye didn’t tell him the history behind.

However, Shakyamuni deduced something.

“The chariot of history always has to roll forward.

Marven Ye smiled and said, “Guess what the future will look like?”


Shakyamuni thought about it seriously.

Immediately replied: “In the future, civilization will reach a new height, human beings will become civilized, and various cultures will bloom like stars.”

“In the future, it may be the era of great unification.”

As soon as Shakyamuni finished speaking, Laozi, whose beard and hair were all white, came with a bamboo pipe on his back.

Laozi also exudes the fragrance of earth.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled: “Come on, give him some advice.”

Laozi said with a smile: “Sir’s chess skills have improved again.

These days, Ye Chen often plays Go with Confucius and the others.

Because all levels of Ye Chen’s body are the limit of human beings.

It can be counted to the next dozens of steps, and it can also be blinded.

Therefore, several ancient sages are not Ye Chen’s opponents.

Shakyamuni folded his hands together and smiled slightly: “Sir’s chess skills have reached the pinnacle of excellence. I am afraid that he will play with us, and we are not opponents.”

This is true.

A few days ago, Ye Chen fought against Laozi, Confucius and Mozi alone.

But won three games in a row.

This incident surprised and shocked everyone.

Want to know, what is the level of the Laozi three?

That’s a handful of the top human beings.

However, Ye Chen was able to win three people.

after an hour.

The game is over.

Laozi and Shakyamuni lost to Ye Chen again without a doubt.

Laozi smiled wryly: “Sir, it’s really a no-brainer!”

Ye Chen smiled.

He did not understand divination and heavenly secrets.

It is purely calculated by surpassing the brain power of ordinary people.

“Playing chess is like living forever.

Ye Chen looked at the two and said, “Only if you can endure loneliness can you overcome yourself.”

After saying this, he stretched his waist and said, “I’ll go out for a walk.

Laozi and Sakyamuni stood up and sent off.

Immediately, the two began to ponder again.

Loneliness is a topic that all immortals need to face.

It was also the most important moment that Ye Chen gave them.

three days later.

Ye Chen decided to return to the modern age.

He stayed in ancient times for a long time.

All that needs to be said.

The entrustment was also entrusted.

outside the cave.

A very vivid and lifelike statue, exactly like Ye Chen, is being erected by members of Kunlun.

The statue is about 30 meters high.

It is made of a natural stone tablet.

This statue can vaguely see traces of the years.

Some mottled, with a sense of vicissitudes.

This was created by the Yellow Emperor from the moment he followed Ye Chen.

In order to prevent it from being destroyed by wind and frost, it has been kept inside Kunlun without taking it out.

At this moment, Ye Chen’s statue was erected a thousand meters away from the Kunlun Cave.

Here, it is deserted and deserted.

After the statue is erected.

Ye Chen smiled and disappeared into the majestic Kunlun.

When Ye Chen walked out of the time and space scroll.

He’s back in 2019 again.

In Changsheng City.

The bustling crowd and highly advanced technology made Ye Chen a little surprised.

Here, and Kunlun are really two worlds.

And at the moment when Ye Chen returned.

There are many journalists, archaeologists and historians gathered in the depths of Kunlun.

There are 98-year-old historian and archaeologist Chen Changan, and archaeological authorities Zhang Chao and Li Yanqiu.

The three giants all looked a little excited at the moment.

In front of them, is a huge pothole.

The pit is about fifty meters long and twenty-five meters wide.

Inside the pit, a humanoid statue covered in mud is about to be unearthed.

“Chen Lao, we have investigated Kunlun for so many years, and today finally something good came out.”

Zhang Chao and Li Yanqiu said excitedly.

Some time ago, they excavated the tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty and made a great contribution.

This time, a new discovery was made in the endless Kunlun Mountains.

Chen Changan was a little calmer than the two of them.

Last time, the archaeology on Human Emperor Ye had reached a conclusion.

That incident even attracted the attention of No. 1.

However, due to confidentiality regulations, Chen Changan did not disclose it to the public.

Under the measurement of a precision instrument.

The relevant data about the humanoid statue came out.

Li Yanqiu pushed the reading glasses and stared at the screen.

The next moment, Li Yanqiu’s face changed: “4700 years! This statue is at least 4700 years old!”

·0 Seeking flowers…

Li Yanqiu’s words fell.

The faces of the archaeologists including Chen Changan and Zhang Chao changed dramatically.

“What? A statue almost 5,000 years ago?”

“Hey! This is the earliest and largest statue unearthed in the domestic archaeological circle!”

Chen Changan stepped forward and said, “Has the 3D image been scanned?”

The statue is so long ago.

Everyone did not dare to destroy it, so they could only scan for a preliminary judgment.

A scholar in charge of controlling the instrument said: “Chen Lao, come out.

When you’re done, click on a picture.

After seeing that picture, Chen Changan’s expression changed greatly.

Immediately, his breathing began to quicken!

This sculpture is Ye Chen!

Chen Changan recognized it.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.


In the endless Kunlun Mountains, a beam of light falls from the sky!

The beam of light is at least a few kilometers away from everyone.

However, even though they are so far apart, they can still feel the majesty of the beam of light!

The beam of light is at least one kilometer high.

The whole body is red gold.

The expressions of Chen Changan and the others changed instantly.

At that moment just now, the earth shook and the mountains shook!

Like the end of the world.

Everyone was a little flustered.

As the archaeologist with the highest prestige and highest level present, Chen Changan hurriedly shouted: “Everyone calm down!”

The next moment, Chen Changan said to Li Yanqiu beside him: “Little Li, check with the capital to see if the weapon test is to be carried out again.”

Li Yanqiu’s face turned pale.

In the endless Kunlun Mountains, such a huge beam of light appeared.

How could it be a weapons test?

But he didn’t refuse.

Immediately dialed Song Lining’s number.

When Li Yanqiu described the situation again.

Song Lining’s expression changed dramatically on the other end of the phone: “Is there a video?”

Li Yanqiu nodded: “Yes, this time we recorded the whole process and should have photographed it.”

“Okay, I’ll go now!”

Song Lining hung up the phone immediately.

The reason why he takes it so seriously is because he feels the shock too!

Originally, Song Lining thought that there was an earthquake in North China, so the capital felt the tremor.

But as soon as Li Yanqiu said it, he immediately felt something unusual.

Just when Song Lining hung up the phone.

The whole network is completely boiling! Again,

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