Chapter 2 Give You 2 Years of Life (2/5 Seek Collection Flower Evaluation Ticket)


Ye Chen was stunned and his heartbeat started to speed up.

Although I can’t figure out what the strength and agility spirit is for, it should be able to improve with time!

With this system, isn’t it too easy to make money?

No, when the time comes, he will be the… God of this world!

Ye Chen suppressed his excitement and killed another fish with trembling hands.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a grass carp, which can plunder the remaining 6 years of grass carp lifespan.”

“Sure enough! As long as you kill fish, you can plunder… No, maybe any animal can, even… people!”

Ye Chen’s eyes are burning, his counterattack is about to begin!

“Ding, the novice gift package presented by the system has arrived, may the host accept it?”


“Ding, reward the host for the passage of time in the whole city. Warm reminder, this time is free, and subsequent use requires corresponding time points.”

“The whole city is passing by, what does the system mean?”

“The host can view the past of all residents in the city!”

In a word, the shocked Ye Chen was speechless for a long time.

Doesn’t that mean that he knows the other side better than the other side?

At that time, the residents of this whole city will have no secrets in front of him!

He is like a god and knows everything!

Ye Chen’s eyes are bright and scary: “System, I will use it now!”

As soon as the words fell, Ye Chen’s head suddenly became dizzy.

The next moment, one after another picture flashed in my mind like a revolving lantern.


As long as he is in this city, he can see everything the other party has experienced from birth to the present!

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally finished it.

Ye Chen subconsciously glanced at the time, only 2 seconds passed?

But why, he felt as if a century had passed?

“Right now, my top priority is to make money.”

Ye Chen put down the kitchen knife and his eyes skyrocketed: “Let’s start selling time!”

Who needs time the most?

Undoubtedly a dying man.

How many such people are there?

Of course the hospital.

“The latest news from this station is that the founder and chairman of Chen’s Group, Mr. Chen Yongwen, was sent to the ICU of Linhai First People’s Hospital in a coma yesterday. It is reported that the stock price of Chen’s Group has plummeted. Staged a battle for inheritance, Chen Yongyou was 58 years old, at…”

At this time, a news on TV caught Ye Chen’s attention.

Chen Yongwen, the richest man in Linhai!

No one knows the existence of no one.

This person is black and white, and is respected as the Godfather of Linhai by the underworld forces in Linhai.

In the business field, no matter how powerful a person sees them, they will call him big brother.

Such a character is absolutely untouchable by ordinary people in a lifetime.

“It’s just you!”

Doze came and sent pillows.

Who can value time more than this one? Is it more expensive than this one?

Just like that, Ye Chen skipped work after chopped 10 more fish.

In the taxi, Ye Chen glanced at the middle-aged driver.

“Zhang Qingguo, 47 years old, has a remaining life span of 16 years, 8 days, 25 minutes and 19 seconds.”

Since the system came out, everyone has this number on their heads.

Ye Chen can accurately know the remaining lifespan of each person.

In addition to these, he also knows everyone’s secrets.

Zhang Qingguo, a native of Changlu District, Linhai, likes scoops.

Had 1 son, the first son died at birth.

My wife has esophageal cancer and has an affair with the next-door Pharaoh.

If Ye Chen was asked, he could say that he would not stop for ten days and ten nights.

Before the system, everything is passive.

But now, Ye Chen has a feeling of being in control of everything.

Ye Chen enjoyed it very much.


Linhai First People’s Hospital, ICU ward.

In the small ward, two men and women in their thirties had red eyes, and there were bodyguards standing at the door.

These two people, one is called Chen Nian and the other is called Chen Yu.

Chen Nian is the CFO of the Chen Group, while Chen Yu is in charge of dozens of branches.

As brothers and sisters, they are also giants in Linhai City, and no one dares to provoke them.

But that’s it, at this moment, the two of them are helpless like children.

The rumored competition for property does not exist at all.

The two brothers and sisters have a very deep relationship, and the relationship is not good.

“Professor Sun, how is my father?”

Known as Professor Sun and called Sun Que, he is an old man in his early 60s. He is the chief professor of Linhai Medical University.

But even so, he was helpless.

“Hey, condolences to the two bosses, President Chen may be tonight…”

Before Sun Que finished speaking, the tears in Chen Yu’s eyes immediately poured out.

However, she did not cry.

Although only 26 years old, she is already a well-known strong woman in the business world.

Such a person would not cry on such occasions.

“Thank you, Professor Sun.”

Chen Yu and Chen Nian looked at each other and felt each other’s sorrow.

Even the best brain doctor can’t do it, and that’s what it ends up being.

Since father’s time is short, let’s accompany his old man well.

“Hello, you two.”

At this time, Ye Chen’s voice came over.

The face of the bodyguard at the door changed immediately, because they didn’t find out when Ye Chen came in!

As the chairman of the Chen Group, the floor where Chen Yongwen lives is handled layer by layer.

The six bodyguards at the door are even veterans and combat masters.

However, they didn’t find it at all!


In an instant, six guns were aimed at Ye Chen. *

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