Chapter 212 Wenzu Cangjie, Laozi Confucius

The vicissitudes of life.

Things are not people.

100 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan unified the major tribes and created an unprecedented civilization.

Writing, etiquette, musical instruments, agriculture, economics, etc.

It all started the process from scratch.

This is a legendary era.

It is the recovery of all things and the starting point of civilization.

2599 BC.

Yellow Emperor in his later years.

According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor was picked up by a giant dragon that fell from the sky in this year.

At the foot of Jingshan.

A big cauldron emerged from the fire.

On the high platform, the Yellow Emperor and the courtiers showed a faint smile.

Suddenly, everything seemed to stand still.

The Yellow Emperor found that the courtiers remained motionless as they had done before.

What’s even more amazing is that the flames ahead have also stopped.

The cauldron glowed brightly in the fire.

Huang Di’s face “seven-three-zero” color changed slightly, and he was overjoyed.

How similar this scene was 100 years ago!


Huang Di was shocked and excited in his heart.

After 100 years, has the Immortal Emperor finally come?


Ye Chen was still wearing a long gown as he did 100 years ago.

Huang Di looked at Ye Chen with awe.

The years did not leave any traces on Ye Chen.

The sense of majesty exuding from his gestures is still strong.

“Xuanyuan pays respects to the Immortal Emperor.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “You have accomplished your work, and you can live forever.”

“But Xuanyuan, from the moment you saw me, you have already died.”

“From now on, you will remain anonymous and have nothing to do with this world.

“can you do it?”

Huang Di’s body trembled.

He stared at this great and daunting existence and said, “Xuanyuan can!

“very good.”

Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Chen looked at the red cauldron illuminated by flames in the distance.

He looked at the surrounding rivers and mountains again: “This great river and mountain will eventually flourish as before!”

After sighing, Ye Chen lifted the time stagnation.

Immediately disappeared with the Yellow Emperor in Jingshan.

The ministers on the high platform looked at each other in dismay.

They saw Ye Chen.

Also saw the disappearance of the Yellow Emperor.

This scene was beyond their cognition.

Luo waterside.

on a high platform.

An old man with white hair and beard was thinking hard while holding a tortoise shell.

Behind him, there are ropes tied with different knots.

Sensing that someone is coming.

The old man raised his head and suddenly his face changed slightly: “Yellow Emperor?”

This old man is the famous Wenzu Cangjie.

Cangjie is one of the most legendary figures in the history of domestic civilization.

He was inspired by the footprints of birds and beasts, classified them into different categories, collected, organized and used them.

Later writing was created according to the order of the Yellow Emperor.

He was honored as a “character maker”.

Cangjie and Huangdi were in the same era, and this one was very important in Ye Chen’s heart.

The Hall of Longevity has discovered the alien civilization Muroni.

Cangjie will be responsible for deciphering the text.

At the same time, Cang Jie saw Ye Chen next to Huang Di.

Seeing Ye Chen’s behavior, Yu Xuan’ang’s pupils shrank.

“Cangjie, this is Mr. Ye.”

Huang Di said with a gentle expression: “It’s the god who controls time.”

Cangjie’s face changed greatly.

Immediately, he looked at Ye Chen with awe and said, “Cangjie greets Mr. Ye.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Cangjie, would you like to live forever with the Yellow Emperor?

Cangjie was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, “I am willing!”

“Well, next, I’ll take you to another era.

“Witness another great being.”

Ye Chen’s words fell, and a stream of light enveloped the three of them.

Huang Di and Cang Jie did not panic, but watched this scene with some curiosity.

The next moment, the space-time picture scroll slowly opened.

A picture appeared in front of the two of them.

Both Huangdi and Cangjie were shocked.

They saw the demise of the tribe.

I saw the great achievements of the three emperors Yao, Shun and Yu.

I also saw the splendor and splendor of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Ye Chen looked at the two sluggish people, and immediately fixed the picture.

500 BC.

This year, Confucius was 51 years old.

Study Laozi on the south bank of the Yellow River.

When the three of them walked out of the space-time picture scroll, Huang Di and Cang Jie were already shocked beyond words.

This step is 2099!

In the vicissitudes of life, things are right and wrong, and the stars are changing!

Both felt the horror of time.

The awe for Ye Chen reached the extreme.

Bank of the Yellow River.

Confucius, dressed in white, sat cross-legged on the mat.

In front of Confucius, Laozi, a thin old man dressed in sackcloth, chatted eloquently.

After the three entered.

Laozi said with a gentle expression: “Be the son of others, don’t think of yourself as high; as a minister of others, don’t think of yourself first, I hope you remember.0”

Confucius heard it and thought it was very reasonable.

After bowing to Laozi, he said, “The disciple must keep this in mind.”

As soon as Confucius finished speaking, Ye Chen and the three moved from far to near.

At this time, the torrent of the Yellow River suddenly stopped.

This scene made the two of them change their color.


Confucius took a breath and looked at Ye Chen and the three.

His eyes fell on Ye Chen, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Laozi stepped forward and bowed: “The old man welcomes the sage.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen said with great interest, “How did you find out about my arrival?”

Laozi was also shocked to see Ye Chen.

However, not surprised.

On the contrary, with some joy.

This was beyond Ye Chen’s expectations.

Laozi raised his head and said respectfully: “The old man is not talented, he likes to know the changes in astronomy.”

“Seeing the purple air coming from the east now, I know that a saint is coming to ride the wind.

“Seeing that the purple air is mighty, rolling like a dragon, and its length is 99,000 li. The one who knows who comes is the most holy and supreme, and it is not the usual holy one.

“Seeing the auspicious clouds surrounding the head of purple energy, you know that the sage is young.

“After seeing Ziqi, there are two red clouds holding each other, like a sage arching over the ancient wise king.

Hearing Laozi’s words, Huang Di and Cang Jie both laughed.

Through the previous time and space pictures, they knew every bit of this junior.

Ye Chen showed admiration.

It seems that this temporary intention is right.

Laozi, is one of the characters in the splendid history worthy of special mention.

2.3 His writings and thoughts have become valuable treasures of the world’s historical and cultural heritage.

The influence of Laozi’s thought is not only unparalleled within Taoism, but also far-reaching outside Taoism.

Its influence not only includes philosophy, economics, sociology, aesthetics, ethics, literature and art, psychology, pedagogy, logic, and rhetoric.

It also involves many fields such as medicine, health preservation, qigong, military, management, construction, and gardening.

Laozi is one of the three sages of the East in the eyes of Westerners.

The New York Times once listed Laozi as one of the top ten writers in the world, ancient and modern.

Laozi’s thought has already broken through national borders and has become the common spiritual wealth of all mankind.

“very good.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Li Er, would you like to live with them forever?”

(In the past few days, flowers and evaluation votes are pitifully scarce. The author has come to ask for flowers and evaluation votes to see if they can increase. Please readers. )

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