Chapter 197 Naming: Earth 2!

On the big screen, a restored avatar is released.

The moment they saw the head portrait, Zhang Tao and Song Liyu only felt horrified.

Scalp tingling!

The soles of the feet are cold!

Except for the two of them, other historians and archaeologists were shocked.

Someone excitedly said: “Old Chen, this is a great discovery! One of the three emperors, the emperor, can finally be identified!!

Someone said excitedly: “Yes, and the Dayu Dynasty is a certainty!”

“Haha, let’s see what the foreigners have to say about us!

An old man waved his fist happily: “We even confirmed the emperor!”

Chen Changan’s face was full of joy: “This is the honor of the domestic archaeological community.”

“It’s everyone’s credit.”

Hearing everyone’s discussion, Zhang Tao and Song Lining felt uncomfortable.

The Mr. Ye they met turned out to be the originator of China, the emperor!

Terrible thing!

How old is that? “July 20”

Song Liyu looked at Zhang Tao subconsciously.

It was found that Zhang Tao’s face was not very good-looking.

“Commander Zhang.

Song Lining’s heartbeat accelerated, only feeling as if he had touched a big secret.


Zhang Tao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Immediately, Zhang Tao whispered: “This matter is very important, you and I will report it immediately.”

Chen Changan is also presenting the latest research there.

And Zhang Tao and Song Lining had no intention of listening.

Mr. Ye is one of the three emperors.

This incident is bound to refresh all their knowledge of Ye Chen.

No one could have thought of this.

Because it’s been so long!

However, the two felt that this inference was extremely correct.

The emperor, the emperor of the human race.

When the two left the conference room, their breathing was still short.

at this time.

In Changsheng City.

The four deputy hall masters and the 12 directors took their places one after another.

In addition, there are many other directors among them.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked around the audience and said lightly, “Everyone, the place to go next is more interesting.”

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Jiang Ziya’s pupils shrank, and he immediately laughed.

“I need you to do three things. First, survey the terrain; second, collect all kinds of animal and plant data; third, make detailed plans to build the longevity tower.”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Zhuge Liang and others all had doubts on their faces.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled and said, “Don’t worry, everyone will know right away.”

After speaking, Ye Chen waved his hand.

He can bring 500 people into the parallel world he created at one time.

However, it is obviously inappropriate to take people like this every time.

Ye Chen didn’t plan to be a coolie either.

Therefore, he will let the scientists set up a teleportation array to the parallel world.

Or a transportation hub.

Everyone just felt a flower in front of them.

The next moment, a desolate, ancient and vibrant world appeared before us.


A three-meter-long Eoraptor flew by.

Except for Jiang Ziya, everyone’s faces changed dramatically!

Du Yuancheng’s hair stood up all over his body.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar animals, Du Yuancheng lost his voice: “Fear, dinosaurs!”

Beside Du Yuancheng, Yue Fei’s pupils shrank.

These peculiarly shaped animals give people a very powerful feeling.


What is this place?

Why are there creatures that existed hundreds of millions of years ago?

Someone was surprised.

Someone was shocked.

Some people’s eyes flashed a gleam as if they had guessed something.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Here, let’s count it as Earth 2.”

“We’re at number 1.

When Ye Chen’s words fell, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Guiguzi said solemnly, “Sir… Could it be a parallel world?”

As one of the world’s top wise men, of course he has studied the history of the earth.

Ye Chen nodded: “Yes, this is a parallel world I created.


In a word, everyone who was shocked took a deep breath.

He Zhu, Dong Renfeng, and Ma Yun looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded.

A parallel world of creation and creation?

Could this be any more terrifying?

Even scientists like Da Vinci Tesla were shocked.

Parallel worlds have always been just conjectures.

But, has it come true?

And it was created by Mr. Ye!

“God! Creator.

Einster’s eyes lit up.

He looked at the land as if he had discovered a treasure.

“Sir, we can change the world!”

Zhuge Liang said excitedly: “This is a treasure!

Compared to a city of longevity, there is obviously more room for development here!

And, the future here is diverse.

Even, it is still unpredictable.

in this world.

Mr. Ye is the creator and the god.

And they are the servants of God!

Thinking of this, everyone’s goosebumps arose. 0

Who would have thought.

Will they be the rulers of a world?

Seeing everyone’s reaction, Ye Chen smiled slightly: “So, have you all memorized the three tasks I announced before?”

Everyone nodded.

Everyone looked at the giant dragons running.

And the unknown dinosaurs soaring in the sky just feel like a dream.

All around, tall ferns come into view.

Some plants and trees that have never been seen before make people feel like they are in a fantasy world.

“At present, this world, or Earth 2, is still in the middle and late Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era.”

Ye Chen looked at everyone and said lightly: “The specifics still need everyone to detect.”

Ye Chen looked at the four deputy hall masters with a soft voice: “Next, I need you to issue two sets of development routes in different directions.”

Requirements”, from now to modern times, to develop a detailed planning route.

“Earth 2 will develop completely according to our subjective consciousness!”

The four Jiang Ziya looked at each other.

At the same time a little excited.

This is the real grand plan!

They are planning the world!

They want to create a new world that has never existed before!

Ye Chen nodded with a smile: “I prefer the fantasy world and the sci-fi world.

“You can follow my ideas.”

“Okay, Mr. Ye!”

The four saluted respectfully.

Ye Chen nodded.

Immediately, he looked at the stunned Einster, Tesla and others and said, “Everyone, I need you to complete the establishment of the teleportation array as soon as possible on 2.3.”

For now, “we just need to open an entrance.”

“Well, it’s in the south of Longevity City.”

This is a little different from opening up a channel in a parallel world.

Because it is the world created by Ye Chen, it is simpler.

Ye Chen only needs to tell everyone the data such as coordinates, antimatter, and energy fluctuation points.

With the wisdom of so many top scientists, the completion of this project should be quick.

After that, it was the development and development of Earth 2.

Ye Chen is not yet able to arrange the time magnetic field that covers the entire earth.

However, Ye Chen felt that at his current level, it should be very fast.


No. 2 Earth and the alien civilization of the universe will be the two main lines of the development of the Hall of Longevity!

Endless resources.

Endless energy will swarm!,

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