Chapter 199 Accept Darwin


Beside Peter, an adjutant said solemnly, “Look.”

Via that 10x zoomed in video.

Peter saw a figure at the door of the plane.

This person is Ye.

But then, this person suddenly disappeared!

“how is this possible!”

Peter’s face changed greatly: “Is it a problem with the light?”

No one answered Peter’s question.

Because this question cannot be answered at all.

The huge airport has already been cleaned and placed properly in advance.

Apart from Luo Yinggan, there was no other idle person.

However this time.

Holding a bouquet of flowers, Luo Mai stared blankly in front of him in a professional attire that showed his figure.

There was a trace of fear in Rome’s eyes.

She saw Ye Chen.

Moreover, Ye Chen also glanced at her.

But then Ye Chen disappeared directly.

Luo Wen didn’t even dare to blink.

But still no traces were captured.

If it weren’t for the fact that she had experienced hundreds of life and death battles.

At this moment, the flowers in her hand may have fallen to the ground in fright.

Right now.

Chu Fangyu and Xiang Yu got off the plane.

Romer put away the horror in his heart, took a step forward, and put on the brightest smile.

Although that one is not there.

However, she still did her best.

After all, these are the people of God!

“Hello, I’m Luo Yao.

Romer put on the most polite smile.

Chu Fangyu stretched out his hand and smiled and said, “Hello.”

Luo Mai looked at Chu Fangyu, a little lost.

Same as a woman.

But the mysterious oriental aura on Chu Fangyu’s body is what she admires.

Elegant, beautiful and noble.

Every gesture and gesture exudes the charm of an intellectual woman.

Just a face-to-face, Luo Bian has a feeling of shame.

just like.

In front of such a woman, she is like a village woman.

At this time, when the village of Kent.

Ye Chen strolled leisurely and contentedly on the path outside Darwin’s former residence.

Previously he used space transfer.

With Ye Chen’s ability, as long as he is willing.

No one, no technology can detect it.

Time is the greatest and most mysterious force.

And Ye Chen is the god who controls time!

Mind moved.

The space-time picture scroll slowly unfolded.

The next moment, Ye Chen took a step forward.

April 19, 1882.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen arrived more than 130 years ago.

The great biologist Darwin will die today.

Darwin’s residence is huge.

This house was purchased by Darwin from a farmer.

From 1842 to the present.

Darwin and his family have lived here for 40 years.

For work needs.

Also for his own hobbies, Darwin expanded the house.

On both sides of the building, kitchens, workshops and reception rooms connected to the main building were built successively.

Behind the building, is 7.2 hectares of grass and gardens.

Overall, it looks somewhat similar to Ye Chen’s Villa No. 1.

Ye Chen smiled.

This is also a kind of fate, right?

in the garden.

Some cattle, sheep and other livestock are taking a leisurely walk.

In addition to this, there were several old men and women chatting in the garden.

According to historical data.

These are Darwin’s children.

Darwin had a total of 10 children.

3 days off.

Darwin’s wife Emma quickly noticed Ye Chen.

Ye Chen’s temperament is really eye-catching.

Not angry, with a faint imperial air.

In other words, it is rich in divinity.

Coupled with Ye Chen’s superb appearance, it is a beautiful landscape wherever he goes.

It can even make those so-called little fresh meat feel ashamed.

“Who are you looking for, sir?”

The gray-haired Emma stepped forward and said politely.

Although I don’t know Ye Chen.

But she could see that this was a real superior.

Emma has seen many high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

None have such a temperament.

Those eyes that belonged to the Orientals alone seemed to contain the stars of the universe.

Make Emma dare not look directly.

So, Emma is very polite.

She even thought that this might be an emperor from the East.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Hello ma’am, is Darwin at home?

Emma glanced at Ye Chen suspiciously, and immediately showed grief: “He is in the study.”

After a pause, Emma said again, “Sir, do you have anything to do with him?”

Darwin was not religious.

And Emma was a devout Christian.

According to historical records, the two have had numerous quarrels over this matter.

And because of the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species.

Darwin was attacked by the church.

Being ridiculed and ridiculed.

So Emma thought Ye Chen was from the church.

Ye Chen smiled.

That being the case.

next moment.

Emma and her children stood still like sculptures.

Ye Chen stepped on the soft grass and entered the house.

Footsteps entered Darwin’s room.

Darwin coughed and said, “My dear, I’m fine.”

Ye Chen looked at Darwin who was working in the study.

Darwin’s head has only 1 hour left to live.

“Mr Darwin.”

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, the movements in Darwin’s hands stopped.

Darwin paled.

Breathing is also on and off.

But even at this moment before his death, he still did not give up his research.

Inside all scientists.

Darwin was one of those people who truly loved science.

Darwin looked at Ye Chen and asked with some doubts, “Who are you?


Ye Chen didn’t speak.

Instead, a time magnetic field is randomly arranged.

Darwin found out.

Because the bird in the cage in front of him didn’t move!

Darwin’s face changed.

Immediately, he stared at Ye Chen in awe: “This is?

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Just some tricks about time.”


Darwin’s breathing became rapid.

He gets it!

“Mr Darwin, you have 1 hour, 3 minutes, 06 seconds of your remaining life left.”

Ye Chen said: “Do you… want to live forever?”

Darwin’s face changed dramatically.

He looked at Ye Chen in astonishment and said, “You, can you see it?”

He did a lifetime of research.

A lifetime of studying biology understands life and death better than anyone.

However, this… Zhao is good.. seems to be able to control life and death!

Time seemed to him just a toy.

Darwin’s face changed and changed.

Immediately, he suddenly said excitedly: “Sir, there are still many places in this world that fascinate me.”

Ye Chen heard the words and said lightly, “I can give you longevity.”

And “, giving you more enticing subjects to study.

Darwin didn’t interrupt Ye Chen’s words.

Instead, he looked at Ye Chen excitedly.

“However, you will disappear from this world. After an hour, you must follow me in a state of suspended animation.”

Ye Chen looked at Darwin and said, “Can you do it?”

“no problem!”

Darwin didn’t hesitate.

Saying that, he also bowed to Ye Chen, brother.

(Thanks to the 500 VIP points voted by Qingwu Forest for the reminder, and thanks to Lemon C for a monthly ticket. In 2020, the year of comprehensive poverty alleviation will eliminate poverty. The author is afraid that one day he will be taken away. In order to allow the author to continue to give you the code Word, kneeling and begging to get rid of poverty! Kneeling and begging the big bosses to help me run into a well-off society!!!).

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