Chapter 184 The North American High-level Vibration (please order and customize)

Although the two were mediocre in their lives, their eyesight was not bad.

Even if Zhou Quxing concealed it well, he still felt Zhou Quxing’s respect for Ye Chen.

It seemed to be a kind of awe in the bones.

The president of the dignified Linhai University of Science and Technology.

It can even be said to be a world-renowned figure.

How could you be so polite to a junior?

Looking at the interrogating and curious eyes in the eyes of the two, Ye Chen smiled: “Don’t think too much, I’ve only worked together a few times before.”


Liang Jing looked up and down and said, “What kind of cooperation can make him be so polite to you?”

Ye Chen took out the excuse he had prepared and said, “I saved his daughter before, so he has always been more grateful to me.”

Parents, “don’t think about it too much, let’s go to the girls’ dormitory and see.”

“Yes, the school will be closed later.”

Ye Pengfei said.

So fooled.

at night.

Ink Hall.

Liang Jing looked at the entire thirty-six dishes, with resentment in her eyes: “How long does it take to eat this?

Ye Chen secretly laughed, this Zhou Quxing is still suitable for research.

There are only four of them, isn’t it just plain enough to make parents suspect?

Ye Pengfei picked up the chopsticks and said cheerfully: “Xiao Chen’s thoughts, I can’t finish eating and pack it back to eat slowly.


Liang Jing is also a happy person.

It’s all ordered, this place is so high-end obviously can’t go back.

During this period, Ye Chen secretly gave Ye Pengfei 10 years of life each.

Don’t give too much at one time, otherwise it’s too easy to be suspicious.

This made Liang Jing suspicious.

I have been eating greasy recently, how can my skin look better every day?

Ye Pengfei was even more suspicious.

When people reach middle age, why do they become more and more immortal?

It’s so weird.

After dinner.

Parents, “Would you consider living in Linhai?”

Ye Chen said: “It just so happened that I bought a small house here, and Xiaorou is also going to college here anyway.”

“Yeah yeah.”

Ye Xiaorou was overjoyed: “Mom and Dad, this way we can be together again.”

Ye Pengfei did not speak.

On the contrary, Liang Jing shook his head with a smile: “I don’t think about it for the time being, I’ll talk about it when we are old and can’t walk anymore.”

After a pause, Liang Jing smiled slightly: “Your grandparents’ graves are in their hometown. When I leave with your dad, who will take care of them.”

Hearing Liang Jing say this, Ye Chen knew it was impossible.

Wen Yan said: “Alright, but your house has to be changed.”

Seeing that Liang Jing was going to refute Ye Chen and pretended to be unhappy: “If you don’t agree with this, then why am I still working?”


Ye Pengfei sighed: “Xiao Chen has a bright future, and my mother and I also enjoy it!”

But “Ah, don’t buy too much, 6,70 square meters is enough, and my mother and I live comfortably.”

Hearing Ye Pengfei’s words, Ye Chen smiled: “Then it’s settled.

next 2 days.

Ye Chen has been accompanying his parents and sister.

I visited some scenic spots in Linhai several times.

Bought some more clothes.

Although Liang Jing was talking about waste, she was really happy in her heart.

In the world, parents want their children to be healthy.

But if it can do something, who doesn’t like it?

While playing, Ye Chen accidentally learned that Ye Pengfei wanted to visit North America.

Of course Ye Chen knew why.

Because my grandfather Ye Youwen studied at Princeton University in North America.

Ye Pengfei has not been there for so many years.

Ye Chen knew that Ye Pengfei missed his father.

Ye Chen arranged it.

In this way, on the third day, a family of four boarded a plane to North America.

And this time.

A palace in North America.

The upper echelons are facing a formidable enemy.

A meeting of the highest level was held again.

The leader of Group G said solemnly: “Ladies and gentlemen, I just got the news that Ye is coming to North America!”


The expressions of the people below changed dramatically.

Some were frightened, some were uneasy.

Others turned pale with fright.

The team leader took a deep breath and said, “It’s true that we were wrong about what happened last time.”

We “offended God and paid the price accordingly.

The thought of huge compensation for everyone is a pain in the ass.

But, once again thinking that God’s anger has subsided, everyone feels that it is very valuable.

“Although the purpose is unclear this time, we must do a good job of entertaining!”

The team leader said seriously: “I announce that the establishment of a temporary reception team must make God feel like a spring breeze!”

“Everyone, whether we can reverse our impression in God’s heart depends on this time!”

“Also, remember not to have any investigations against God!

Naturally, Ye Chen didn’t know about the high-level affairs in North America.

In the past few days, all the affairs of the Hall of Longevity have been handed over to Zhuge Liang to manage.

This strategist who has devoted himself to his death and has been loyal and wise, naturally has this ability.

After getting off the plane.

Ye Pengfei and Liang Jing looked at each other and felt a little emotional.

They weren’t excited to be in North America.

Rather, all of this is owned by the son’s high achievement.

Because there is no direct flight to Princeton from Linhai.

So the group has to make another flight.

However, as soon as the four of Ye Chen got off the plane, a group of people gathered around.

Among this group of people, there are popular action actors Scarlett and Gail Jiaduo; there are popular singers Beyonce and Adele.

There were also some that Ye Chen didn’t know.

But looking at the behavior, it should be local officials and other stars.

At first, Ye Pengfei and his wife and Ye Xiaorou didn’t care.

But when I saw a group of people walking towards me with a smile.

Both are a bit cramped.

Subconsciously, you have to give way.

At this time, a middle-aged man in the lead walked up to Ye Chen.

Respectful demeanor, full of smiles.

Show all the enthusiasm and respect he can understand.

“Dear Mr. Ye, welcome to North America.”

“I’m Jarvis, your personal butler for this trip.”

After Jarvis finished speaking, he continued to show a warm smile.

Ye Chen looked at Jarvis, and then at the person behind Jarvis.

Seeing this, Jarvis quickly introduced: “My distinguished Mr. Ye, this is Ms. Scarlett, your personal assistant for this trip.”

Scarlett starred in many Marvel movies in Ye Chen’s previous life.

In this life, Scarlett is still one of the most popular action stars.

However, Scarlett is much younger than his previous life (Zhao Dehao), only 25 years old.

Known as a future superstar.

Scarlett showed Ye Chen a bright smile.

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, “I have nothing to do with you this time.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Jarvis’s smile froze.

The next moment, the smile on Jarvis’ face became even brighter.

“Dear Mr. Ye, we have arranged a welcome dinner and some singing and dancing performances.”

Jarvis said respectfully: “In addition, your private jet is ready.

Ye Chen laughed.

These people are thoughtful.

Aside, Ye Pengfei and his wife were completely dumbfounded.

As for Ye Xiaorou, she looked at these superstars who had only seen them on TV with love in their eyes.

“In this way, you and Scarlett stay, and the others withdraw.”

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, “Then, just find us a place to rest.”

It was the first time for Ye Pengfei and his wife to fly.

After such a long time, it is still a little uncomfortable.

“Okay, Mr. Ye, I’ll do it now!” Xin,

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