Chapter 205 This is a living history of living fossils! (please customize)

Yue Yun looked at the shocked crowd, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Ah, the more shocking thing is yet to come.

Soon, the Tiangong mothership docked at the port outside Changsheng City.

Everyone walked out of the helicarrier one by one.

Kong Qin looked at the super tall skyscrapers in the distance a little lost.

Hong Qunying’s eyes were set on Ye Chen’s statue.

Under the illumination of the lights, the statue is even more imposing.

What shocked Hong Qunying was the maker of this statue.

The statue is so lifelike.

Ye Chen’s sense of majesty, lack of anger, and the faint manifestation of divinity are all incisively and vividly.

It was as if an ancient god looked out over the Pacific Ocean.


Hong Qunying took a deep breath and bowed towards the statue.

This man in his early 50s only saluted the ancestors of the Hongmen.

It was the first time I gave a salute to an outsider.

Seeing Hong Qunying like this, Davies Rockefeller and others hurriedly saluted.

Yue Yun smiled when he saw this.

Everyone who enters and leaves the City of Longevity will salute the statue of Mr.

Even if you are on a mission, you should pay attention.

This is the rule.

It is everyone’s heartfelt action.

Yue Yun also bowed.

Seeing that everyone’s ceremony was over, Yue Yun’s voice softened a lot: “Everyone, please come with me.”

Outside the port, two middle-aged men came with their subordinates with live ammunition.

These people are all wearing black uniforms.

On his chest, he wears the unique badge of the 727 God’s Punishment Group.

Seeing this, Yue Yun smiled and said, “Mr. Li, Mr. Huang.”

The people who came were Bruce Lee and Wong Fei Hung.

The two smiled at Yue Yun.

After decades of getting along with each other, their feelings are extremely close and fraternal.

“You are..

Kong Qin and Hong Qunying suddenly changed their expressions.

Then, Hong Qunying lost his voice: “Li, Mr. Bruce Lee?!

After Hong Qunying finished speaking, goosebumps all over his body.

A chill rose from my heart.

what happened?!


He, hasn’t he been dead for decades?

Why are you here?


Davis Leon and the others took a deep breath, and their faces became pale.

A martial arts master and super action star who has been dead for decades has appeared alive in front of them!

Several people looked at each other and shuddered.

Bruce Lee looked at everyone and smiled: “Everyone, sir, is waiting for you.”

Bruce Lee and Huang Feihong are mainly responsible for the security of the city.

At the same time, it also includes the training of God’s punishment group.

And Yue Yun, Shenjian Zhebie and Qi Jiguang are mainly to the outside world.

This group of martial arts masters and characters at the level of the god of war all have (bacd) their own tasks and responsibilities.

Hong Qunying stared blankly at the three of Bruce Lee.

He is also a martial artist himself.

Hong Qunying has cultivated to the extreme of several of the top fighting techniques today.

However, Hong Qunying felt that he was like a primary school student in front of the three!


Everyone looked at each other with lingering fears.

I haven’t seen Mr. Ye yet.

The shocks came one after another.

In the hearts of everyone, the awe for Mr. Ye became stronger and stronger.

Everyone got on a maglev vehicle in turn.

Soon came to the tower of longevity.

Looking at this 999-meter-high skyscraper that looks like an Optimus Prime, everyone is a little stunned.

Not just because of its height.

There are also several humanoid mechas surrounding it.

These are the mobile units specially designed to defend and protect the Longevity Tower.

Yue Fei is in charge.

In other words, as long as Ye Chen is here, there will be defense and patrols of the mecha army here.

Moreover, these people can not obey anyone.

Not even the four deputy hall masters.

After arriving at the No. 1 conference room of the Longevity Tower.

In the conference room, the four deputy hall masters are all present.

This level is very high.

Davis and the others walked into the conference room with a different mood.

When he looked up, he saw that Da Vinci was smiling at them.


Hong Qunying felt her hair stand up.

Really frightened!


Leon Rothschild froze, his eyes widened!

Da Vinci?

One of the three masters of the Renaissance five hundred years ago, Leonardo Da Vinci, the all-rounder in human history, is actually there!

he didn’t die?

Everyone’s face changed.

Suddenly I thought of a very scary and hard to accept fact.

In the Hall of Longevity…there should be many such outstanding beings.

They are obviously dead, but they are gathered here.


Kong Qin took a deep breath and his heart began to beat violently.

Such a group of outstanding people put together.

What kind of power can compare with them?


Before, Kong Qin was a little complacent because he was from the Kong family.

But now.

His pride was beaten to pieces.

“You are Jiang Taigong?!

After a while, Kong Qin was suddenly stunned.

The next moment, Kong Qin said excitedly: “Master! You are the master!

Everyone looked suspicious.

Instead, Jiang Ziya smiled.

He stroked his beard lightly and said with a look of recollection: “Hello Mr. Kong, your ancestor Kongqiu was indeed my student back then.”

After saying this, everyone’s expressions changed.

This turned out to be the famous Jiang Ziya!

The originator of the hundred schools, the super wise man Jiang Taigong?!

An antique that has lived for over 3,000 years?!

This is real old fashioned!

Is he still Confucius’ teacher?

Who can imagine?

Kong Qin stepped forward quickly and bowed respectfully: “Kong Qin, the eighty-first generation parent of the Kong family, pays a respect to the master!”

Leon Rothschild felt as if he was dreaming.

The teacher of the famous Confucian sage is still alive!

Oh, God!

What the hell is this place?

Hong Qunying’s heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Only then did he realize how ridiculous he was before.

What a frog in the well I used to be!

Hong Qunying felt as if he had just come to know the world.

The world’s most secretive and terrifying forces are slowly unveiling!

“Everyone, sit down.”

Zhuge Liang smiled and said.

Several people looked at Zhuge Liang and the four in awe.

Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi, although they did not recognize them immediately.

But everyone knows that everyone who can be here is a modern person!

They are all famous in ancient times.

After everyone is seated.

Kong Qin, the leaders of several ancient forces and families, sat like students.

His back was so straight that he didn’t even dare to take a breath.

They know very well that any of these people are like their ancestors.

Just pick one out, it’s a living fossil and a living history!

At this moment, a footstep sounded from far to near.

The next moment, Jiang Ziya, Yue Yun, Bruce Lee and others stood up at the same time.

Kong Qin and the others also quickly stood up.

Immediately, a young man wearing a linen shirt with extraordinary temperament walked into the conference room.

“Sir, good evening.

Jiang Ziya and the others said respectfully at the same time.

(Is everyone happy? If you think it’s okay, you can cast your flowers and comment on it.)

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