Chapter 195: Jiang Ziya, Li Bai, Zhang Xiaomin Goes to Modern Times

In the 3rd year of Shangyuan (762 AD).

Dangtu County, Li House.

The 62-year-old Li Bai’s condition is getting worse day by day.

Li Bai knew that his time was short.

Wrote The Dying Song.

September 26.

It’s getting colder.

It was pouring rain outside.

Li Bai was lying on the bed, looking at the sky slightly absent-minded.

“Twenty-eight years have passed.

Sir, “Taibai will pass away, when is the time!”

After Li Bai finished speaking, he suddenly coughed.

He felt a little chill in his white clothes.

Looking at the osmanthus flowers outside the window, Li Bai sighed softly.

Suddenly, the rain seemed to stop!

Li Bai looked up and looked horrified.

All the raindrops are still in the air!

It was as if there was an invisible hood covering him.

Li Bai was stunned for a moment and then overjoyed!

He has seen this scene.

And I’ve seen it twice!


Li Bai struggled to get up.

Ignoring the cold, I hurried out the door.

At the door, his clan uncle Li Yangbing remained motionless as he hurried over.

And farther away, is the gentleman who has made Li Bai fascinated for a long time!

Li Bai trembled all over.

Eyes slightly red.

Sir, as young and handsome as ever.

As first seen, with the breath of a superior.


There was no hesitation.

Li Bai knelt in front of Ye Chen with a thud.

720 “Sir, Taibai is finally waiting for you!”

Ye Chen stepped forward, followed by Jiang Ziya.

“Li Bai, are you willing to follow me?”

Ye Chen’s voice was gentle.

Li Bai nodded quickly: “May forever follow Mr.

“very good.”

Ye Chen smiled.

Immediately, his palm touched Li Bai’s forehead.

Jiang Ziya sighed a little behind Ye Chen.

This scene, he has also personally experienced.

Goodbye this time, it still feels amazing.

More than eighteen hundred years.

Everything from that year, the memory has been a little fuzzy.

Weihe Fishing, Battle of Makino…

The only thing that is clear and will never be forgotten is the picture of the immortal touching my top and enduring longevity.

A lot of vitality began to emerge in Li Bai’s body.

With gray hair, he began to straighten his back.

In Jiang Ziya’s awe.

Li Bai has returned to his youthful appearance from a terminally ill person.

This scene shocked Li Bai.

Li Bai looked at his body in disbelief.

come back to life.

Nothing more than this!

Immediately, Li Bai knelt down on the ground again: Thank you, “Sir!”

Ye Chen nodded: “Let’s go, according to the historical process, Zhang Xiaojing is almost there.”

When referring to Zhang Xiaojing (bacd), Li Bai smiled.

This one, who cut off Yang Guozhong’s head back then, was a blockbuster.

Over the years, Li Bai and Zhang Xiaojing have become close friends.

However, because of Li Bai’s serious illness, the two have not seen each other for several years.

“Sir, Zhang Xiaojing should be in Jinling.

At this time, Zhang Xiaojing was already a 70-year-old man.

Moreover, because of the many years of battles, there have been many secret injuries.

He almost died together with Li Bai.

Ye Chen nodded.

The next moment, Li Bai’s eyes were full of flowers.

Immediately, a familiar house came into view.

Li Bai’s body trembled, revealing an incredible look.


Li Bai looked around in horror.

How did he get here?

Is everything before that an illusion?

At this moment, a painful cry came from a distance.

Li Bai put away his thoughts and said, “Sir.”

Ye Chen nodded.

Immediately, time stopped.

in the bedroom.

Zhang Xiaojing, whose beard and hair were all white, could no longer move.

His face was full of gray.

After feeling the difference, Zhang Xiaomin glanced sideways.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaoxiao dilated pupils.

“Too, too white!?

Zhang Xiaojing’s face changed slightly.

It was his old friend Li Taibai who came!

But why so young?

Zhang Xiaojing laughed: “Taibai is indeed my old friend, did you come to pick me up?”

After speaking, Zhang Xiaomin showed a bitter smile: “Unfortunately, I have never met Mr.

“No luck!”

Zhang Xiao sighed respectfully.

“Zhang Xiaojing, can you follow me?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded familiar and awe-inspiring.

Zhang Xiaojing’s face changed dramatically.

He stood up abruptly and looked at the bed.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaojing said excitedly: “Zhang Xiaojing is willing!”

“Please stay with Mr.

Ye Chen smiled.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaojing was given 2000 years of life.

The scene that had just been staged on Li Bai reappeared.

Li Bai was still very shocked.

What kind of power is this!

Miracles, nothing more than that, right?

After a moment.

Zhang Xiaojing recovered to his prime.

He looked at his fists in disbelief.

He tugged at his dark beard again.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaojing laughed.

Thank you “Mr. Gift! Xiaojing will follow forever!”

Zhang Xiaojing knelt on the ground.

This is his second life.

It was given by Mr.

In this case, it is reasonable to go through fire and water for Mr.

Ye Chen looked at Jiang Ziya and the three: “Once you asked me what the future looks like.”

Jiang Ziya’s three-person talk suddenly showed an excited look.

Especially Jiang Ziya.

As early as the Ji Chang era, Ye Chen mentioned the future.

Jiang Ziya waited for one era after another.

“Now, I’ll take you to see what the real future looks like.

Ye Chen said.

since last time.

Ye Chen can already bring any goal in 2000 to the modern age.

Jiang Ziya was not directly brought to 2019 before.

That’s because Ye Chen was deliberately testing.

He wanted to know whether Jiang Ziya could withstand loneliness in such a long time.

Can it survive the years.

Facts have proved that Jiang Ziya did it.

The performance of this first wise man in ancient and modern times made Ye Chen very satisfied.

You must know that even Guiguzi and the others are all three of them together for longevity.

Immediately, a bright light enveloped the three of them.

Jiang Ziya was fine, Li Bai and Zhang Xiaomin trembled and looked extremely excited.

They will again witness new miracles.

The next moment, a vast and desolate picture scroll of time and space appeared in front of several people.

Li Bai and Zhang Xiaojing both changed their expressions.

Because they saw the death of an old friend.

Also saw the demise of the Tang Dynasty!


Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties…

Until, 2019 AD.

The three people, including Jiang Ziya, were shocked to the extreme.

Is this the future?

When Ye Chen took the three of them out of the time and space scroll and returned to the City of Longevity.

7 super tall skyscrapers!

There are tall buildings that are completely different from the Tang Dynasty.

And in the sky, the behemoths of hundreds of meters!

Three souls in harmony!

Zhang Xiaojing stared blankly at everything in front of him with his mouth open.

Li Bai’s pupils shrank, and his breathing began to quicken.

Ye Chen looked at the three and smiled slightly: “Three, welcome to 2019!”

(New year is coming, good luck!! I wish everyone good health and good luck in 2020!! I also wish myself all the best and a fortune in the new year!!! By the way, I would like to ask for flowers and evaluation tickets for 2020, as well as the first day of the new year. Reward!!! There are big guys to support.).

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