Chapter 202 Transformers and Particle Beam Weapons


Sky Tower.

On the 35th floor, Da Vinci’s new artificial intelligence laboratory.

This is one of the five laboratories that Leonardo da Vinci is in charge of.

Mainly develop more advanced intelligent body.

inside the laboratory.

Ye Chen’s arrival immediately attracted the attention of all researchers.

Researchers of different ages in white coats looked at Ye Chen respectfully.

“Mr. Ye.”

“Mr. Ye.

Everyone was a little excited.

This was Ye Chen’s first visit to the Sky Tower.

And the first stop is here.

Suddenly, everyone has a feeling of infinite glory.

Ye Chen’s face was gentle and everyone nodded.

Da Vinci followed behind Ye Chen and introduced: “Sir, we have made new progress on Ultrain No. 1 at present.”

After arriving at Da Vinci’s workbench.

A light blue holographic projection like the human brain of “Seven Two Three” appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled.

This scene is a bit like when Iron Man created Ultron and Jarvis.

The super-brain simulation in front of Da Vinci even wriggled.

It looks amazing.

“Mr., Super Brain No. 1 has already possessed the preliminary thinking ability.

Da Vinci said with some excitement: “It will be very suitable as an AI housekeeper.

“Also, it runs a thousand times faster and has more processing power than existing computers!”

Ye Chen’s eyes lit up: “You mean, Super Brain No. 1 has the possibility to become a mechanical life?”

As the master of time, Ye Chen’s knowledge reserve is extremely terrifying.

He has mastered almost all knowledge in all walks of life.

So, all at once the highlights of Da Vinci’s words were captured.

“Yes, sir!

Da Vinci was excited.

This has been one of his core jobs during this time.

From the model to the architecture to the research and development of Ultrain No. 1, he is responsible for the whole process of participation.

Darwin “They are currently developing life gene technology and memory metal technology.

“Sir, if these two technologies can be realized, then we can have a real mechanical life form!”

Ye Chen laughed: “That’s Transformers.”

Transformers “?”

Da Vinci’s eyes lit up: “Sir, this name is very appropriate!”

Ye Chen nodded.

After walking around Super Brain 1 for two times.

Ye Chen stopped and said, “Mr. Da Vinci, you did a very good job.

The application of this “technology is very promising. In the future, the super artificial intelligence of the super brain series can be used as the manager of the city of longevity.

“Even, it can be made into the mastermind of the sci-fi world of Earth 2!”

Speaking of this, Ye Chen laughed.


Da Vinci’s eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

“Sir, your two points are very correct. In addition, it can also play a very good ability in driverless, engineering robots and so on.”

Ye Chen nodded.

This technology, once applied, can change the course of human civilization!

“However, we must work hard on the control of the super brain.

Ye Chen urged: “Since you have the ability to generate consciousness, you must prevent all the hidden dangers caused by super artificial intelligence.”

Da Vinci nodded quickly.

“Well, I will let Guiguzi cooperate with you in this area of ​​work. He is making a gadget recently.”

ok” sir.

Ye Chen looked at the nearly 100 researchers in the laboratory with a gentle look on his face.

Immediately he said: “Everyone, Changsheng City is proud of you.”

In a word, those senior researchers were immediately excited.

Some people were flushed, and they only felt infinite glory.

This time, “the project is over, and I give you all a credit.”

Ye Chen said.

Thank you “Mr. Ye!”

Everyone was excited and quickly thanked.

They are not the middle tier of the Hall of Longevity, they can only be regarded as the most common group.

Although in the outside world, they are enough to be called authority!

However, even the most ordinary group, they are still extremely glorious.

Because what they are engaged in is high-grade science that changes all mankind!

can go down in history.

More importantly, they are following God!

Ye Chen ordered another sentence before leaving.

The 51st floor of the Sky Tower.

Floors 50-60 are Tesla’s research labs.

As the chairman of the sky group, Tesla also has a lot of scientific research projects.

Tesla and its fellow researchers have been waiting for a long time.

Except for a few that can’t stop working.

More than 120 researchers lined up neatly.

The moment Ye Chen got out of the elevator.

“Congratulations, Mr. Ye!”

The voices of the 120 people were uniform, with deep awe and excitement.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded to everyone: “Everyone has worked hard.0”

Tesla stepped forward quickly and respectfully said, “Sir.

“Let’s go, look at the results on your side.

On the 51st floor, there is a laboratory called “Destruction”.

The main research and development are some powerful heavy weapons.

This laboratory is also one of the key laboratories under the Hall of Longevity.

“Sir, recently, we have made a breakthrough in energy recycling technology.”

Tesla explained to Ye Chen as he walked: In addition, “there has also been a breakthrough in material compression technology.”

Ye Chen nodded.

Material compression technology, in simple terms, is zooming in and out.

According to the earth of Ye Chen’s previous life, it has a bit of a Pym particle meaning.

But the technology is still in the early stages of development.

The distance should be there, but there is still a long way to go.

The area of ​​each floor of the Sky Tower is huge.

Specifically built to laboratory standards.

Go behind Tesla’s workbench.

A blue and black thing about one meter five in diameter and about twenty centimeters in diameter came into view.

Tesla nodded to the assistant.

A man in his early forties stepped forward and said, “Sir, please allow me to test it for you.”


After Ye Chen agreed, the assistant held the handle of the weapon in both hands.

It can be seen that this weapon is quite heavy.

Sir, “This is the first generation of particle beam weapons.”

Tesla explained on the side: “It will be a medium weapon for the Tiangong mothership and other warships.”

After Tesla said 2.3 was over, the assistant pressed the button.


Suddenly, a bright yellow light beam flew out instantly.

A piece of steel 20 meters away immediately had a hole the size of an index finger.

“Sir, particle beam weapons use accelerators to accelerate particles such as protons and neutrons to a high speed of 10,000-100,000 km/s.”

“Then it is sent out through a magnetic cluster to form a very fine beam of particles.

After hearing Tesla’s words, Ye Chen smiled: “Is the particle beam weapon considered a kind of kinetic energy weapon?

Tesla heard the words with admiration and said: “What Mr.

After a pause, Tesla added: “At the moment, we are still looking for materials that can carry higher speeds.”

“If successful, the speedup can be increased by a factor of 2-3.”


Ye Chen smiled and said, “Is there any more?”

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